The Final Rescue

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So I had to create the diversion. Wonderful. 

What should I do? Just scream, hey! Everyone! I'm over here, come and kill me to your hearts content! Completely ignore the other three ninja trying to save your prisoner! 

Apparently, that is exactly what I was supposed to do. 

So, naturally, I ran to the center of the cavern, and pushed a random Camonai into the pit. I heard his screams as he fell into the acidic lava. 

The entire stadium turned towards me. I gulped. "Hey! You Stupid bugs!" I shouted to the crowd, "Come and get me! Ninja over here!"  

Arachne glared 8 red daggers at me. "Bugs?" She said in her rattly voice. "BUGS!?"  

There was a murmur from the thousands of Arachneions. 

"Get the NINJA!!!!" Arachne screeched. 

The entire room emptied of all spiders but the five who were guarding Brielle. They were all coming at me, shouting curses in a foreign language. 

I ran. 


Kai was creating a diversion, almost every Arachneion was going after him as he ran out of the cave. Haha. I saw Cole, Zane, and Jay stealthily coming to the crane where the Widowri was sitting, drinking something from what looked like a Styrofoam coffee cup. I watched them easily kill her and attempt to turn my cage over the ground, but the other four Arachneions, all Tarantulai, came barreling towards them. 


I easily sliced the head off of the Widowri with my Scythe, as if she were made of jell-o. 

Well that's a disturbing thought. 

Zane was trying to figure out how to maneuver the crane when the other 4 Tarantulai came storming toward us like stampeding buffalo or something. 

Jay and I jumped into action to cover Zane. The Tarantulai were probably the strongest clan of Arachneions, but possibly the dumbest. 

They couldn't make sharp turns. So we waited to the last second and jumped to the side when a spider came, and killed them. I had done the same with yet another spider, but the last one wasn't as blunt.  

He was also about twice as large as the other 3 Tarantulai. When Jay began to jump to the side, the Arachneion caught him with one arm, and picked him up. He seemed to be squeezing the life out of Jay, he was turning purple in the face. 

The spider began to start towards the pit. I thrust my Scythe into the earth and made a crack in the floor. The ground shook, causing the Tarantulai to drop Jay and stumble into the pit. 

"Guys, come quick!" Zane beckoned. 


I saw the guys stuggling with the crane. I had seen the Widowri work it often enough that I could interpret what the levers were for fairly easily. "Guys!" I called, my voice raspy from thirst, "The purple lever moves the cage from side to side, the blue one up, the green one down. The red button unlocks the cage!" 

Jay gave a thumbs up and then the cage began to move. I slowly went from above the lava to over the dirt floor. I then began to sink to the ground smoothly, and landed with a thud. The cage door opened and I ran out into Cole's arms. 

"You saved me," I breathed. 

Cole squeezed me a bit tighter. "I did, didn't I." 

I smiled. My head was pounding... why was my vision becoming so blurry? My heart beat faster. It got hotter in the room... my eyes got heavy. My whole body ached. 

I stared into Cole's gorgeous eyes, he into mine, slowly, it was becoming harder to breathe, and my eyes were stinging. I started coughing, from what, I don't know. My vision was becoming hazy...

And then everything went black. 


Brielle had just passed out. "What happened to her?" I asked. 

"Heat exhaustion..." Zane said. "The fumes from the acidic lava might also have properties that could cause her to become unconscious for a bit." 

He went over and put some cold air on Brielle to cool her off a little. Cole shifted and carried Brielle bridal style. I clenched my fists. Cole obviously had something with Brielle that I would never have. Besides... I have Nya. Right? 

We ran out of the cave and off to find Kai. 


I followed Kai's trail of heat and the sound of a crowd. We bumped into him in a forked passage, where we then began to locate the exit. 

I put a map of the cave in my tracker. I now could easily see where the main exit was. 

"Follow me," I ordered. 


Brielle was breathing slowly against my chest. She looked so peaceful, so calm. Zane seemed to know the way, so we followed him, Brielle and I falling a little way behind. 

I could hear the boisterous noise of thousands of spider people echoing through the caves, getting closer and closer by the minute. 

We had to hurry. 

I could see daylight ahead. I was getting brighter and brighter.  

We finally made it out. I had to squint. I missed the sun. We turned our golden weapons into vehicles, Brielle in the back seat of mine. We sped off to Destiny's Bounty, leaving the Arachneions in the dust.

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