The Second Part of the "Rescue".

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Since we decided to do the signal thing, I suggested to Cole that I sent a streak of elemental lightning over to them. And then he suggested that he texted Kai. Show off.

I was able to get my gag off -- I have experience with that. You kind of use your tongue to push it down and off your mouth. Cole knew how too.

"Um, how can you text Kai if your wrists are tied behind your back, dumbo?" I replied.

"Crap... I could send a small quake through the caves with my scy.... oh yeah..." Cole sighed, gazing at his scythe on the other side of the bars, in one of the guard's 6 hands.

The same guard also had my nunchucks, but I could still make lighting with my hand, and... eh I don't know what he can do. Since Cole seemed to have no better ideas, I decided to send a bolt of lighting that was attracted to fire. That way, wherever Kai and Zane were, it would find them and tell them to get out of the cave.


I felt a disturbance in the air. Like... something bad was either about to happen, or it had already begun. I looked up at the ceiling of the tunnel we were currently in. From my calculations, it was limestone, and presumably damp. But just then, I saw a bolt of blue lightning flash across the stone, and right onto Kai.

"OW!" he shouted.

"Kai, keep quiet, an Arachneion could hear us," I said quietly.

"Wait... that lightning had a message from Jay in it... apparently he and Cole have been captured. We've gotta save them!" Kai explained.

"But Kai, Cole said that if anything happens, we are to return to the cave entrance immediately. We will do that... should we not?" I asked.

"What, and leave them to rot in a stinking spidery cell? No! C'mon Frosty, let's go." Kai turned around and followed the path of blackened rock that the lightning left behind. I did not understand why he insisted on calling me 'Frosty'. He knew perfectly well that my name, in fact, was Zane.

I followed him.


We came to a large cavern, the meeting hall. It, thank god, was still empty. I lead Zane through the tunnel on the right this time, and luckily met no one on the way. I wondered why the caves were so deserted. I kept going until we approached another rather large cave. There were about 5 Jail cells, with a Pouncenari guard stationed outside.

This must be the cell where Cole and Jay were being held. I could also infer this because the Pouncenari was holding Cole's Scythe of quakes and Jay's nunchucks of lightning.

"Ninja...GO!" I called, making a spinjitzu tornado. Fire and heat swirled around me in a red blur. Combined with Zane's Ice tornado, we easily killed the Arachneion.


I looked up, hearing a commotion outside the cell. I couldn't believe my eyes. Zane and Kai! "Guys! We told you to leave!" I hissed.

Zane opened the cell and untied Jay and I. "I told Kai so, but he insisted on saving you two. I am quite surprised at the minimal amount of guards posted outside your cell."

"Yeah, any idea why that is?" Kai added, keeping watch.

I stood up, Jay followed. We picked up our weapons. I placed mine in the holder thing on my back. "Um, apparently they are having some sort of huge get together in a place called "The room." I said.

"They're going to kill Brielle!" Jay blurted.

"I was getting to that..." I murmured through gritted teeth.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Zane asked, "Let's go and find Brielle."

So we set off.


They took me to a huge cavern with a giant pit in the middle. Hanging over the pit was a cage hanging on a huge chain, connected to a crane. A Widowri was manning the crane.

"You're goin' in there," the Poisoniti in front of me chuckled.

I gulped. The two Arachneions shoved me into the cage, which was lowered to the ground. they chained me to one of the bars and locked the door. I looked down into the pit below me. It was 3 quarters full of boiling, bubbling, steamy, orange lava.

I looked around the room, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. How was I ever to get out of this mess? There was no sign of the ninja anywhere. The cavern was huge, with what looked like rows and rows of stands all around the rim.

Soon, in came hundreds of Arachneions. Pouncenari, Poisoniti, Tarantulai, Widowri, and Camonai clans. And then, Arachne herself.

"Welcome subjects," Arachne called, stepping onto a large platform. "I hope you enjoy seeing our arch enemy burn in the boiling, acidic lava! I also hope that you all love to listen to shrieks of pain and terror, and to see our reign unfold as we take over Ninjago, once and for all!!!!!!!!!!"

The spider people cheered loudly, as if at a football game.

But then, Arachne's words finally sank in.

I was going to die.

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