Get to work- Chapter 17

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As we speak I'm making a plot of the Greek god story and thank you for all the ideas :D
⚠️implied torture⚠️


The voice rung through the cells. Dream had come back and now Ranboo was here who knew what he was gonna do to them. Tommy felt his chest close in just from the sound of the voice and Ranboo felt fear overcome him, he didn't know what Dream was capable of when he had complete control and no one to save the two. "Happy to see you woke up Ranboo, I was scared i went over the top with the sleeping potion."
Ranboo didn't reply to green man.
"I say we get to work straight away"

Loud silence over came the cells, what was gonna happen to them? They knew they weren't gonna die, Dream wasn't nice enough to grant the sweet relief of death. The silence was broken by a loud scream coming from one of the cells. "Wait what are you doing? Is he okay?" Ranboo cried out.
"He's just becoming of use for once in his pathetic life, of course it'll hurt a bit but he'll be fine. Now to you.."

With Techno and Phil

"What are we gonna do? He could have both of them or kill Ranboo or or or" Phil was frantic, unable to think straight.
All the possibilities which could be happening to the two ,only teenage, boys kept running over and over in his head, each one getting more horrific each time but all this thinking couldn't prepare for what was to come. "Dadza, calm" Techno tried to calm Phil but was nervous too and it was very obvious in his voice.
Phil took a deep breath "You're right panicking won't help us find them but the thing is there's no way us two could find them without help"
"Y'know i don't like help."
"I know you don't but maybe we'd have to give up our normal ways"
"I'm perfectly capable of finding them myself"
"Like you were weeks ago" he muttered under his breath
Techno turned sharply and faced Phil "I'm gonna find them." his tone was harsh
"okay okay, calm down." Phil put his hands up in a defensive way.
"I'm sorry Dadza i'm just really stressed right now" Techno's harsh facade came crumbling down as he fell into Phil's arms, completely exhausted.
Surprised, Phil almost fell under Techno's weight.

"You can rest for now"
Techno nodded groggily and headed up to bead, too tired to even change out of his clothes. Phil decided to take the time to look at Techno's plans and to be totally honest they sucked, half of them depended on that Dream was homeless so they must just be in the middle of the field. 'Wow he must've been really tired if this was his best plan' Phil looked at a plan to get lots of dogs and attack in big numbers cause they 'can't get them all.'
He liked that plan, well half of the plan. Phil picked up a piece of paper and wrote down something and gave it to one of their birds which flew happily out the window.

"Techno's gonna hate me for this."


513 words:]] sorry it's kinda short i just wanna make sure that my story just doesn't die for like a week like it did a few weeks ago.
Vote to be more poggers then you already are
Drink water and take rest💕✨

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