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Yuto's POV 

I grabbed hold of the back of Kite's shirt, pulling him off Emi and throwing him into the coffee table, smashing it to pieces, some of them piercing him through his chest, temporally stunning him. I rushed to Emi, grabbing her shoulders helping her up. "He, he got away," She stuttered, losing her balance, leaning onto the window for further support. 

"Good, now it's your turn," I growled, throwing her arm over my shoulder. "And quick before he can move again." 

"Not so fa-AHHHH," Kite gave a blood curdling scream, I look to him, my mother's foot on his chest. I watched as Kite tried to reach up for her, panic settling in but my mother pushed more force into his chest. 

The look in my mother's eyes was a terrifying one, one that I had only seen once before and I cannot remember many people escaping from her. My mother is pissed. He gaze turned to me, "Both of you leave," She ordered. I hesitated, my grip getting tighter on Emi. "It wasn't a suggestion Yuto."

"Heba?" Emi muttered wincing in pain. 

The hate didn't leave my mothers eyes as she smiled. I gulped, nodding as I shifted for Emi onto my back for an easier escape. Unlike myself, my mother is a full fledged vampire, he power much stronger then mine, ten times stronger. Though, her age may play part in this fight. I started to dash, passing my mother as she stomped down on Kite's chest again and whispering something to me as I left. I felt a tear escape as I continued our escape. 'I love you' she said to me as if it was going to be the last time. 

Mother, please be safe. We finally made it out of the building and now i have to think. A safe place to go, where though. I need more help. I attempted to reach my pocket with Emi still on my back but couldn't make it. I looked over to her, she's half a sleep. Damn, her body is going limp. I placed her down, her body being supported by the wall so I could grab my phone. The closest person, Ray. I unlocked my phone, finding my recent contacts and Ray being near the top. I hit the call button, placing the phone to my ear, hearing the ring tones. Come on, I growled to myself, the panic coming back. I want to go back but I could cause more trouble for us. We're under this cities protection so for goodness sakes Ray, answer the phone. 

The dial tone faded and I could have cried hearing Ray's voice. "Hello, Yuto, you okay?" I went to open my mouth only to hear the swish of a body being thrown beside me. The body barely missed me but as it crashed against the building opposite us, I noticed who the person was in front of me. "Yuto! Yuto answer me! What was that noise? Yuto!" 

My attention went from the phone, my arm going limp the phone slipping from my hands, falling to the ground. Any panic I had was soon replaced with anger as I saw my mother's bloodied body embedded into the wall. I started to scream, ignoring everything around me as I turned, seeing Kite's cocky face. My mouth twitched, bearing my fangs to Kite, my body, as if by instinct, lunging to him, punching him in the face. The impact of the blow sending Kite into the nearby wall. I heard Emi squeal as she hurried to escape the aftermath of the impact. "Emi, get out of here," I panted heavily. "Yuya would be upset if you got hurt in this fight." 

I looked to she her look of horror at me. Am I truly that scary right now? I turned my back to Kite, walking over to my mother to pull her from the wall. She drew some breathes, though shallow but for now she's alive. I placed her on the floor, making sure as not to hurt her further. "Mother, I will get you help once I've dealt with him," There was spite in my voice as I turned back to Kite, who was pulling himself out of the rubble. "You come after Yuya, hurt Emi and severely injure my mother. I want you dead."  

 "I'm afraid," Kite was calm as he dusted himself off, standing tall. "I don't plan on dying today you filthy mixed blood."  

"Bring it on," I screamed going to lunge again but narrowly missing my face, a bullet. I jumped back quickly, my gaze following the direction the bullet came from. My eyes widened at the people in front of me. I've seen pictures of this man before, "Yuusho?" 

"I am a Sakaki in name," The man spoke turning the gun to Kite. "After all Yuusho was my twin bother, I am Yuuta."

"My old man is also a monster hunter," Yugo smirked. 

Yuuta Sakaki? 

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