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An agonising scream echoed out from Tubbo as he fell to his knees, having witnessed the whole thing. "Tommy..no he can't be gone, you can't of done this.. why did you do this" his words shook in disbelief.                                                    
  "Tubbo.." Techno tried to comfort the boy as Philza flew done to get Tommy's body so he can have a proper send off like the hero he was.     "No he just killed him..he just killed Tommy his own son he just killed him" Tubbo grasped onto the red bandana Tommy given him just after the first L'manburg war, he remembers it clear as day


Covered in debris and Blood the two slumped onto the all too familiar bench half grinning and half on the verge of tears. They had won but at what cost, the disks..almost Tommy's life but in their eyes it had seemed to be worth it. Their body's ached as the watched the first of the many sunsets as an independent nation. At first no words were exchanged, just enjoying each others company, but then Tommy chimed up "Hey Tubbo"                                                            "Yeah?"                                                                     "I have something for you, well its for us, its hard to explain"                                                          "Oh a gift from Big Man Tommyinnit himself" Tubbo joked, still watching the sunset                "Yeah you are very lucky, big man doesn't normally do gifts..Oh here it is" Tommy pulled out a green and red bandana.                                  "Bandanas?" Tubbo didn't mean it in a mean way he was just confused.                                       "Yeah the red one is for you as red is my favourite colour and the green one is more me so wherever we are in the wide earth we will always have something to remember the other"
"How surprisingly thoughtful of you Tommy and thank you, I think its amazing" Tubbo quickly tied the Bandana around his neck and beamed.                                                                        Their laughs echoed through the vast night as they thought they'd never be apart again.

No matter what through Schlatt or Wilbur the bandanas were always there keep hopes high. Then the exile. Although during that period the bandana meant nothing to Tubbo it felt as if to Tommy the piece of fabric was the only thing keeping him sane, the only light in what seemed like the never ending darkness and the only thing that kept him on this loathsome earth still.

End of flashback

What have I done they all collectively thought. Tubbo had exiled him. Techno never listend to him. Quackity and Fundy didn't do anything to help Tommy after seeing him during exile. Puffy didn't do anything to reason with her son. Niki feels as if she could've done more. Then there was Phil, the neglectful father, the father who never listened, the father who always had favourites, the father who never made a place good enough to feel like home and the father to deliver the final blow. After everything he had done to Tommy he thought maybe he could become a better father, one who cared, one who listens the one who had a place to feel like home but he failed. He had failed his own son and it felt as if there was no way he good go on. Oh how he wished he could just turn back the clock not just before he knocked Tommy off the cliff but to when they were just children so maybe just maybe he could do better.

As he slowly scooped Tommy's body in his hands a small warming feeling flickered in side of him, he couldn't describe it but it felt nice but why would he feel nice his son had just died, was he really that bad on a father?

Phil carefully laid Tommy's body onto the soft grass, tears pouring down his face, he shouldn't be crying he had to stay strong for everyone someone had to but it all felt too much.
Tubbo hugged the body tightly, crying into his chest "please don't go, not just yet..we still need to get the disks and defeat Dream. I can't do that alone, I can't do anything alone please don't leave me please, I don't want to be alone" loud sobs clawed their way out unable to control themselves. "I swear I'm not going to let you die..please don't die..I still need you,our adventures aren't done the smp still need us, it still needs you. please I'll do anything, just please come back to me..."
"Anything?" came a soft mutter.
"Tommy?..." Tubbo sniffled looking up
"The one and *coughs* only"
Tubbo hugged Tommy tightly sobbing into his chest "Don't do that again..."
"I don't think I can control my father almost murdering me" he shot Phil a dirty look
"Tommy I'm really sorry, Tommy I didn't mean to please forgive me" Phil fell to his knees tears pouring like a waterfall
Tommy ran up and embraced Phil in a tight embraced, falling to his knees. The others felt emotions one couldn't describe but it felt as maybe just maybe things would get back to normal.

So as the sun set on the smp this story closes, ready for a new adventure for another day.

"I'm not done with you yet Tommyinnit"

Thank you all so much for reading my first wattpad book, it blows me away how many people read this it means the world to me :]] part 2 maybe? Anyways have an amazing day make sure to drink water and goodbye until another day

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