The voices- Chapter 9

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A/N- I just realised almost 800 reads, POOOOG!!! Thank you so much, I really love writing and I appreciate your support :] Sorry for lack of updates me and my family just adopted a puppy and school has been a lot lately. It's also short and a bit shit i'm sorry :[
⚠️mention of high-key neglect⚠️

Philza's POV

I held back his tears as best as I could so I wouldn't upset Tommy anymore. He was mumbling to himself, as he slowly started to calm down. "Hey it's okay Tommy we're here." I tried to comfort him but that seemed to bring out more anger in him.
"Oh yea sure you're here! Like you were when i was younger, when me and Wilbur were younger!" Tommy yelled out in rage.
I stumbled aback. He was right, I was such a bad father. Techno and me quickly left the room to let Ghostbur calm Tommy down.

A few hours later

Tommy had finally calm down an hour or two ago and was asleep but now came the time we had to discuss with Tommy what just happened.

No ones POV

Tommy sat up stark straight and looked around, in a cold sweat. "Fuck i'm still here." Tommy hadn't meant to say that out loud but by that point it was too late.
Philza came running up and hugged Tommy tightly. Tommy flinched at the physical touch causing Philza to pull away.
Techno entered the room "We need to talk Tommy." he sounded cold but worried at the same time.
"I don't want to talk" The blonde haired boy turned around to face the wall.
"Tommy this isn't a question or request it a demand. We are talking." Techno sounded stern.
Tommy didn't respond.
Techno glared at the boy"Fine I guess it'll be a one way conversation. We know about the voices Tommy, you can talk to us about it and/or tell us what they're saying."
Tommy turned sharply around and just broke straight into tears, surprising everyone in the room.
"T-they want me to kill you! I don't want to...well i kinda do but that's not the point! They're so fucking loud I just want them to stop! I think if I do what they say they'll stop but they never do." Tommy sobbed loudly, hugging his knees.
Philza stood in shock for a second then embraced his son in his arms and surprisingly Tommy returned the gesture. Tommy sniffled loudly as he looked over at Techno who had a pinch of sympathy in his eyes looking down at the wreck which is Tommy.

Tommy had eventually fell asleep in the embrace when there was a loud and stern knock on the door. Techno groaned and walked to the door, not in the mood to talk to anyone other then family.
"Go away I don't wanna speak to anyone right now" Techno was annoyed as he opened the door, not even seeing who was at the door.
The figure loomed and spoke 4 simple words.

"I'm here for Tommy"


500 words and i'm so sorry this is shit. I've been trying to find time to write but the puppy is so much work!
Vote to be more poggers then you already are
Drink water and make sure to take rest💕✨

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