Stay away from me- Chapter 7

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A/N- eeee people are starting to find my book :DD thank you! No song today, sorry about that, I couldn't find a good one
⚠️mention of borderline neglect⚠️
⚠️self harm thoughts⚠️
⚠️harming others⚠️
⚠️ blood⚠️
⚠️suicidal thoughts and attempt⚠️

No one's POV

The snow heavily fell upon the lonely house, blanketing the roof with a thick layer of softness. Ranboo was having his neck bandaged by a man, who he had not heard much of before. There were two men Ranboo had never met before but he'd heard of them and let's just say they didn't seem lovely. One man sat upstairs, looking at the pale, blonde teen, feeling an immense guilt building up in him.

Tommy sat straight up, wings extending. Panicking, his eyes darted across the room until it fell upon one man. "You" Tommy said with distaste in his mouth.
"Hi son.."
Tommy jolted up and out of the bed, he felt nauseous for a second but quickly regained a normal feeling. "Where am I?!" Tommy practically hissed at his father.
"Home" Philza tried to stay calm, not wanting to overwhelm his youngest son.

Tommy just stared at him blankly before bursting into laughter, "H-home! That's a good one Philza" Tommy refused to call Philza dad or any sort of thing like that.
Tommy looked at Philza's perplexed face then realised he was joking "You're being serious?"Tommy was in disbelief and then continued to laugh.
"Welcome home Tommy"
"fuck off i'm not home, this isn't home! Home isn't a place full of people who left their two younger sons alone on one of their birthdays because they just had to go to on an adventure!" he mocked and screamed at Philza

Tommy's POV

He left you!
Hurt him now. look there's a sword right there
maybe kill him then yourself, two birds with on stone.
Kill him. Kill the bad father
Kill the bastard. Fucking slit his throat

They kept taking, they wouldn't shut up but they were right. I should kill him. He doesn't deserve to be alive. He left me. I glanced at the sword next to the bed and grabbed it before stabbing it into his spread out arm. Philza let out a scream it was a funny scream but his face it was priceless, he looked so shocked! How could he not see this coming, he did it to himself honestly. I go to remove the sword move on to stabbing his chest but someone slide in between me and Philza. The voices didn't seem to like him either and they rightfully shouldn't but sadly the sword was still lodged in Philza's arm, out of reach.

No ones POV

"What the fuck are you doing Tommy?!"
Techno glared down at the youngest with anger in his eyes. Tommy did not seem phased from the anger coming from his oldest brother and just looked Techno straight in the eyes and said "Giving him what he deserved."
Tommy said it was calmly, almost with no emotion whatsoever it almost made the pig startle back. "Are we done here" Tommy looked bored as he glanced at Ranboo desperately trying to find away to help Philza "he'll be fine, sadly." Tommy directed his voice to the frantic Ranboo.
"No tommy we're actually not done here for many reasons" Techno looked at the boys arm and his overall skinniness along with the state his brother was in.
"I'm fine Techno now go deal with your precious father, look he needs you" Tommy said in a teasing tone as you started to walk downstairs.
"Tommy get the fuck back here!"
Tommy paused for a second and smiled "They said no."
"Who said no?" Techno seemed concerned
"No need to worry they said not to tell you cause you're a bit of a bitch" Tommy grabbed Wilbur's old trench coat which here almost always wore (he has his wing holes cut in them like all his clothes) and left the house to be greeted by thick snow. Tommy didn't care, he kept walking, not looking back. He heard running follow after him "Tommy where are you going?!" Techno said as he ran after the teen.
"None of your business" Tommy didn't even face his brother.
"Look at me Tommy!"
"No I don't think I will"
Tommy felt something grab his coat and he flinched, "Get the fuck off me!" Tommy struggled to get freed of Techno's grasp
"No Tommy we need to talk."
Tommy attempted to flap his wings aggressively and he felt two things in his pocket, a swiss pocket knife and an ender pearl, his perfect escape all he had to do was to make sure he was gone before they even had a chance to catch up.

Tommy's POV

The voices kept saying to kill him with the knife but i took pitty on my 'brother' and just stabbed him in the leg before end pearling away. I tried to fly to get more a head but wings were to cold and refused to open so I ran, I ran like my life depended on it. I kept running and found a nether portal. '"Perfect" I said to myself, repeating after the voices.

I felt the heat embrace me and it hit me. What had I done.. I stumble back everything hitting me like a truck. I'm such a horrible person, I just stabled two people, two members of my family..well yes i didn't like them but i didn't mean i should've a stabbed them.
You deserve to die
do it. No one will with miss you
just die already
everyone will be much happier without you
They don't care anymore cause you're just selfish.

The voices they were right, I looked down at the bubbling lava, it looked so warm and welcoming like it was calling out to me so I could go home. I was too tired to fight, I was ready to go home. I chuckled to myself as I thought about everything which had happened.

I closed my eyes and leaned backwards and i felt myself falling. It was so freeing, it felt like this is what all my life lead up to the 'hero' dying disgraced by his city....just like theseus.

I felt myself hit the lava and I heard something or someone fall next to me, it all went dark, finally i was at peace.

No ones Pov


The sound of a splash potion could be heard..

"You're safe now Tommy"

A/N- Two chapters in a day don't mind if if i do!
Vote to be poggers then you already are
Make sure to drink water and take rest💕✨

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