We're here for you- Chapter 5

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A/N- I listened to this song^^^ while writing this chapter and enjoyed it so maybe it'll be nice while listening to the song
⚠️ self hatred⚠️
⚠️Kinda death by self it was a dream tho-⚠️
⚠️suicidal thoughts⚠️
⚠️self harm thoughts⚠️

No one's POV

Tommy's still blurry gaze fell into Quackity, Ghostbur and Fundy. "B-Big Q? Fundy?"
The teen struggled to speak and even when he did it came out in a coarse tone.
"Hey Tommy..." Fundy crouched down to the laying boy's level before putting a hand onto his forehead. "We're here for you Tommy, you don't have to go through this alone"
"Yeah Big Man he's right" Quackity piped in
Tommy seemed hesitant, he wanted to fly out of there, not wanting to burden his friends with he pathetic problems, but he had no energy to keep his tears tears in let alone fly. Uncontrollable tears ran down his cheeks as he felt Fundy's arm wrap around him. Tommy burrowed his face into the fox's chest (A/N- NOT A SHIP!!! IT'S BROTHERLY LOVE EVEN THOUGH TOMMY IS FUNDY'S UNCLE) he clenched his arms around Fundy tight, not ever wanting to let go. Big Q walked over and also gave Tommy a hug.

Ghostbur tried to join in but kept on going through them (Sorry for a lot A/N but Ghostbur is not solid when sad in this au) so he just watched. The hug went on for what felt like years but it was a nice, Tommy felt safe for the first time since his exile and even before it.

Fundy looked down and saw Tommy had fallen asleep during the long hug, he looked up at Quackity (who had also noticed the sleeping boy) not knowing what to do. Quackity laughed to himself and shrugged before staring to walk off. Fundy started to slightly panic, he didn't want to wake up Tommy but he had to get back to the meeting so as slowly he could he moved the kid fully onto the bed. He left a disk he'd gotten ages ago and some food on the make shift table next to the bed before running after Quackity.
A few hours later

Tommy's POV

You're selfish

You're a liability

You're worthless

You're pathetic

I could see Tubbo appear in front of me talking these words but it wasn't Tubbo's voice, it sounded all mangled and distorted causing my head to start to get a pounding headache. Before i knew it, Wilbur (alive), Phil, Techno almost everyone stood next to me and spoke the same words over and over again getting closer and closer to me in the form of dark shadows. I tried to get away but i felt nothing beneath my foot when i took a step back, i looked back and realised i was on the edge of a cliff and there was no where to run but the voices were to loud, too persistent, i just wanted it all to stop.Before i was consumed by the darkness i jumped off the edge of the cliff, i felt so free in that moment, so happy and i felt at home. The floor cause rushing towards me as the dark shadows switched to Tubbo and everyone else reaching out to me but i was too late i was too far gone. i was about to make impact with the floor i closed my eyes then...

I sat up straight, my wings flapping frantically , feeling sweat dripping down my forehead and tears running down my cheeks. It was a dream... I sighed, 'why did it have to be a dream'
Then i noticed something, if it was all a dream why didn't the voices stopped? They kept talking, they wouldn't shut up they kept saying shit like 'do a flip' or say pog in weird ways (A/N- yup it's his chat ik that's techno's thing but in this au all three of the brothers hear voices just something has to set them off oh btw every now again they're gonna be mean and ik the chat wouldn't be THAT toxic ) I just wanted them to go away, why wouldn't they go away? Please go away, no matter my pleads they got louder and louder, screaming insults and to do it. I wasn't sure what exactly they wanted me to do but it hit me as my gaze fell upon the still bloodied sword.

I grabbed the sword tightly in my grasp and raise it above my head, both hand clutching it. I go to swing it into my stomach but i hesitate 'we're here for you' I saw a ghostly figure resembling Fundy reaching in for a hug. I broke down into tears, well even more tears, and fell to the floor, i just wanted to go home...

'You could go home as a ghost'

The thought made me flinch but it was right, what was Dream gonna do? Kill me, i was already dead and right now i have nothing to loose, nothing keeping me here. I already felt dead anyways, what would be the difference? I raised the sword once more and felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't do it"

——————————————————————About 840 words!! I'll see if i can get the 6th part out today but it was definitely be out tomorrow!! Vote to be pogger then you already are and remember to drink water and take rest💕✨

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