The attempt- Chapter 13

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Second chapter this weekend? Don't mind if I do :] I'm trying to not use first person as much well unless you guys want me to
⚠️self harm
Suicide attempt
self degrading thoughts⚠️

Tommy quickly opened his eyes and frantically looked around, "Where are you?" he has such hatred in his voice it almost scared Dream.
"Why do you need to know that?"
"Show yourself you coward!"
His blue eyes darted around the room well used to be blue eyes, his eyes were now a dull grey after all life had been drained out of the boy. He used all his strength to try and stand but everything hurt and his legs felt like they were gonna snap any second. Dream chuckled "I'm no coward, I'm your friend Tommy and how could a coward be friends with you"
That response caused Tommy to just freeze. Was he right? Of course he was right, he had just tried to kill him and would a coward still be friends with someone who just threatened to kill them? The answer to that question was obviously no.

Everything went silent and all that was heard was the dripping of water coming from the corner of the room, which was filling into a bucket. "You won't be alone soon Tommy, just wait"
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Tommy snapped back after being brought back into reality.
"You'll find out soon."

Days all blurred together as Dream tortured the only 16 year old for hours on end. Any spirit the boy might have had hidden deep inside him had broken and was ripped away. Bruises and cuts riddled his arms some from Dream and his weird torture contraptions and some from himself. He had found broken glass in the back of the cell and took the opportunity, he had decided he was gonna end it, why would he want to be alive anymore all his life consisted of was pain and suffering and he just wanted it all to end, he wanted to be free and happy again. In his eyes there was no hope of help coming, they didn't care for him anyways well that's what the voices told him and to Tommy the voices only spoke truth.

Gripping the glass tight in hovered over his vein, was this the right choice? Of course it was, he'd be happy again and be able to go home. This isn't the way Tommy. It was the way. No it isn't please don't do it, people do care about you. No they don't, my own best friend exiled me unless that counts as caring. The internal battle ranged on as the voices screamed at each other and it felt like Tommy was just a spectator of his own body. All of a sudden the glass in his hand disappeared.

"I'll be taking that."

500 words. Sorry it's short but i promise the next chapter will be poggers :]
Vote to be more poggers then you already are
Drink water and take rest💕✨

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