One down one more to go-Chapter 19

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Tw: Blood and implied panic attack

The sun was setting on the cottage and the best thing they could think of was just charge at them and hope for the best but they couldn't think of anything to actually find them.
"This plan is okay but how will we actually find where they are?" Puffy looked at the plans laid out all of the table.
"We just haven't gotten that far yet" Tubbo looked worried and stressed, he feresponsible for all of this and of course it wasn't his fault it's Dream that green bastard
All conversation was brought to a abrupt halt of a blood curdling scream echoed through the snowy area. The scream was familiar but even if it wasn't someone they knew they weren't going to let someone die in the cold, all alone.

They ran through the white and soft snow to the source of the scream. Harsh fell upon them as the wind howled like a wild pack of wolves hungry for food. Clouds blanketed the sky, not letting the sun peer out, not letting hope shine through. They eventually found a path of bloodied snow. They felt fear tear part their bodies as they carefully followed the path and eventually their eyes feel upon a beat up  Ranboo. He had a deep cut across his arm and bruises which littered his body. What had Dream done to him?

Techno scooped up the teen in his hands and his heart broke at what he saw, he eyes were all drained of colour, they were just white. People ran ahead to grab healing potions, bandages and other things they'd need. More panic set in when if this what he did to Ranboo in a few days what had he done to Tommy for the week or two he'd been there. 

They treated his wounds and comforted him as he yelled out still believing he was stuck in the hell hole. Everything around him seemed to shrink and fall into him, suffocating him, leaving him defenceless. Dream taunted him, the two dots and the smile reminded him the horrors he went through. Anytime just a small smile was drawn it would send him into panic.

The few days were tiring, they would stay up all night either making plans or comforting Ranboo. It felt like they were running out of time, any minute they waste could be Tommy possibly dying or going through more pain then he already was going through. They had agreed that once Ranboo was in his right mind, and only then, they would question him about what Dream was doing and if he could remember where he was keeping them. He was soul shattering to see such a young man, so much potential in him, all torn down the matter of 72 hours.

A few more days passed and the tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife, then make a sandwich out of it. They were discussing what they'd ask Ranboo once he was comfortable and they really hoped he would get comfy soon rather then later. The discussion almost turned into argument because no one could agree how they would phrase the sentences, there were many arguments that filled the cottage so it was nothing new but this one had woken Ranboo and he over heard what they were talking about. He had to step up, he had to help Tommy, he would do the same for him. With that he took a deep breath and stepped down the stairs and spoke words that people had hoped would one day come-

"I want to help, ask me anything"


607 words and it's pretty horrible but i didn't want to leave you guys high and dry so enjoy this bad  chapter.
Vote to be more poggers then you already are
Drink water and take rest💕✨

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