The Capture

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"Wait, so how am I supposed to achieve my weapon's true power?" I asked again, unsure.

"Well, you just kind of have to..... well, for example, when mine first transformed, I had to imagine the lightning and electricity flowing through your veins, like its a natural part of you, and transfer that feeling to your weapon. Somehow, the energy makes it transform," Jay explained.

I think I had it now. "Okay," I said. and took a deep breath, and clenched my fans tightly.

I closed my eyes, and imagined the power of air and wind seeping into me, flowing through my body and combining with my blood. I felt the power of my element inside of me, overtaking my heart. Now, I just had to somehow channel this energy into my hands and to my weapon. I pictured the power, streaming to my hands. I could feel it. The power and energy and air element was moving through me, into the silver fighting fans of wind. They started to glow.

"Let go of them!" Kai shouted.

I obeyed and thrust the fans out of my hands. They landed on the wooden deck of the bounty with a thud and began to vibrate. Then there was a blinding flash of white light. I turned my head.

When I looked back again, I was speechless. Right there, was a sleek, shiny, silver fighter plane. It was small for a plane, but it definitely wasn't a jet. "Whoa!!!!!" I said. Jay and Kai seemed to be thinking the same thing. They stared in awe at my vehicle.

I hopped into the cockpit and stared around at the controls. I had never manned a plane before, much less a magical wind plane that was silver and most likely had special elemental powers. "Erm.. how am I supposed to control this thing?"

"You will instinctually know, the element now flows within you." Kai said.

"Nice. Jay, wanna go for a little fly around the sky?" I asked.

"Sure!" He said.

And he transformed his nunchucks into a jet and we were off.

Flying was magnificent, and controlling the silver plane did come naturally to me. "Whoo hoo!" I shouted.

"Isn't flying fun?" Jay called.

"Hell yes!" I replied.

We flew for a while, but then, somehow, I couldn't make the craft do what I wanted it to. I screamed as the plane fell out of the clouds.

I opened my eyes. I was on grass, with smoke all around me. My plane had turned back to fighting fans. I tried to reach for them, but I winced. I think I had broken my arm or something. I attempted to stand up, slowly, but I did it. I limped to my weapons (I think I did something to my ankle too) and was almost there when I heard rustling.

Five Arachneions jumped out, all different colors. I was about to shriek, but there was a cut on my neck and it hurt to open my mouth.

"Get her boys!" A Widowri shouted.

And with that, I was gagged, tied up, and thrown in a huge burlap sack. Oh shit.. oh shit... oh shit...


I laughed as I whirred through the air. I didn't hear Brielle's plane anymore though. I put the plane in hover mode and turned around. The silver vehicle was gone. I looked down and saw a cloud of smoke coming from a spot in the forest below.

She must've crashed!

I zoomed down to save her.

I got out of my jet and made it turn back to nunchucks, running to where Brielle should have been. But she was gone. Only her fighting fans were in the charred grass.

Brielle was gone.

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