Not that place {short chapter}

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"That helps nothing Ranboo-" Tubbo blurted out, forgetting Ranboo's memory issues.
"Tubbo." A sharp hit met Tubbo's side as Fundy hissed at him.
"Oh yeah... I mean thanks Ranboo" Tubbo shifted around awkwardly.
"I can try and see if i can remember anything else...." Ranboo could tell the obvious disappointment in everyone's face and wanted to make sure they could find Tommy.
"That would be nice Ranboo but make sure you don't push yourself" Puffy spoke in a soft voice, almost like a mother.
"Yeah we don't want you getting hurt or anything, if you need something I can get you something to eat" Niki chimed in, also speaking in an equally kind voice, making Ranboo's ever cluttering thoughts come to a slow halt.
"Seriously, I'm okay" Before anyone could question the truth in that statement, Ranboo had sunk deep into his thought, trying to remember anything.

He kept digging deeper and deeper into his thoughts when a strange formation of wood popped into his mind, he hadn't thought anything of it when he first saw it but when he remembered it, it was like he complete a puzzle. He let out an audible gasp and clicked
back into reality. "What's wrong Ranboo?" Phil sat straight up.
"I think, I think we were in Logstedshire..."
"What?!" Quackity obviously did not have any fond memories of Logstedshire as last time he saw Tommy..well y'know.
"Yeah..that's why Ghostbur was there it make sense now" Ranboo stood up so quickly it made his head spin.
"Calm down Kid we need to first gather supplies" Techno also stood up but in a more collective manner.
"Oh yeah.."
With that everyone got to work, they've got a location and now they need a plan.

It was 8 against 1 so it seemed the odds were in their favour, they decided that if they tossed invisibility potions and look for some sort of
indication of a secret base or something. They spent days gathering food, weapons, armour and potions. The black night slowly faded into purple as the sun peeked over the edge of the mountain, it was time to save Tommy.


Extremely short chapter i'm sorry 364 words :] i might not update for a while because for the next chapter i want to feel motivated so that it's a beautiful and long chapter :]]]]]]

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