You-Chapter 10

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A/N- eeeek 1k read i'm so happy!! You guys are all so supportive and amazing!
i'm no professional when it comes to mental health so if somethings wrong just tell me!
⚠️thoughts of suicide⚠️
⚠️intrusive thoughts⚠️
⚠️compulsive thoughts⚠️
⚠️Panick attack⚠️
⚠️Self degrading thoughts⚠️
⚠️cussing (naturally)⚠️

No one's POV

Philza dragged himself down the stairs lazily while rubbing his eyes. "Who is it Techi.." (son nickname not a ship you disgustang people) Philza started to approach the door and hear Techno practically hiss "You!"
"Techi who is it?" Philza turned and instantly woke up "You. Get the fuck away from our house"
"I'm gonna repeat again, I'm here for Tommy." The green bastard was stern in his tone and even though his face only showed a smiley face you could almost see the disgust in his face (It isn't a mask btw he's inhuman idk if that's cannon) .
"And i'm gonna repeat again fuck off." Phil scowled from behind his son.
"I get it you like to pretend you still have a 'son' and 'father' relationship cause you just can't handle the fact you're a shit father. I was more of a father then you ever where. Now hand over Tommy cause we all know you don't actually give two fucks about what happens to the boy." Dream just stared at them, his smiley face staring deep into the duos souls.
Techno filled with rage and pulled his sword out.
"I don't think I would do that if I was you." Dream pulled out a crossbow and aimed it at Phil.

There was faint footstep emerging from down the stairs, "What the fuck is happening here?" Tommy had a blue king-looking cape wrapped around him, his wings tucked behind the cape, and bandages covering almost every inch of his body.
"Tommy go back upstairs." Phil half turned to the confused and angry looking boy.
"Not until you shut up cause I can't fucking hear myself think." Tommy had big bags under his eyes, some from lack of sleep and some from crying, although they were always there since the l'manberg revolutionary war they had grown bigger since exile.
"Tommy! It's so great to see you again c'mon let's go back!" Dream peered in and tried to sound cheery but really he couldn't give less of a shit.
"D-Dream" Tommy's loud voice faded as he startled back as he felt his chest closing and his eyes water.

Tommy's POV

Why was I reacting so much it's just Dream, why was I so weak? No matter how much I wanted to stand strong and fight against Dream like I had many times before, my throat felt like it was caving in on me. Before I knew it, I stumbled back and all words faded, all I heard was buzzing well buzzing and 'the voices' . I could see Techno's and Phil's mouths moving but I couldn't hear them, like i was on mute, my brain was in another place, like i was a spectator of my own life. I felt something wrap around me but i couldn't do anything, even if i wanted to.

          they're trying to help you but you're ignoring them how selfish.
      They pitty you

They kept talking and I couldn't even ignore them because all I could hear was them. I'm not sure how it looked on the outside but I probably looked like a fucking moron. All the memories from exile started rushing back. It just kept replaying over and over.

I was back there. Well it felt like I was. I could almost feel the sand under me and heat beating on me. I went to spread my wings but i couldn't feel them, I looked behind and I saw was blood and bones. This can't be real, there's no way...but if it wasn't i'd be crazy, I wasn't crazy but this can't be real but it felt so real but...but all the buts and questions spiralled in my head and I felt myself fall to my knees and unlike i had imagined felt hard wood hit my knees unlike sand. I was yanked back into reality and I saw the faint figures of Phil and Techno surrounding me. As I saw them slowly come back into focus the buzzing came to a slow but steady holt.
"Tommy can you hear me?"
I couldn't make out who it was but something told me it was phil, well whoever it was kept on asking me very obvious questions.
"What colour is the wood?"
It felt so hard to move and talk but I managed to let out a pathetic "b-brown."
More questions followed, answered by my weak voice. They came more and more into focus, quicker then they had before. As I came closer to reality, I felt warm tears flowing down my face and I realised that I was shaking.
"what colour is my hair."
I still couldn't tell who was speaking to me, their voice was still fuzzy, so I replied with a feeble "Blonde"
"No Tommy it's me Techno, what colour is my hair?"
That shocked me, Techno was the one comforting me and for some reason that made me push more to snap out of whatever was happening... I clenched my fist and replayed with a semi-sure "P-pink." Other then the stuffier I think I did a good job.

How can you do a 'good job'?
       you're pathetic you can't do any good.
        They all wished you died the time you jumped.

I wouldn't let myself fall to them again, I had a strong urge to make Techno proud. I slowly felt myself stop shaking and things stop being blurry and fuzzy. My eyes darted around the room, "Is D-Dream..."
Stop stuttering that makes you weak.
I took a deep breath. "Is Dream still"
Before i knew it I was repeating it, I had to get it right, I had to be strong. I had to get it right cause who knows what will happen if i do it wrong.

Techno's POV

Tommy had stopped shaking and was starting to come around. I was no stranger to panic attacks so I already knew what to say and how to make him feel better but he had started to mutter something. Me and Dadza looked at each other confused trying to make out what he was saying. "Is D-dream..fuck don't stutter"
He looked so panicked each time he stuttered as if the world would open up and swallow us whole if he wasn't able to say the sentence without a stutter.
"Hey Tommy it's don't have to say the sentence without a stutter" Dadza put a hand on Tommy's shoulder.
Tommy just looked up at him, still repeating it, still stuttering. He looked more and more panicked with every second that passed. No matter the comfort from me or Dadza Tommy continued, that's when my cogs started turning. Was it the voices?

             he's lost it just kill him. 
     Blood for Blood god
                              put him out of his misery

Not right now, not now of all times. Without warning, something strange happened, they seemed to argue yes of course on one hand they were telling me to end him but on the other some were begging for us to help more.

       Help him.           Save him.
comfort him.        Be a good big brother.           Technobrother

No one's Pov

After almost 5 minutes of the endless panic and stress from the blonde he had finally become content with his pronunciation "Is Dream still here?"
Techno and Phil looked at each other with sadness and pitty in their eyes. There were heavy footsteps which approached the family and the man loomed over them.

"Of course I am."

A/N- Sorry for the inconsistent updates but i do really hope you're enjoying the book!! Vote to be more poggers then you already are!
Make sure to drink water and take rest💕✨

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