HELP PLEASE- Chapter 4

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A/N-  I hope you guys are liking the book so far :] Sorry i can't find a good song for this chapter
⚠️after math of self harm⚠️

Ghostbur's POV

I stood over Tommy's passed out body, tears filling my eyes as i caught sight of the deep cuts which riddled his arms. I had to get help, I had to get Dream. I grabbed a note book so that I wouldn't forget, this is sad so I'd forget, I knew I would and if I forgot Tommy could die. I frantically wrote on the note pad and started to fly quickly to the portal. I'd never flown so fast, I felt the warm hit me quickly as entered the Nether but I didn't stop to appreciate the warmness like I normally did, I had to get help for Tommy.

I arrived to the overworld and speedily burst through a door, where Dream, Quackity, Fundy, George and Tubbo sat. I tried to tell everyone with words but no words were coming out just cry's and every now and again "T..Tommy" or "H-help!"

Dream noticed the note in my hand and grabbed it before reading it to himself. He looked up at me and grabbed the first aid kit.

Dream's POV

I grabbed the first aid kit, I didn't care for kid, no not one bit but i didn't want him to die yet, I still needed him.

No ones POV

In Dream's and Ghostbur rush to go to Logstdshire, they didn't realise they left the note behind. Dream had told them not to follow him and to continue to the meeting but curiosity got the better of Quackity and Fundy so they picked up the note and read it. They looked at eachother, eyes widened, and started to run to the portal right behind the ghost. Tubbo wanted to read the note and follow them, he really did, but he had to respect Dream, Dream was the only thing keeping L'manberg un-blown up and Tubbo intended to keep it that way. Tubbo thought It was just about Tommy anyways...

Quackity's POV

Me and Fundy rushed through the Nether portal in complete silence but we were both frantic. I didn't think Tommy would do this, he always seemed so happy, always loud and joyful but i guess being a social person and being dragged away from your friends by your own best friend can mess you up.

Dream and Ghostbur didn't seem to notice us running behind them. We ran across the obsidian and cobblestone path until we arrived at the portal which lead to Tommy's exile island.

I looked around before noticing a few structures; there was a Christmas tree, probably built by Bad, a beach which looked like it was decorated for a party and then my eyes fell upon the tent both Dream and Ghostbur were rushing into. I nudged Fundy and pointed towards the Green man and we ran towards the white tent.

No one's POV

Quackity and Fundy burst into the tent to see the thing they feared the most, Tommy laying in a small puddle of his own blood. Fundy let out an audible gasp as tears filled his eyes. Quackity was just in shock, still processing the sight. Dream's gaze darted to them and he grabbed the sword which laid next to Tommy and held it at them "You will not tell anyone of this, got it?!" The man hissed, sword almost at Fundy's neck.
"We got it! Now lower the weapon" Quackity moved Fundy out of the way of the sharp blade.
Dream lowered the sword "Help me get Tommy onto the bed now that you're here you can at least make yourself useful." Dream began to move the motionless Tommy into the bed.

Quackity and Fundy comforted Ghostbur as Dream bandaged and washed out Tommy's cuts. Each time Dream placed a cotton swab onto a cut he could feel Tommy flinch slightly.

After Dream had finished bandaging Tommy up he made a swift escape, leaving Quackity, Fundy and Ghostbur standing over Tommy.
Tommy stirred as he opened his eyes slowly.

"Hi Tommy.."

670 words!! Shorter the the last chapter but I wanted to let them chat in a different chapter, which might be released today 0-0 but defiantly tomorrow:]

Anyways make sure to drink water and take rest.
Vote to be Pogger then you already are💕✨

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