Again-Chapter 14

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A/N- Can't believe so many people have read this book :OO :DD

With Techno, Ranboo and Phil

Tommy had been missing for days and moral in trying to find him wavered. They so desperately wanted to find Tommy and bring him home but if you look at it realistically he could be anywhere in the big wide world.
"Do you think we're ever gonna find him.." Ranboo sat on the edge on his bed, his head in his hands.
Phil and Techno looked at each other and the feeling of doubt in the air was so strong you could almost see it taunting and laughing at the three. With a heavy heart Phill looked at Ranboo and uttered the words he dread the most "We might have to stop looking for Tommy"
Ranboo's looked straight up and  against all of his natural instincts, looked Phill dead in the eyes "We have to find him and if you guys are giving up then I'll do it myself." the half enderman rose from his seat and left the room, anger filling up in him although he couldn't tell if it was from the eye contact or what Phil said but the he concluded it was from both.
The boy grabbed a spare cloak and hugged it around himself after grabbing a few potions, food and maps. He then started to make his way across the snowy tundra without looking back. Techno ran after him and the situation felt extremely similar to him, Ranboo was walking away just like Tommy had a few days prior but the only difference was Ranboo wasn't gonna stab him in the leg and leap into lava.

"Ranboo wait. This is insane. We know you want to find Tommy, we do too" Techno yelled after the slender boy.
"I could've been exiled in Tommy's place or I could've gone with him cause me and Tommy burnt down George's house, I could be in Tommy's place but he didn't throw me under the bus and even stood up for me so I need to find him, he would've done the same." Ranboo turned around quickly.
Techno had never heard Ranboo yell before and it took him by surprise. He didn't know the reason Tommy had been exiled, the topic never came up and even if it had he doubted that the boy would open up and tell him. 
The cold wind hugged the two, dancing around them as they faced each other. The morning started to fade and the mystery of the night was starting to creep upon them.
"Let's go, we can continue searching in the morning"
"No." Ranboo shut his eyes tight and took a deep breath "See you later Techno." Purple particles began to fill the air as the tall boy disappeared right in front of Techno.

Phil came running out, seeing all the purple which had begun to run with the wind.
"What happened?"

"He just teleported"
480 words! Ik i said this chapter was gonna be a big one but i decided I was gonna do the bigger event next chapter to build up to it. Sorry this one is short.
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