Ninjas and the Training course.

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I woke up and moaned. At least it was Sunday, my day off. I might have to actually shut down my gym because of this ninja thing. That reminded me. I had to pack... and to tell Nariah about all that happened yesterday afternoon. I took a quick shower and dressed in a pale blue t-shirt with silver swirls, gray shorts, and white and blue sneakers. Then I put on the silver locket that my mother gave me before she... she... never mind. I don't want to think about it.  I packed all of my clothes and most of my belongings into a giant suitcase and headed out to the kitchen.

"Where 'you heading off too?" Nariah asked, glancing at my suitcase. She was eating a cheese and bacon omelette with Orange Juice. Typical Sunday Breakfast.

"Oh... uh.. well, It's hard to explain." I said. "Anyway, Where's Darren? He usually stays for breakfast," I changed the subject. Darren is Nariah's boyfriend.. you know... the one that was over last night.

"Oh, he had to go into work early. Anyway, just tell me where you are going so long that you need that big old thing! Are you leaving me girlfriend?"

"Well, um, no... yes... um, well..." I told her everything. And for once, she listened intently to every word.

"Wow," she said, "Will you at least come visit me every once in a while?"

"Of course!" I smiled.

After some talking, we said goodbye and I left for the bounty. There was a note on our doormat. It read:


The bounty is anchored on the roof of your building. Cole will be helping you with your luggage. See you at the training course.

-Sensei Wu

"Alrighty," I said to myself. I went over to the elevator and lugged my suitcase inside. I pressed the TOP button. Then I stood and listened to the cheery jingle of the elevator music.

Do-da-do-da-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do. Da do. Do da do da do do do do...

I yawned and looked at my watch. 8:30. Blah. Then, the metal elevator doors opened with a DING! I saw the anchor on the roof. Cole was waiting beside it.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey." He lugged the suitcase onto his back and went up the chain. I followed. He started to lug the thing to the room where I was staying.

"No, you don't have to do that," I said. Taking my suitcase from him. I gazed into his dark eyes. His ever so beautiful dark  eyes... damn. I felt him returning my stare and looked away, blushing.

His face became red as well. "Well, um, your training session starts in 10 minutes so... yeah. Jay will be training you today.

"Uh... okay!" I said. Then I went to my room. I opened the door. Nya was in there.

"Hi!" she said.

"Hello, um, so we're sharing a room?" I asked.

"Yeah. Your bed is over there!" Nya pointed to a spare bed.

"Oh. Cool," I said.

We talked for a bit and then she led me to a room with a large door. "This is the training room. Jay is training you today, and Sensei will be evaluating you. Good luck!" Nya smiled, showing her dimples.

"Thanks," I said. And opened the door.


I was sitting on a bench when Brielle walked in. She looked beautiful. Her blue eyes, her curly strawberry blonde hair was in a side ponytail. "Uh.. hi!" I said. "Let's get started," I showed her the training course and told her what to do when Sensei walked in.

"And, you must finish the training course before I finish my cup of tea." He sat down on his mat.

"Okay," Brielle huffed. "I'm ready."

And the training began.

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