It can't be true- Chapter 8

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A/N-Hope you guys like the book so far! If you have any idea please comment it cause i have major writers block :[
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⚠️suicide attempt and thoughts ⚠️
⚠️voices in the head⚠️
⚠️panick attack⚠️
No ones POV

The Boy was back where he was an hour prior, laying on a bed, helpless and cold. Tommy had burns all of his body cause even though he was able to be saved with the splash potion it didn't stop the few second his skin made full impact with the lava.

Techno's POV

an hour earlier

I ran after Tommy, we needed to talk about a lot of things; his skinniness, the state he's in and most importantly the god knows how many cuts which riddled his arms. Well there was something new had come up, who was telling him no? Was he just going crazy from the month of being alone or was it something else, something like mine and Wilbur's.

I called after Tommy but he refused to face me so to try and catch his attention I grabbed Wilbur's old trench coat and I think that set him off cause before i knew it i felt a sharp pain in my leg, cause me to fall backwards (letting go of his coat). Without being able to gather my senses i watched Tommy enderpearl away, I couldn't let him escape, i couldn't let him be alone. I looked down at the knife in my leg and the voices piped up.

Blood for blood god
    Kill him        show him he mess with the wrong person
              Kill the brat

I had to block them out, luckily i had practice and if Tommy had the thing I feared it would explain his aggressive acts. This wasn't gonna be the first time I had to run with a knife in my leg so I go to my feet and run as fast as I could. Tommy although looked weak was a fast runner, he always was.

I watched from afar slowly getting closer and closer as he entered the nether. I ran up to the nether portal and let in consume me before spitting me out. I hated the nether, I always have.

I looked around and something caught my eye and my eyes widened. I watched in horror as Tommy jumped into the lava below, I spotted a small on his face as a processed what was happening in front of me. I looked through my inventory and ran towards Tommy's jumping spot and followed suit. Just as I hit the lava I through the splash potion of fire resistance down into the floor.

Present time

Tommy's ones POV

I sat up straight my head pounding and my body aching. Was I dead, I felt dead. I realised I was out of breath and covered in burns. I didn't even realise but i had let out a loud screech when i woke up.

I heard footsteps run up the stairs and felt a sudden warm embrace around me. I let out a yelp, it hurt, it hurt so much. Something the hit me "My wings! Are my wings okay??" I looked behind me and saw my charred wings.
"They'll grow back and they'll be fine" Philza looked at me with tears in his eyes.
Fuck. It hit me i was still here and now they're gonna question me about everything. Why he have to save me, Why did i have to be born? Why? Why? Why?! I grabbed my head and covered my ears.

you should be dead
      They all wish you were  dead
They saved you out of pity
         He regrets saving you
No ones POV

Tommy let out a loud scream "shut up!! Shut up! shut up! shut up!" Each time he screamed shut up he hit his head over and over, tears pouring down his face. "Just as I thought" Techno mumbled to himself causing Philza to look over.
"Why is it?" He said while he was trying to calm down the youngest.
"No no no no no no! Don't touch me!!" Tommy clutched his head tight as he shook widely.
"I think he has the thing me and Wilbur have" Techno although not seeming it was heartbroken having realised his brother had fallen to the voices too.
Philza refused to believe it and shook his head but deep down he knew Techno was right.
Philza's eyes filled with tears

"You're right"

********************************************730 words! Eeeek chapter 8!! I'm sorry that it's shorter i'm a bit busy and there might not be a chapter tomorrow but we'll see
vote to be more poggers then you already are and remmeber to drink water and take rest💕✨

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