The Island- Chapter 2

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A/N- I'm gonna post as many as i can today :] This chapter may be shorter then the other one
Btw it iany selfish to tell people about your problems it valid and you're valid
⚠️cuss warning⚠️
⚠️self degrading thoughts⚠️
⚠️I think intrusive thoughts⚠️
⚠️Not caring about death in a bad way⚠️
I'm not sure if zoning out need warning

Tommy's pov

The night was cold as i sat in the back of the wooden boat, the green bastard sitting in front on me. I shivered as i wrapped my wings around me and hugged my knees. I wanted to cry and scream but i couldn't with my enemy sitting in front of me, I couldn't let him see me weak but that might've been too late cause i felt horrible and probably looked horrible..

Like you always do

That thought appeared in the back of my mind but i tried to ignore it but just kept coming back calling me ugly, useless, horrible and selfish the word Tubbo called me well he called me other words too but the selfish just kept ringing in my ear. I'm not sure what itwas about it, that word just set something off in me, an emotion i couldn't explain. It felt like anger and sadness but at the same time i knew it was right, I was selfish, probably the most selfish in the whole SMP.

But you gave up your disks for L'manberg, that's not something a selfish person would do.

Another thought came into my brain, the only thought that kept me sane whenever i thought i was being selfish, that's what Tubbo would say to comfort me when i ranted to him about how I thought I was selfish and feeling down. Now I think about it, it was selfish to lay all my thoughts on him. This time it didn't work, it didn't make me feel better...What had happened? I looked down at my hands thinking there was something wrong with me.

I wanted to fly away but there were two issues 1. Dream had a crossbow and 2. I didn't have enough strength to and believe me I tried, i didn't care if i was shot I just wanted to feel the wind in my face and feel my tears dry.

I was snapped back to reality hearing Dream yelling at me to get up. I stumbled out of the boat and examined the landscape.

"Welcome to Exile"
————————————————————————400 Words! Sorry this one is really short ;-;
i'll try and make the next one longer :]
A vote would be amazing and make sure to drink water and take rest💕✨

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