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Yuyu's POV 

The atmosphere is tense to say the least. not only am I in trouble for skipping school but Yuto is sitting opposite me, staring into the tea in his cup, not daring to make eye contact with me. I guess he's wondering how much I heard when he spoke to Lulu. I was about to walk into the office when Lulu mentioned the words "bite him." 

This sentence, evening remembering it sends shivers through my spine. I'm not entirely sure what she meant by that and to me, that's more terrifying. The only thing it could mean is - i can't think about that? Just the thought brought back images of that night. I head onto me, whimpering to myself. I could feel an anxiety taking over my body, I need to calm down. Focus on something else no - the blood soak bodies of my parents. No, go away! I felt arms wrap around me from behind, something soft pressed against my back, indicating the only person it could me. "It's okay," I could barely hear Emi's voice over my hasty breathing. She started to shush me, rubbing the top of my head. Together, we started to take breathes and the images started to fade to black as other thoughts came to my mind. Things I like, things I can feel around me. I moved my hands from my ears, taking note of Yuto's worried expression mixed with some guilt. "There you go. Well done. you got through it quicker then before." Sis praised me as she pulled away. "Been awhile since you've had one of those, I'll get you something sweet." 

I nodded, watching Yuto seemed to calm down a bit. I guess he's never seen me that way before. Sis returned shortly with a plate of my favourite cookies and sat beside me. I leant forward, taking a cookie with my right hand as sis held onto my left. Stroking it with her thumb. It reminded me of when we were kids, it feels nice. Nostalgic. "I, I am so sorry," Yuto bowed his head low, so low he nearly made impact with the table. "Yuya, I need to understand what you heard so I can make this right?" 

He looked up at me as I continued to munch on my cookie. "I already know what was said Yuto," Emi said in a harash tone, Yuto looking like he was starting to panic himself. "And frankly, I'm done with secrets being kept." He grip on my hand got tighter. "If you expect me to allow Yuya to see you, I expect you to start telling the truth." 

"Oh yes Yuto, please do tell," That voice. Sis stood up, looking behind and her face was stricken with fear. The panic in Yuto's face was replaced with anger, as he stood beside my sister. I went to turn my head to look what was happening by sis covered my eyes with her hands. "Aw, not happy to see me." 

"Kite, why? How did you-" Kite? Yuto and I had seen that guy before. Yuto, why does he sound so angry again. 

"No need for explanations is there," Kite spoke. I - I can't see. Stay calm Yuya, Yuto and Emi have this. Stay calm. I swallowed the remainder of my cookie, hoping it will give me the energy to run if I need to. "Yuto, why don't you just come back with me? You and Lulu in fact. Our clan oh so misses you both." 

"You hunt people for sport," Yuto growled. 

"We hunt to make this world better," Kite exclaimed. "The Sakaki family has to go, including the two behind. They are an abomination to our kind. Filthy cross breeds." 

"Yuto," Emi called out. "What does he mean?" The room was silent for a moment, I felt Emi's grip tigthen around me. "Yuto, explain to me why Yuya and I are targeted by this man now!" Laughter roared through our apartment, not from Yuto or Emi, it was from this Kite guy. "Has not one person told you?" He laughed. "The two of you are cross breeds of a hunter and a vampire." V-vampire? I felt my body begin to shake. Like those creatures that attack our parents? They were real, I knew it. No one believed me, not even my sister. Thinking it was my imagination but no, I was right. But, we are one? "Yuko, a woman of both human and vampire linage was already a disgrace but to then marry a man whose job it is to get rid of us was dishonourable!" 

It was like the room shook as Kite screamed. I'm confused. What are we? Emi removed her hand from me face and knelt down to me, making sure i wasn't looking behind. "You and me are going down the fire escape," She explained, he harsh looking turning soft. She grabbed my face and looked me in the eyes. "I want you to remember this though. You are Yuya. Human, vampire, doesn't matter, you are Yuya Sakaki, got that?" 

I nodded, flinching when I could hear a crash behind me. Emi kissed me head before dragging me to the window. We were lucky that the latch came off easily, all the time, I tired to just watch her actions, trying desperately to ignore the noise behind me. Once the window was up, Emi rushed me through first. "The brat is escaping," I turned quickly, starting to descend the fire escape, looking to see sis bolting up the window. 

What is she doing? I saw her mouth move, screaming run as she was attacked from behind. Sis, no! 

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