It all went wrong-Chapter 15

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A/N- btw Ranboo's memory is a bit different. He has a bit of a better memory cause I kinda forgot about his major memory issue and I rlly like the plot I planned🧍
⚠️panick attack⚠️
⚠️mention of death and self harm⚠️
⚠️suicidal thoughts⚠️


Ranboo felt the world turn around him and felt like he was gonna be sick. This was a horrible idea. All of him seemed to agree with that statement but he knew even if it there was even the smallest chance he could find Tommy he was gonna take it and save him, even when his own family wouldn't. Lost in his thought, Ranboo didn't even realise his teleportation can to an abrupt halt. Why have we stopped? I didn't want to stop yet..

He steadied himself before surveying his surroundings, it was just a plains biome, nothing exciting about it except for the strange presence he sensed. Everything about the situation seemed off. He felt on edge even though the sun shown brightly, hugging the grass with its warm embrace. I think it's better if I just- Ranboo shut his eyes tight and attempted to teleport. He slowly pealed his eyes opened but he still stood in the same place he was seconds ago. What's happening? Before he could think of any answers and formulate a plan, he saw Ghostbur just floating there with a blue sheep. The ghost turned and waved excitedly at Ranboo. I don't have time for this. He pretended he didn't see him and began to think of what to do. If Ghostbur is here I can't be that far, unless he has a hidden teleporting ability that none of us knew about. He decided it would be the smartest thing to approach Ghostbur and ask where they were but even before he could take a step he felt something looking at him for close by.

It's probably just a pig or something. He slowly felt the being get closer. Maybe not a pig.. Before he could turn to face the thing approaching him he felt a hand cover his mouth and a glance of green. He tried to break out of the man's grasp but felt lightheaded. Everything started to go dark and before he completely shut down he noticed a cloth in the man's hand, of course a sleeping potion on the least the person I'm gonna die to is smart.

Time skip :]

A pounding headache filled in Ranboo's head. Where was he? What had happened? Last thing he remembered was seeing Ghostbur and blue sheep. (this isn't his memory thing it's just cause he passed out i would've made any a character not remember the minute before) He sat straight up and felt a sharp pain go up his back "Ow.." he whispered to himself. He scans the room and noticed a book shelf in front of him. Still in the same place, he reached up and picked up a book and was greeted by blank pages 'That's strange' he thought to himself. There was a pen on the side so he decided to write down what just happened to see if he could remember anything else. While writing, he mumbled to himself the words he was putting onto the page.

Before he could even finish the second sentence he heard something.
"I-is someone there?"
The voice sounded scared and broken yet so familiar, he couldn't put his finger on it though.
"Umm yeah, hi" Ranboo was unsure what exactly to say.
The voice was silent for a bit for letting out a small gasp or realisation "Ranboo is that you?"
a tint of happiness was heard in the voice.
How did that person know his name? The voice was someone he knew, it had to be, it was too familiar to him. Then again it made sense why he couldn't guess who the voice was
1. the voice sounded so tired so anyone's voice would be hard to pinpoint in that state
2. His memory Issues. He had trouble to memorising voices.
"Yeah that's me..heh"
This is so awkward.'
"And who are you..."
The voice was completely silent and all he could hear was some shuffling around.
Okay then.
Ranboo continued to write down what was happening.

On the other side of the wall sat Tommy. Who am I? Tommy didn't feel like him, it felt like a stranger to his own body, an intruder. Everything was so bright it made his head ring. He just wanted everything to shut up, so he could think clearly for the first time in ages but his wish was not granted. His mind felt fuzzy as all sound from the real world was blocked out. All he could hear was the voices, screaming at him, he couldn't make out their words all he could catch was cusses and telling him to get out. Get out of what? That he did not know. Every now and again he heard "They all wish you were dead" and a "It would've been better if you were never born or if Dream didn't take the glass."

Before he knew it, he was having a full blown panic attack, everything was going too fast, everything felt wrong, he felt wrong, this wasn't him, this wasn't his body, he wasn't real. He hugged his knees to comfort him, trying to ground himself but the thoughts were all too much and the voices were too loud.

Ranboo had only finished one page when he heard mumbling and small sobs coming from the other side of the wall. Wow I'm gonna loose it here arent I, just like him. He tried to ignore the other boy but guilt built up in him and he decided to check up on him. "Umm hey you okay?"
Tommy snapped back to reality, his head hurt so much, he just wanted to collapse onto a comfy bed, In L'manburg and maybe even with Techno and Phill. All Tommy could muster as a reply was small hum. Ranboo shifted uncomfortably, he wasn't very good with emotions and shit so he decided to try and ask the boy's name again "Umm..what's your name?"

Tommy took and sharp inhale. "You're Tommy, You're real." some of the voices comforted him and encouraged him.
"Tommy" he laid his head onto the hard wall, that took too much effort just to say your name, you're so stupid he thought as he brought his legs closer to his body.
"You did a good job" Most of the voices were actually proud of him causing a small smile to spread across his face.

Wait no it can't be. He had found Tommy but he seemed a mess, he seemed so tired, what had Dream done to him? He didn't know how to respond and as he looked around he noticed a small barred window and shuffled close to it and peaked into the other cell. Tommy's cell was completely empty except for a single bucket collecting a drip coming from the ceiling. His eyes darted around the room and they finally fell upon Tommy, who was curled up in the corner, his head buried in his knees, which were held firmly close to him. Bruises and cuts riddled his arms and something was missing. Ranboo thought hard, what was wrong, something wasn't right..That's when it hit him.

"Tommy, your wings..."


1200 words! Longest chapter yet, I rlly like this one but that might just be me.
Vote to be more poggers then you already are
Drink water and take rest💕✨

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