Not him?

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Inspired by the red snow au by faemorrigan {on instagram}maybe a bit too much honestly

"What do you mean it isn't him, it obviously is!" Quackity chimed up.
"Well it is him by body and looks wise but thoughts wise well that's a different story" the green man laughed at the others incompetence as he made his way out of the room "good luck"
The group was left in confusion but they had no time to think and no time to get what Dream meant as Tommy had risen from his slumped up state. "Tommy are you alright?" Puffy walked up the youngest, ignoring whatever Dream had said.
"Tommy?" Puffy questioned again.
Tommy looked at Puffy with almost sorry eyes as something emerged where wings should've been. In replace of something that used to bring happiness to him, something that made him feel so free was something that wanted
to control him and bring misery to all his friends and that something seemed to be tentacle like things. They were jet black in colour, looking for blood almost like the voices Tommy had become all too familiar with.
"D-Dreamon.." Puffy muttered to herself in shock.
"Dream what?" Quackity practically yelled as he backed away.
"A Dreamon...Dream did something as a child i don't know what and then this happened..he said it was his friend but don't get it twisted he was in total control in what he did to everyone on this server, I just didn't know he could transfer it."
"Well what are we supposed to do with it?" Fundy was looking just like a scared dog well fox would be a better choice of wording, his ears we flat against his head and his tail was tucked between his legs.
"I don't know.." Puffy said, sounding defeated.
"Well I guess there's only one thing to do.." Techno brandished the axe of peace "But don't hurt Tommy...too much."
Tubbo , Niki and Ranboo looked at each other unsure what they should do, they would rather keep Tommy unhurt at all not like in Techno's phrasing of 'not too much'. Although it seemed as if they had no choice as one of the tentacles lashed out.

The tentacle reached out and tried to grab anything or anyone in its way and it's greedy eyes fell upon its next victim. It wrapped its slimey grasp around Phil. Techno quickly acted by swinging his axe towards the fowl thing. Thud. The limb fell to the floor, releasing Phil from its clasp but a piercing scream of pain echoed from Tommy but that did not seem stop the tentacles to keep striking the group of people.

The tentacles flew through the air with a mission, a mission to cause harm and destruction to everyone and everything no matter if it would hurt the host body. The tentacles grew more and more aggressive with every lash and strike, seeming to try and impale anyone, to feed its need for blood. Techno was left with a decision would he risk the fact of hurting Tommy more then he already had or just hoping Tommy would snap out of it. Spoiler alert he didn't.

The tentacles propelled Tommy towards the biggest threat in the room, Techno. It hit and lashed out at Techno trying to eliminate the biggest risk to the parasites survival. The tentacles cracked against Techno's shield somehow knowing Techno was holding back.
""Quit holding back"" boomed a deep voice, although it's main goal was to survive it wanted to have fun with it while doing so. Why was he holding back? He never cared before. Why now? "I'm not going to hurt you Tommy..."

Techno kept backing up at the monsters advances true to his word he wasn't going to hurt least he wanted to try to at least. Somehow {because of plot convince and the fact i'm being way too inspired} they ended outside the bunker hanging over the edge of the ocean. Techno tried to take another step back and nothing and in his panic of steadying himself he let the tentacles wrap its claws around them and just as it seemed as tentacles were about to release Techno into the deep blue depths of the oceans it hesitated. The grip tightened instead of loosened and it seemed to bring Techno away from the edge. "Techno...I need you to promise me something because I can't keep control of this monster any longer so please just kill me..I know you won't want to but please it's better for everyone and maybe just maybe this 'Dreamon' will go down with me."
"Tommy I can't..." but before he could even finish his sentence the tentacles began attacking once more with more strength then it ever had before.
He had would be better but it's not Tommy's fault, he didn't deserve this he was still a teen, he had so much to live for but it seemed the decision was made for him as a tentacle flew rapidly toward Techno's chest Phil appeared "TECHNO WATCH OUT!!" Phil yelled and the first thing Phil could think of was not protecting Techno but getting rid of the 'problem'. Phil in an act of desperation not to loose someone so close to him he did the worst possible thing he could've done...With a large beat of his wings the sheer force of the wind echoing from the wings caused Tommy to loose balance and no longer have ground beneath his feet.

He stared at his father as the ocean came hurtling towards him, he noticed as Phil spread out his wings but he knew he wouldn't make it, he'd be too late. As thoughts came flooding into his mind, his short life flashed through his eyes

You can't go to the nether, no one can visit you until you learn

We've spoken that language in the pit

Tubbo, he's lying to you

He chuckled to himself, all this pain, hurt and agony just to die but isn't that what life is. You try hard, you scream, you cry and you fight but in the end isn't it all meaningless. Yes you get remembered but soon you'll be forgotten to history, just another statistic or number but isn't the journey good enough, isn't meeting people, laughing and smiling good enough.

Blue premium Bond. Aaaaaaaa

Suck it green boooiiiii

Technoblade Problem there no is not

We didn't start the fire

It doesn't matter if it all amounts to nothing at least you had tried, you had lived and that's what matters but it had all been thrown away, all that life he had a head of him all gone from a single beat of wings. He was gonna leave his friends, he was gonna leave them all..Tubbo how was Tubbo gonna feel? He's gonna leave Tubbo all alone...Fear bubbled up inside him, he had so much to live for still, he was only 16. He didn't want to die but it would be better to get rid of the dreamon but he finally wanted to live after this whole thing was over and now...Why is it always him? Why did all this happen to him? Why couldn't he live a normal him there was no chance of surviving now so he decided what was the point in having the last few moments of life be full of fear and sadness. He closed his eyes and felt a small smile plaster on his face as he accepted death like an old friend. And so like the myth Techno told many times before Theseus fell...

I'm sorry for the slow updates but i hope this chapter is good enough for you guys make sure to drink water and take rest love you guys💕✨

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