Come 'home'- Chapter 11

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A/N- Sorry for less updates! I've been reading more books lately (wattpad ones)and got caught up in them.
⚠️Self degrading thoughts⚠️
⚠️suicidal/self harm thoughts⚠️

Tommy's POV

I stared up at the taunting smily face and felt like I could be sick. My head spun but I knew I had to stay strong, even if I was so tired, i would let Dream see me like this, well at least not again

Dream's POV

I stared down at the pitiful excuse which was the once brave solider and a smile came across my face. The person who caused so much trouble on this server, known to be loud and strong willed, was sitting in front of me, tears streaming down his face all cause of me. If I think about it I could've left him he was in no place to stand let alone fight back but I couldn't risk it. "Come on Tommy let's go home! I missed you" I tried to sound as genuine as possible.
The boy just continued to stare at me.

No one's POV

Tommy couldn't comprehend what was happening, his head was pounding and everything was so overwhelming. The voices kept whispering things into his ears, some trying to help telling him not to go, fly away and to stay with Techno and Phil but the other were so much louder telling him to leave them and to go with Dream. Dream was his friend they said. Dream was the only one who cared. Dream couldn't be the only one who cared, right? Techno and Phil cared right? Of course not, have you taken a look at yourself lately. You look so pathetic. It would be better if you were never born.
I bet they regret even taking you in. The blond just clutched his hand over his ears tight, he wanted them all to shut up and disappear off the face of the earth cause no one would miss him..right? They will miss you, why would Techno save you if they didn't care? Tommy wanted to listen to reason but he was too far gone. It felt like he was falling and even when he called for help near the beginning no one seemed to notice and let him fall and just suffer silence but his emotions and trauma had finally caught up to him and couldn't keep it inside for any longer. He just wanted all the pain to go away but he knew he couldn't give up yet well that's what he liked to tell himself. Tommy was snapped out of his thoughts but Dream speaking once more
"Come on Tommy! We need to go home."

He had enough, "Home? No place is home! Each place I called home was either blown up, exiled me or just treated me like overall shit." Tommy shot a glare at Phil.
"Tommy I'm not like that, I would never leave you" Dream was startled by the little out burst but wasn't gonna let it stop his plan.
Tommy stumbled to his feat and stared up at Dream trying his best to get his old pep back, at least for this moment "Fuck off green boy."
Dream was surprised in the sudden hatred and evil in the young boy's voice. "Are you deaf now? I said Fuck off and leave this place, or I'll make you." Tommy took out an axe and held it to Dream neck.
Although Dream could easily just kill him, he need him alive, "Why would you do this Tommy? I thought we were friends and now you're betraying me?!"
Tommy dropped the axe, he was right, he had just betrayed  his only friend, he was alone...what had he done? Tommy felt light headed and his heart felt like it was about to jump out of his chest. He called out for to Somebody help him, somebody to fix him but no words came out as everything went dark and he started to fall . Dream took his opportunity and caught Tommy "Thank you, this was all I needed, I'll be on my way now."

"Let him go"

650 words eek I've missed writing! It sucks how school takes so much time :[ Anyways vote to be more poggers then you already are and drink water and take rest💕✨

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