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Yuya’s POV

Monday, which means school which means I have to see Yuto again. I blush, remembering what I did the other night. I kissed him on the cheek, that’s all but it was Yuto’s sentence afterwards. Would I really provoke him if I did it again? Does he have feelings for me? I mean, I'm not even eighteen yet and he is my teacher so really, I should wait. I can't even tell him my feelings. I frowned at the thought. I can’t actually tell him how I feel. I was so close that night a few months ago but I haven’t felt the courage to do it again.

I want to speak to him probably and talk about us but how can I do that when I can’t even speak. I felt my chest begin to heart, almost like my heart was breaking in two. When we moved here, I never expected to fall for someone and now I’m scared to lose him because I can’t tell him how I feel. I slumped back onto my bed. I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have allowed myself to get attached the way I did.

I took a couple of deep breathes, trying to get myself together. I have to be brave about this. Whatever happens is going to happen, I've learnt that. Though it seems whenever I’m about to speak, something bad is going to happen. After a few more breathes, I braved leaving my room. Sis was already up and sitting on the sofa scrolling through her phone.  Ray came by the other day, telling her to have the week off while they clean the café and sort out some more staff seeing as Ally has gone AWOL. She looked up at me with a smile. “Morning trouble,” She placed her phone onto the table stretching upwards. “Looks like you’re already for school. Shall we head out?” No, no I am not.


School went on like normal. Sis dropped me off, Lulu met me during the free period and Yuto helped me during classes. Normal as in Yugo also didn’t seem to leave my side during breaks and lunch. He really is possessive. “Oh, I meant to say,” Yugo piped up as we walked to our next call. “I had a text off Heba, the acting class is off for a while. Not sure why but looks like we’ll be bored for a bit so want to hang out after school.”

I thought for a moment. I could but Yuto and I haven’t spent much time with each other recently. Though after the other night, does he want to. “I think Yuya will have to decline that offer,” My ears perked up hearing Yuto voice. I smiled as he walked up to us. “While Emi is recovering, I’ve offered to be Yuya’s transport home for the next week and with the extra assignments you have coming up, I'll be helping him outside of school too.”

I heard Yugo growl before he let out a ‘hmph’ in defeat. “Whatever,” He scoffed. “But at the weekend Yuya, how about the arcade?” I nodded vigorously. We could even invite Gong and Zuzu like last time!

“Is everything alright between you and Yugo?” I nodded. “He is a bit over bearing sometimes but I think he just worries about you. A bit like me.” I looked at him confused as he laughed. “Guess we’re both a bit jealous of each other because we both just want what’s best for you.” I felt my cheeks heat up. I can’t tell if he’s caring because of his profession or because he likes me. “But don’t worry, I’ll be there for you when he’s not.”

I blushed deeply. Why does this man treat me so kindly and make me fall for him more? I wonder if he’ll mention what happened the other night? I guess I could ask tonight when we’re working on my homework, maybe?

That evening Yuto was true to his word, helping me with my homework. We’re back at the apartment, sis cooking up dinner since the café can’t provide the meals for us at the moment while we’re setting up the living room for a cram session. In total there’s five assignments and three exams I have to work towards and one of the them is a speaking exam. We’re not sure how I'm going to handle it though. “Ready to start?” Yuto asked sitting next to me.

I went to nod but instead starting typing on the laptop: ‘What did you mean by provoke the other day?’

Yuto sighed. “Yuya, what I need to explain is at the moment in time, you’re in my care,” He tried to explain. “And yes, while I appreciate you showing your feelings to me, while any other teacher would freak out, I can’t deny that I don’t reciprocate those feelings.”

My heart started to pound and I furiously typed on the keyboard. ‘Wait, are you saying you like me?’

I looked to him waiting for an answer.  “Yuya,” He breathed heavily, placing his forehead on mine. “Like I said, you’re in my care at the moment. If I answer that I could get in a lot of trouble. Let’s just focus on getting you through your exams okay?”

Heat was radiating off my face. He likes me? He actually likes me. I’m so happy, I never thought that anyone would want me but in front of me, I have my ideal man and I hope nothing can ruin this moment.

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