The cell- Chapter 12

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A/N- Again I'm SOOO sorry for the less updates

No one's POV

The tension was high, Dream held Tommy in his hands. The green man was fully equipped with glimmering enchanted armour while on the other side Techno only had, on hand with him at that very moment, Tommy's diamond axe he'd dropped and Phil only had soup. "If you won't be needing anything else I'll be on my way." Dream hoisted the passed out teen over he shoulders and started to exist the small cottage.

"Not so fast Dream, I won't let you leave with Tommy" Techno growled at the opposing man.
"Well Technoblade the difference between you and me is that I fight dirty and I'm not afraid to..." Dream held a sword to Tommy's wings then his throat.
Techno's eyes widened and he looked over at Phill who's eyes were also wide and full of fear.
"Dream no need to go that there anything you need? Like maybe an enchanted golden apple or umm" Phil frantically rummaged through chests to find something to try and get his son back.
"No. I have everything I need anyways I'll be off then." Dream adjusted his hold on Tommy and set foot across the snowy land.

Techno grabbed the nearest armour set he could find, normal diamond, and chased after them. Phill stayed to make sure Ranboo would be okay. "Not so fast Technoblade" Dream once
more held the sword to Tommy.
"Dream fight me, not the 16 year old. Do you have nothing else to do with your homeless and pathetic life?!" Techno held the diamond axe at Dream.
"Well that wouldn't be any fun would it?" Dream turned and continued to walk through the cold climate.
The pig man was conflicted, was he to follow Dream and risk the death of his brother or stand back and hope for it to all go well. The voices were louder then ever, some chanting Blood for Blood God but some were saying don't resort to violence and actually make a plan. Before he knew it, his choice was made up for him as Dream turned at him before enderpearling away. 'Fuck..That's what I'd forgotten to grab.' Techno ran back to the house feeling small tears prick his eyes but he had held them back. "Tech-"  Phill started speaking but was cut off by Techno's shushing. With a few enderpearls on him he ran back out frantically throwing them in hopes to catch back up with his brother but they were long gone. He has lost them, he had no idea were they could be. They could be in the hottest desert but also in the highest mountain or deep under the sea, the possibilities were endless yet almost all of them spun in Techno's mind. The voices cursed him for neither killing Dream or
saving Tommy, he had failed to defeat one of his biggest enemies, he had failed to protect what he loved. (BROTHERLY LOVE IF YOU SHIP THEM IMMA LOOSE MY SHI-)

With Dream and Tommy

Dream placed Tommy into a cell. The cell had cracks and leaks from coming from the roof with cobwebs littered in the corner of the tiny room. There was a small 'window' in the middle of the left wall, which had bars so close together you could barely fit your whole hand in a gap. Through the 'window' there seemed to be an almost identical cell but it had a bookshelf full of untouched and empty books. Tommy lay on the cold stone floor, feeling small pebbles digging into his skin.

Minutes turned into hours and hours seemed to turn into days as Dream stared into the teen's cell, quietly humming to himself. As night fell upon the smp, Tommy had gone missing a few hours ago and Techno, Phil and Ranboo was frantic while many many blocks away Tommy slowly sat up, everything hurt, his eyes stung and his wings were weighing him down more then ever. Slowly but surely, his eyes started adjust to the dim cell and everything which happened in the past day hit him like a tsunami. He felt like he could pass out all over again, honestly Tommy wished he could just maybe in the slightest chance if he fell asleep he'd wake up either back in L'manberg or back with Techno but he knew it wouldn't happen, he was actually stuck here and it felt like it was all his fault.

The blond hugged his knees, wanting to curl up and disappear from the face of the Earth. Thoughts rushed through his mind, each one getting more overwhelming and louder and then he remembered it was the voices and as he realised he leaned his head against the cold wall. "I just wanna go home" he muttered to himself as he held Wilbur's old trench coat close to his body, he was so cold and felt so alone, well not just felt he was alone No one will come save you. You're gonna die here, alone and pathetic. The voices were speaking nothing but the truth in Tommy's eyes, which were tainted by violence, war, betrayal and hatred. Why does everyone he ever cared about always seem to use him and toss him aside ,like an old teddy, leaving him in an even worse condition they had found him. He felt like he was just holding on by a weak and feeble thread, about to snap just because of simple misstep or just because a sentence was phrased in a certain way. Closing his eyes, he faced the ceiling and hummed to himself it was broke every now and again from tears which streamed down his face..My L'manberg My L'manberg My L'maaaanb-

"L'manberg? Still thinking about that retched place?"

*******************************************950 words! Pog :] I really miss writing and it's weekend so I'll have more time to so maybe 1 or 2 more chapters over the weekend :0
Vote to be more poggers then you already are
Drink water and take rest💕✨

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