The Lost are Found

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I looked up at my master, Arachne, the Queen of Spiders, in all her glory. She smiled at me, almost deviously. My hair hung in my face, but I tucked it back.

"Hello, Brielle," her highness greeted.

"Master," I nodded.

"Are you ready to fulfill your task?" She asked in a bittersweet voice, taking one of her hands in mine and leading me back into her chambers.

I gazed at myself in a mirror that stood against one wall. My strawberry blonde hair was pulled in a ponytail, my eyes glowed a faint red. My wounds from previously had vanished, it must have been that wonderful potion.  My ninja gi was also no longer torn, looking like I had never worn it once. It still was the original silver color, but the emblem that was on one side of my chest, held up by some ties that went around the gi, wasn't how it used to be. Instead of the elemental symbol of air in a sky blue-metallic color, it was black, and in the shape of a spider.

"Yes," I replied confidently, flipping my hood over my face, so only my eyes were visible.

"Very good," Queen Arachne declared, walking around me, her dress trailing behind her. "Yes, you are fit to fight. Now, be off, bring me the ninja... I would prefer them alive. Take them to the... special chamber."

I nodded, beginning to leave.

"Oh, Brielle," her highness called.

I whipped around. "Yes?"

"I almost forgot," Arachne pulled out two silver fighting fans from a pocket in her dress, both glowing with energy, "Your weapons."

I stepped toward my master, cautiously taking the delicate fans from her black hands. "Thank you," I said softly, slipping the weapons into my belt, and darting out of the room, swift as a breeze.


We had been looking for hours. But, based on what Nya had told us earlier about the times being messed up in the caves, it had probably been a day or two. We were totally lost and confused, but I  knew that Brielle was here somewhere.


"What was that?" Jay asked from behind me.

Suddenly, it got dark.

"Uh, guys? Who turned out the lights?" Kai wondered aloud from somewhere behind me as well.

I couldn't see a thing. I looked further down the passageway to see the torches go out, one by one. I could feel the air get chillier, a slight breeze pick up.

"What is going on?" Zane asked in the background. "There is no natural wind source in these caves."

"That's just it, Zane" I replied, "Maybe it isn't natural."

It all got silent after that.

That is, until, the silence was broken by a new type of noise. It was a laugh, a familar one at that, but it sounded... different. More demonic, maniacal. It, however, was almost melodic... soothing. Brielle.

"Uh, did you guys hear that?" Jay called from the blackness.

"The laughing? Yeah, it's really creepy," Kai replied.

"It sounds very familiar," Zane remarked.

"Yeah, and I think I know why," I responded.

"Why?" came a voice... I think it was Jay's again.

"Because..." I swallowed, "It sounds a lot like... Brielle."


Yes, there they were. The four ninja. They stood there in the darkness, alone and disoriented. I sent out a cackle of laughing, making them even more confused. One of them, the black ninja, seemed to recognize my laughter as my own. I smirked, watching them, my eyes somehow seeing through the darkness that I had created, blowing out the torches with my wind.

"Brielle?" the red one snorted, "Okay, where is she then?"

"I dunno," the black one replied, "But I know she's here... very close... somewhere..."

I snickered from my perch in a nook in the rock near the top of the cage.

"Cole, I think you are simply paranoid, or overcome with your love for Brielle that you think that you feel her here, but it is truly only in your mind, and she is just somewhere else," the white one explained to the black one.

So Cole was his name. That rang a bell somewhere in the back of my mind. Strange.  'Cole' huffed, crossing his arms. Now was the time.  Quietly, I crept down from my hiding place and stuck in the shadows. The ninja looked around.

"Greetings," I hissed from my spot.


"Greetings," came a voice from the shadows.

It sounded so much like hers. Maybe it was simply a Widowri, imitating her.

"Guys," I whispered, "You did hear that, right?"

"Yeah," Jay replied, "And it actually did sound a lot like Brielle."

"That's because it is," said the voice again.

We all froze in our tracks... but it's not like we were already walking. We had been standing in this spot for a little bit now.

"Brielle?" I called, "Is that really you?

"Of course," 'she' chuckled, "Who else would it be?"

"P-put the lights back on!" Kai shouted.

"Okay," Brielle said, "If you insist."


One by one, the torches flared back to life, illuminating the scene. We were still in the same hallway as before, still in the same spot as before the lights vanished. Brielle was still no where to be seen, until something in the shadows moved.

There, a figure emerged from the dark. It was a girl in a Silver ninja gi, with reddish blue eyes. A lock of curly strawberry blonde hair fell from inside her hood. Oh my God.

"Brielle!" I cried out, running to her, pulling her into an embrace. When I let go of her, her eyes seemed surprised. "Brielle?"

"Cole!" she cried out, hugging me back after a moment. Her tone seemed... off.

"Heh heh... um, guys, sorry to interrupt your 'moment', but I think we have more pressing matters at hand," Jay implied.

"Like...?" Brielle asked, cocking her head a little.

"Getting out of here!" Jay cried.

"Oh," Brielle mused, "Yes, follow me..." her eyes had a strange glint in them.


Ha, this was so much easier than I had expected. The Cole one seemed to have a sort of relationship with me. Maybe before I had turned for the better. The Queen was right. Cole was the leader, and he was in love with me. Oh ho... this is so much easier.

The blue ninja mentioned getting out of the caves.

A plan formed in my mind. "Follow me," I had beckoned.

Cole looked at me strangely, but then nodded.

I smiled and turned, leading the ninja towards the... special chamber. Technically, it was the cavern of torture and punishment, I didn't totally know how I knew that, but I did. 

We traveled through the tunnels, we came across a few Arachneions who looked at us strangely for a second, but after I had looked them straight in the eye, they simply nodded and went on with their business. I had heard the ninja muttering behind me, but I didn't care, I was determined to lead them to their fate.

"Brielle, where exactly are you leading us? We seem to be going further under ground, not near the surface. And, how did you escape Arachne?" I heard the white ninja ask from behind.

I stopped and turned towards him.

"Er... I escaped The Qu- ahem- Arachne using my.. own methods," I made up, "And.. this is a shortcut I discovered while trying to find you." My face cracked into a false smile that I had hoped was believable.

That made him shut up.

Finally, we had reached the chamber. "Ah, here we are," I explained. "Now, it's just this way..."

The Silver Ninja (A Lego Ninjago fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now