I remember!

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Tw: Panic attack

His body shook as a numbing sensation filled his spread through his skin. Why would he do that? Was he stupid? He knew he couldn't handle the questions, he knew he would seize up on the spot but there he was sitting in front of the group as they prepared to bombard him with all sort of questions. Quiet whispers were shared amongst the questioning party as they continued to argue but just in a hushed way. The muffled argument was halted by Niki finally pointing their attention back to the anxious teen. Silence overcame the room as thoughts blurred Ranboo's vision. He knew he'd probably regret this, he knew that it would bring all those memories back but he knew he had to, wether he liked it or not.

"So Ranboo what all do you remember" Tubbo finally blurted out but was only met by a sharp jab in his side by Fundy and angry whispering
"I mean I know this is a very sensitive topic for you but it would really help if you tell us what you remember" more angry whispers followed
"Okay then..Hello Ranboo, the half something and half enderman specimen which I calcify as my friend and minute man, We all acknowledge that talking about that very traumatic experience could trigger very hurtful thoughts and is very tough but we will need to you search deep into your brain and formulate a few sentences that could lead us to finding my very close friend, one would even say best friend, Tommyinnit's, who is Homosapien, location."
"What the fuck was that Tubbo" Quackity sharply turned to the younger and it was obvious he was trying to hold back a laugh.
"Fundy said to be more gentle with it so here it is"
Small stifled laughter filled the group, Tubbo had succeeded, he had lightened the mood. The laughter grew louder until Techno finally brought the nonsense to a close.

"Well I remember a..." he scoured his thoughts, trying to remember just a tinge of memory but they all seemed to be gone.
Why couldn't he remember anything? Yes he knew he had a bad memory but it never used to be this bad. Visual distress came over him as his thoughts became cluttered, trying to fill the gaps in his memory. He searched deeper and deeper into his thoughts, becoming less present in reality. Tears began to swell in his eyes, everything becoming unorganised and overwhelming. Everything became to bright, for his mind to focus on one thing.
"Ranboo?..." Phil noticed the distant look on the teen's face.
No answer. "Hey Ranboo, it's going to be okay you don't have to answer right now, I know it's hard" Phil rose to feat and sat next to Ranboo, constantly saying reassuring things.
"No no, it's okay Phil, it's okay" Ranboo took a deep breath as he regained control over himself.
"You sure?"
"Yes I'm very sure Phil, I remember a uuuhh.." he focused hard on any thoughts that could lead to Tommy's location.
Then, as if a miracle a vivid memory filled his brain, it seemed Dream missed some of his memory, well that's what they thought at least.
"I remember! I remember-"

"-Ghostbur and a plains biome"


It seemed I had left you guys for almost 2 weeks with nothing, and I'm really sorry. I lost all motivation and was busy. I'll try and make sure this doesn't happen again.
Vote to be more poggers then you already are
Drink water and take rest💕✨

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