Never fly again-Chapter 16

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⚠️mentions of suicide⚠️
⚠️flinching at loud noise⚠️
idk if that needs a tw but some people put tw for them and just want everyone to be comfy :]


"How can you see me?" Tommy's head darted up as he started to panic. Was he making up shit again, this wasn't the first time he thought someone was with him in his lonely cell.
"Over here!" Ranboo clanged a book onto the bars to get Tommy's attention.
Clang. The blond flinched back and recoiled back into himself, for such a tall boy he sure knew how to shrink. Wow Dream really messed him up Ranboo thought to himself.
"Oh I'm sorry, but i'm over here" he was soft with his words, trying not to startle Tommy anymore then he already has.
Gathering his senses, Tommy slowly looked to the sound to see Ranboo's head pressed against them, he couldn't tell if it was an attempt of comedy or him just being stupid none the less he laughed slightly. It felt weird, to actually feel even a smidge of happiness it sent a shiver down his spine it felt almost illegal. Tommy attempted to get up and meet Ranboo at the wall but he just too weak, his recent scars on his back pained him so unbearably from just a small movement. He just wanted his wings back, he just wanted everything to stop hurting.


Tommy hadn't meant to piss Dream off but his little stunt of trying to 'escape' by ending his life angered Dream and he had to teach Tommy he was stuck there, forever so to show him he meant business he tore away the things which always signified freedom. The screams Tommy let out the whole ordeal were loud and almost glass shattering, he cried and screamed until he had no more tears to cry and he had no more energy to scream. He let out a whimper as he curled up into a ball not knowing what to do other then listen to the voices speak, some were comforting Tommy telling him it's gonna be okay but some were saying Tommy deserved it. Those voices were louder in his head.

End of Flashback

He let out the same pathetic whimper he had days ago and looked at Ranboo with dead looking eyes. His dull eyes, once full of life, just stared not really looking at Ranboo anymore just past him or even through him. Silence fell upon the two cells as the two boys 'looked' at each other. "Tommy, what happened to your wings?" Ranboo was kind with his tone, sympathy overflowing from every word.
Tommy made almost direct eye contact and just mumbled "Dream."
Who else would've done it? Is he that stupid? Tommy thought to himself.
Ranboo broke the eye contact "Umm..yeah I get that but why? Did he think you were gonna fly away? If he did are we sure he's that smart."
he tried to lighten the mood with a stupid joke.
"That doesn't matter." he was cold with his words, he didn't wanna relive the moment for the second time that day.
"Oh okay..but you can tell me if you want" Ranboo knew Tommy wasn't one to share his feelings, he never was, but this was on a whole new level. His wings were cut off and it 'doesn't matter'.

Ranboo tried to strike up conversation between the two but Tommy was having none of it, he was like a shell of who he once was. Once a teen with a bright future a head of him and now a poor boy who's seen and been through too much for his body to handle and it had finally all caught up to him. Ranboo was talking about...something, Tommy wasn't listening. He was just thinking and worrying about the time Dream will show up again, he came every other day and he hasn't showed up yesterday. The smiley face taunted him every minute of the day and night, never leaving him in peace, never letting him live, never letting him be happy. There was some shuffling coming from outside the cell and Tommy knew exactly what it was.

"Glad to see you two have caught up."


680 words!! I'm feeling extra motivated today idk why so i might be starting writing the next chapter now, probably will be a Techno 'pov' it's not really a pov but like with them.
Vote to be more poggers then you already are
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