Please escort Tommyinnit out of my country- Chapter 1

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A/N- This isn't spell checked sorry it was getting late i tried my best to make sure the spellings are okay :]]. I recommend listening to this song while reading this chapter cause it adds spice! Sorry if you don't think it suits well i just recommend playing a sad song:]]]
⚠️Cuss warning⚠️
⚠️ self degrading words /making fun of self⚠️


No one's POV (Narrator)

The gleaming sun started to peek up from behind the valley's, hugging L'manberg in it's warm embrace. Although the sun seemed to continue on as if it was yet another day of stupid shenanigans in L'manberg, the people seemed gloomy and some not very well rested due do today being the deciding day if one of the founding members of the country was to be exiled for the second time in his short life. Everyone had their focus on a small hobbit hole, which Tommyinnit called home.

Tommy's POV

I sat up and felt my whole body fill with dread and guilt. I wrapped my wings around myself and I sighed and thought 'Today's the day' I didn't wanna get out of bed, I wanted to sit there forever, forever in l'manberg but i know i messed up, I messed up big time. I never meant to burn down Gogy's... George's house it was meant to be harmless just steal some of  his items just to piss him off but something went wrong and the whole house caught aflame . There was only one thing i was sure about that day, 1. I didn't wanna get exiled for the second time and 2.I wasn't letting Ranboo get dragged down with me.

I was awake sooner then normal but that's almost expected from someone who's future hung in the balance of that day. I faced my fear and took a shakey step out of my bed and felt my head start hurting from the feeling of nervousness in me, it didn't help how my wings felt heavier then normal but that just seemed to happen whenever i felt any other emotion then happy. I showered and did the normal hygiene stuff before exiting my house and the smell of fresh cut grass filled my nose. I smiled softly, even though i didn't like to admit it i'm a pretty sensitive person the only person who knows that is....Tubbo but this time i can't really confined in him today, just me, tommy and myself.

Time skiiiiiip an hour or two later!! :]]

No one's POV

All that could be heard from the court house/meeting place was shouting, although they had all agreed to try and stay peaceful it didn't remain for very long as Tommy had enough of Dream and dangled Spirit in front of his face, if you could even call it that, it was a floating circle rested on his shoulders with just a plain yet unsettling smiley expression on it.

Though Dream could not show physical emotion you could tell he was mad. You could almost see the smiley face distort, of course it did not but you could just feel it. Dream sharply got up leading Tommy to get a blistering headache and to startle back. Tommy's wings started beating rapidly, almost warning Tommy just to fly away from there and never look back. Dream yelled "I don't give a fuck about spirit!"
Tommy's eyes widened and everyone in and out of the room was shocked and some even made an audible gasp. "I care more about your disks then you do!" Dream towered over the teen and he could almost feel himself shrinking in Dream's angry presence. Dream turned to Tubbo almost demanding the thing Tommy dread the most.

An hour time skip!!!

No one's POV

"You're just selfish Tommy!" Tubbo's yells ringed through the SMP "All you care about are those stupid Disks!"
Tommy felt tears prick his eyes but he held them back, he didn't wanna seem pathetic.
"I-I..." Tommy wanted words to come out but nothing did just sounds and broken words
"What is it? Spit it out!" Tommy had never seen Tubbo like this he didn't even realise he could be like that.
Tommy looked at the floor unable to face his friend without tears filling his eyes. His wings drooped, having given up try to and warn to tell Tommy to escape.

Tommy's POV

I felt tears fill my eyes but i used all my power to hold them back the only problem was that no words came out of my mouth without a stutter or a voice crack or quiver. I look around around and see almost everyone from l'manberg staring at the sad sight which is me. I've given up at this point before i hear something which makes me fight a little longer "We know you were with someone! We almost know for sure it was Ranboo" Dream sounded  almost disgusted by Ranboo's name.
I look up quickly and with the least amount of hints i was crying manage to say "Ranboo wasn't there that's the only thing for sure, I swear that Ranboo wasn't there."
I notice in the corner of my eye and see Ranboo looking shocked almost as if it was an amazing sight to see me not just think of myself.
"So you did all the destruction all by yourself? Well that's even worse!" Dream seems to be trying to get out of me that Ranboo was there by threatening me with more punishment but i wouldn't budge. "Ranboo wasn't there" I said in a harsh and more stern tone cause my wings to spread out.
"If you say so Tommy but remember by causing all this damage just by yourself
will lead to a even worse punishment!" I could almost feel Dream's gaze fall upon my wings causing me to startle back.

I looked at Tubbo, who I could tell had made up his mind and something told me it wasn't good. "Tommy I'm sorry...wait no i'm not! You are a liability so you are hereby exiled!" Tubbo hissed at me.
I could feel my heart drop, i'm not sure why it did i should've seen it coming, it was obvious since the moment i woke up.

"Please escort Tommyinnit out of my country"

————————————————————————A/N- 1000 Words!!! Thank you for reading the first chapter of my first book :]]
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Baaaiii now and make sure to drink water and take rest💕✨

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