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Emi's POV 

"Dad?" I asked. The gentleman tilted his head and I blushed deeply, knowing I've messed up big time. The next time I opened my mouth i began to stammer. "I-im sorry. You remind me a lot of my dad." 

The gentleman smiled, passing me the money for the drinks he ordered. "I somehow get that a lot," He joked as i took the money, counting out his change. "Don't worry about the change dear." 

I'm sure my blush deepened, as I nodded, placing the change in the tip jar. I turned around to start the drinks having the feeling that this man's eyes are glued to me. Every now and then, i turned my head, getting a glimpse at him. His green hair and facial features, he looks just like dad did. I bet Yuya would freak out if he saw this guy. I finished he drinks, filling the take out cups and passing them to the man. "Here you go," I smiled, going into customer service mode. "Again, i do apologise for earlier." 

The man shook his head. "It's quite alright," He assured me. My eyes widened and looked to the entrance, seeing Yuto and Crow walking in with Ray. I never in realised it was that time. "I better get going. My son will want his hot chocolate." 

"Have a goodnight," I waved him off, watching him leave and once he was out of sight, i feel to my knees. 

Yuto and Crow gasped, running to me as i continued to shake. I wasn't sure if they were trying to talk to me as they lifted me up and placed me in a near by booth. I felt a tug on my sleeve, looking up and seeing Ray's panicked face. "Y-yuya," I felt tears form into my eyes and this lunged into Yuto's chest, as when he's stood, my face comes to his chest. I felt Yuto wrap his arms around me, him rubbing my back as I've done for Yuya many times before. 

Why am I acting like this? Why am I being so weak? 


"Hey dad," I smiled hoping into the kitchen. I'm 15 years old at this point. Dad looked up to me from his paper. "Mind if i see a movie with some friends tonight?" 

My tone was a plea. I've been working hard in cram school and need an outlet. I heard dad chuckle as he placed his paper down. "You can go," I jumped in joy. "On the condition there's no boys." 

I nodded rapidly, dad handing me some money for my ticket and snacks. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before running to mom who was cooking and giving her a kiss goodbye too. I ran to the door, quickly putting my shoes on. "Hey, why do you get to go out?" I looked to the stairs, hearing Yuya whine. His voice, just barely giving signs of up coming puberty. 

I smirked before sticking my tongue out. "Tell you what," I laughed flicking his forehead, causing him to flinch. "Ace your exams and I'll take you to the amusement park." 

With Yuya happily cheering, I ran off, meeting Mina at the movies. Before we went in, we grabbed our drinks and snacks and I - I turned my phone on silent. Not even vibrate. 

As we left the movies, we were joking about some of the bad editing  as I pulled out my phone. I stopped near the exit, people passing me as I took notice of the number of miss calls. 15 missed calls. 

Mina's dad immediately picked us up, taking me home as quick as he legally could. The sight I saw as we turned the corner turned my stomach. Police cars everywhere, police tape covering my hour and two stretchers being placed in the back on an ambulance. I don't remember Mina's dad coming to stop as i ran out of the car, trying to pass the crowd of people.  "Excuse me," I panted, pushing through more people. With a final push i saw Yuya sat on our door step, covered in blood being comforted by two officers. 

My lip quivered and I ran to Yuya, pushing the officers out of the way and taking Yuya in my arms. 


I groaned as I came out of my dream. When - when did I fall asleep? I looked up, seeing Ray cleaning my room. It was then i started to wail, the impact of that dream hitting me. That day, was the last day I never saw my parents and the day Yuya stopped talking. 

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