Don't do it please- Chapter 6

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A/N- If any of you are considering suicide remember you are loved and very pog💕✨⚠️suicidal thoughts⚠️⚠️Blood⚠️⚠️self harm scars⚠️————————————————————————

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A/N- If any of you are considering suicide remember you are loved and very pog💕✨
⚠️suicidal thoughts⚠️
⚠️self harm scars⚠️

No ones POV

Tommy's head darted to the tall figure standing over him.
"Tommy, please...." the figure offered him a hand.
Tommy stared at the hand and looked up the person and quickly turned away.
"What are you doing here, Ranboo?"
Ranboo stated down at Tommy with sadness in his eyes before crouching down to his level only to be greeted by the back of Tommy's head.
"I've come to visit you cause that's what friends do!!" Ranboo smiled trying to sound as joyful as possible cause at this point he knew Tommy hated pity.
"Big Q and Fundy told you didn't they." the blonde snarled coldly at the taller's kindness.
Ranboo was confused Quackity nor Fundy told him anything, he just really wanted to visit Tommy cause he knew he was going through a hard time.
"What do you mean, what happened?"

Ranboo's POV

What had happened? Has Tommy tried before? I started to feel an immense worry build up in my body. Tommy just sat there refusing to answer my question, just staring into nothingness. I decided to take matters into my own hand and spun Tommy around to face me and what i saw broke me. The normally excitable and smiling boy had a tear stained checks, a big scar across face, his eyes were red and puffy and he had big bags under his eyes. His hair was no longer it's light blond but brown (only his tips on his hair were blond) and matted, covered with dirt. I couldn't tell if his hair had changed so drastically changed because he dyed his hair or it was so stained with dirt.

Tommy looked me dead in the eyes before turning away quickly and sinking his face into his hands. I watched as he started to shake and every now and again I heard a faint sniffle or hiccup. "Go away" he quietly mumbled but i'm not going anywhere and leaving him alone, definitely not in this state.
"No. Tommy i'm not going anywhere until you talk to me"
"I guess you're gonna have to stay here forever" i could hear the quivers in his voice.
I spun him to face me and when he tried to move I refused to let him go "Let me go Ranboo"
"I said let go" he voice sounded so cold, it sent a shiver down my spine.
"No Tommy I'm not letting you go"
"Fine then." I watched in horror as he reached for the bloodied sword next to him and held the sword at my throat.
"Are you gonna let me go now." He almost looked like he was enjoying this as i caught a red glow in his eye.
I looked at him in shock, unable to get words out. There was a very small thud as the bandages on his arms all came undone and revealed his arm littered with cuts and bruises.
I let out an audible gasp and deeply regretted it straight after. I felt the sword dig deeper into my throat, drawing blood.
"I-Iv'e let you go-" I say my voice strained as i put my hands up.
Tommy didn't seem to care anymore, it didn't seem like Tommy anymore, he looked like he wanted to bring harm to me, wanted to kill me...

Tommy's Pov

Kill him! kill him
Kill him
kill him
kill him. Do it
It'll make you feel better

That's all I could hear. I know i shouldn't trust them but it was so overwhelming, too loud, too much. I just wanted it to all stop, to all shut up.
"I'm sorry Ranboo but i have to" I slowly started to dig the sword deeper into his throat, he let out cries of pain and begged me to stop, but i couldn't, it was like something had taken control of me.
"HELP PLEASE!!" he cried out over and over, trying to get the least bit of help he can get.
Just as i felt the sword actually dig into his throat I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head.

The last thing i heard before it all went dark was...

"Help me pick up Tommy"

710 words and CLIFFHANGER!!!
Vote to be pogger then you already are and make sure to drink water and take rest💕✨

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