The beginning of a team -Chapter 18

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Tw: Cussing

Phil sighed to himself, he didn't want to go behind his son's back but it had to be done.
Hours past and there was rapid knocking coming from the door followed by impatient whispers. Phil carefully walked down the stairs not to disturb Techno more then the people at the door had. He grabbed the key and opened the door to be greeted by five people. The fox pushed past his grandfather and entered the house "How did that even happen"
"Wow not even a hello" Phil joked, trying to not bring any more tension then there already was in the room.
"Yeah Fundy respect your elders" Quackity also walked in.
"Wow okay then come in, all of you"
"Thanks Phil" chirped the president
"I was being sarcastic and I don't remember inviting you..." Phil specifically said not to let Tubbo come, he knew Techno would be already pissed from getting help and who knows how he'd react if he found out he'd be teaming with the literal president.
"Well it's my minute man, one of my closet friends and my best friend so i'm coming." he crossed his arms in an attempt to seem intimidating but of course it didn't work, he was the shortest there.
"Well I don't think a best friend would exile their best friend" Techno came walking down the stairs, he was never a heavy sleeper.
Silence came over their room as all that could be heard was awkward shuffling and fidgeting.
"Well it's nice to meet you Phil and Techno" Puffy broke the silence in an attempt to not have them kill each other before they even started making a plan.

Techno stood in front of all them followed by more silence. "Well what are we waiting for" Niki interrupted the what seemed like years of silence "Let's make a plan unless you guys already have one"
"Well actually I do have a pla-" Techno began but was interrupted by Phil
"We don't have any plans."
"Then let's make one and hope Dreams doesn't kill us" Quackity picked up a piece of paper which laid on the floor "What the fuck is this plan" it was a plan to all dress up as trees, Techno was very tired.
"You can't speak I bet you don't have plans" Techno grabbed the paper out of his hands.
"Well...umm" Quackity just stopped talking at that point.
"I don't need help so you guys can go back and run your government" Techno turned back around to start walking back upstairs.
"Techno come here we're gonna work with them" Phil was very stern it almost scared everyone.
Techno tried to argue back but was silenced almost instantly.

"Now let's make a plan"


454 words I'm gonna update this a bit less cause i'm prewriting some chapters for children greek god au cause i wanna release the book with at least 5 chapters. Sorry this chapter is short for the same reason as why i'm updating a bit less. Don't worry though I'm still gonna update this just a bit less :]
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