The 'rescue'

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Tw: Swearing, panic attack and kidnapping {no one gets kidnapped they're just going to a place where someone was kidnapped}

The time had come. The day to finally be done with Dream and save Tommy. The sun shone in the sky, blissfully unaware of the horrors that would soon plague the day. Equipment filled the front room as everyone put on armour and mentally prepared themselves, not just for the fight but also the state they'd find Tommy in. Although it was 8 against 1, Dream was powerful and knew how to fight and rumours spread that he had some sort of supernatural things going on with him but no one had ever seen it. Only Puffy would know for sure but she would never answer the others questions as Dream was still her duckling..was he though? How could she still see him as her duckling when he kidnapped literal children and traumatised one so bad, only having been with him for two days but she had no time for those thoughts. She had to keep her mind clear because she feared that she would fail them.

With a deep breath they exited the house and was greeted by a harsh snowstorm swirling through the sky. The winds howls like wolves as snow covered every inch of grass, leaving them almost completely blind to where they were going. The bitter cold winds bit at their skin as they grew closer and closer towards Logstedshire. Half of the people hadn't even seen the place and the few who had seen it didn't have very fond memories of the place.

As the place came closer and closer they noticed the slight outline of a Christmas tree in the distance and they knew they had reached. The warmth of the plains biome engulfed them like a shock to the system but they didn't have time to focus on that, they had to defeat Dream. They scanned the area and nothing seemed abnormal until Techno realised something. There was so disturbed dirt near the tent but Dream couldn't be that stupid could he? This just had to be a coincidence but no when he grabbed his shovel and dug down there was a tiny base.

Maybe Dream was that he isn't but why would he just leave the dirt so obviously there, this is too easy but what else could Dream be up to but before Techno could raise his suspicions Tubbo came tumbling down onto him. "Get off me" Techno grumbled as he got to his feet, this is why he prefers to work alone.

One by one people fell into the tiny base but other then the thuds coming from the people the base was quiet. Too quiet. They wondered around but then again there wasn't but to see. There was nothing to be seen maybe that's why Dream didn't bother to cover up the base properly, maybe it just a massive goose chase but as Techno began to spiral into all the what ifs and why's a loud clang could be heard from a room they hadn't seen yet. That wasn't there before right? No it had to be, it couldn't just appear...there was no piston sounds, we're there? All this just seemed wrong to Techno but no one else seemed to notice how convenient everything was, maybe he was just being paranoid.

As the group began to make their way towards the sound, a sense of uneasiness fell upon them. Something just didn't feel right but there was no time to focus on some sort of silly and probably incorrect feeling. They came across a broken door and lightly pushed it open to reveal two cells, one was completely empty well there was some books but that was it. The other seemed a some sort of slumped up thing against the wall.

Heavy breathing escaped Ranboo as he stumbled out of the room. Niki ran up to him as she reassured him it was all okay but she didn't seem to be getting through to him, he grabbed his chest, desperately trying to breath. A numbing feeling spread through his body like fire while his grasp on reality started to leave him. He was back there, the loud screams and the sound of the machines filled his ears. No no no, he can't go back there he was safe with Niki, Techno and the others...but no matter how many times he told himself that the memories kept clawing its way back into his mind, forcing him to relive everything. Slowly he could hear Niki and Puffy trying to calm him down and just their voices brought his thoughts at ease.

Once they were sure Ranboo was alright they went to examine the strange slump in the corner of the cell. They slowly approached and put a hand on the slump, they were expecting it just to be done garbage but as the hand met the blanket it moved. Was it alive...was it Tommy? With hope in his heart Tubbo removed the blanket to be met by dirty blond hair.

"Tommy?!" Tubbo exclaimed loudly, feeling tears prick his eyes, was it from joy or guilt that he couldn't tell you.
Although Tubbo's scream could probably be heard all the way in L'manburg there was no response from Tommy. Worry filled the room as Techno slowly turned the boy into his back and was met by something no one could suspect. His face was covered by what seemed to be a mask that mimicked Dream's face, it wasn't very nicely made, it had a ragged edge and the smile was wobbly and the whole mask was just complete shit.

Techno felt something sink into his stomach but he didn't understand why, it was just a mask, yes a very ugly mask but just a mask none the less but something told him it was something more. As he slowly removed the mask the feeling grew stronger and once the mask was completely off he knew the reason why. Tommy's face seemed to be in a forceful smile as tears poured down his face "Hello there" his voice didn't sound like his, what in the actual fuck was going on.
"Tommy...what happened to you?" Techno heard the voices grow louder and louder demanding blood.
There was no answer.
Still nothing.

"That's not Tommy."

ummm sorry for the bad updates, i've just been so unmotivated lately or when i am i'm in school and it's just annoying but I really hope you enjoy the chapter. Love you guys {platonic}
Make sure you drink water and take rest
Vote to be more poggers then you already are💕✨

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