Alone- Chapter 3

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A/N Chapter 3!! I'll try and get it to 1000 words or maybe even more sorry if it isn't :[
⚠️Passing out/panic attacks⚠️
⚠️Self harm⚠️
⚠️self degrading thoughts⚠️

No ones POV

Tommy's wings started to beat up and down, his wings pleading to escape but not having enough energy or motivation to. Dream had dug a hole and Tommy looked at him with perplexed expression, "Your items now!" Dream demanded.
"What the fuck, no!!" Tommy hissed back with hatred in his words.
"Well it would be a shame if those lovely wings would have to go" Dream eyed Tommy's midnight black wings.
Tommy's eyes widened as he felt his wings retract and become closest to his body.
"O..okay Dream here's my stuff" Tommy knew Dream was not joking around, he's one to live up to his threats. Tommy dropped his items into the hole and watched them set alight.

Tommy's POV

I shivered as i felt a familiar presence causing me turn sharply. There, as I expected stood well floated Ghostbur looking at me with questioning eyes. "What are you doing here Tommy?" Ghostbur was there during the exile but it must've been a sad memory to him so he can't remember it.
"Just having a vacation..." It took all my energy to not snap at ghostbur.
He reminded me so much of my older brother who went mad but before that Wilbur was nice, comforting and much more like a Dad to me the Philza ever was...

I held so much resent towards my so called 'father' He killed Wilbur..his own son who I knew was half mad but he could've come back around but no Philza killed him right in front of me. Yes I didn't like the Wilbur in Pogtopia but other then that he was amazing. He let me cry on his shoulder when Techno and Philza arrived late from one of their 'adventures' on my 7th birthday, he looked after me when i was sick (I was a very sickly child) , read me stories before i fell to sleep if i was scared of thunder or just because i wanted a story and sang me one of his songs he wrote on his guitar. I missed that Wilbur and I just wanted that Wilbur back. Well we kinda did but in the worst way, he's a shell of himself, no longer having a a way with words and song. I miss him...I miss him so fucking much.

I got snapped back into reality by Ghostbur 'tapping' my shoulder. I jump at this before realising Dream was gone. "Hello Tommy! Would you like some blue!"
I stare at the blue distastefully and then push it away "No Ghostbur I don't want your god damn blue!!" It turns out i had pushed the blue onto the floor. "Oh i-i'm sorry Ghostbur!" I felt horrible....what sort of person would lash out at a ghost of all things.
"Oh it's f-fine tommy" I could see tears feeling in his eyes.
I bent down and picked up the blue and handed it to the crying ghost, the moment my skin came in contact with the blue i almost felt better, i'm not sure how this blue stuff works but it does even if it's only a little bit. I looked at Ghostbur and i could see him smiling with the blue in hand, slightly darker then it was before it was in my hands.

Three week time skip

Still Tommy's POV

Dream left me after my on one cared. Only Dream cared, Dream was my only friend. I felt faint as words kept repeating in my head.

You're worthless. No one cares about you. You're so pathetic. You're just scared .

I could almost hear Wilbur's voice form back in Pogtopia..scared..I was scared, I was even shaking.

You're selfish.

I hugged my knees tight and words kept ringing in my ears, i could hear Philza, Techno, Wilbur and even Tubbo all taunting me and calling me worthless well they were right, I was worthless.. I felt a waterfall of warm tears pour down my pale face. I tried to stand, to stop being so weak, but i couldn't the voices were too loud. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" I had finally had enough, i fell to the floor and felt something cut my skin causing me to wince in pain. I was confused, it hurt so much but felt good...

I slowly picked up the sword with my shakey hand. 'Just once..' I think to myself before slicing a cut into my arm. I inhale through my teeth 'Just once more'  that was a lie, when i cut the second time i couldn't stop and before i knew it my arm was almost full with deep cuts. I startle back, dropping the sword. What..what have i done..

My vision starts to get cloudy and blurry as i look down at my heavily bleeding and frail arms, black spots start to fill my vision as my whole body feels week and i loose complete control of me. My wings flap frantically as i feel myself fall to the floor with a loud THUD.

No one's POV

Tommy lay almost lifeless on the cold wooden floor of tnret. The sun began set on the logstedshire as Tommy laid alone and shivering.

The portal to the Nether glimmered in the orange light on the setting sun as Ghostbur floated through the portal, clutching blue and something else in his hands. "Tommy!!" yelled the ghost flying around happily trying to find the blonde haired boy. "Tommy!! I have something to give you!!" Ghostbur began to be slightly worried not hearing the normally loud and screaming teen. "Tommy?.." Ghostbur held the present tightly in his left hand as worry started to build up inside him.

Ghostbur POV

I started to panic. Where was Tommy? I had a gift for him, it was a compass! It always lead to Tubbo i named it 'Your Tubbo!' I was very proud of it, it took forever to make and plus Tubbo had a matching one named 'Your Tommy.' He was extremely happy to receive my gift and i wanted to see Tommy's expression. It hit me, Tommy was obviously in tnret! I zip open the tent and saw a sword laying at my 'feet',well more of a mist, covered in blood. My eyes widened as I spotted something that truly horrified me to the very core.


——————————————————————BOOM!!! I did it!! 1100 words. I really hope it's a good chapter :]]
Sorry if there's grammar and spelling errors because it's like 5am where i am
Make sure to drink water and take rest and vote to be more poggers then you already are!! 💕✨

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