Ninjas and the End

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I darted through the war-zone, clenching my fans tight. Only a few yards away from Arachne's spot, a Camonai materialized in front of me.

"Where do ya' think you're going, little lady?" he asked huskily.

"None of your business," I growled, kicking him where the sun don't shine. He fell to the ground in pain, his mouth unable to utter a sound to describe his torture.

As I continued on, I felt as if someone was following me. Dirt sprayed up as I skidded to a stop in my tracks, turning around to meet the bright orange eyes of a Widowri. Her ghost white fangs curled into an evil grin as she raised the dagger she was holding. I quickly realized that this was Spinda, on account of the black poison filled amulet that hung around her neck.

"You will not touch the queen," Spinda hissed.

"Too late!" I shouted, punching her in the face and then digging the sharp endpoint of one of my fan blades into her chest.

With a hoarse groan of pain, Spinda collapsed onto the floor, no longer breathing.


I watched as Brielle made her way through the enormous crowd of Arachneions, killing anything that got in her way. She was cute when she was determined...


Jay's voice ringing through the cavern snapped me back to my senses, and I whipped around to see a Pouncenari leaping towards me. He was coming extremely fast. I grabbed my scythe and swung it as hard as I could, hoping to hit the spider. A rather disturbing sound reached my ears, and I looked over to see that the Pouncernari was dead on the ground. Turning, I decided to go and help Brielle with Arachne, or at least be there in case she needs assistance.

I shoved my way through the throng of spider people to see Nariah struggling with a Poisoniti. The massive purple Arachneion had its huge fangs bared, it's venom dripping from them than landing on the ground, inches away from Nariah. Her eyes were wide, and the brute was a lot stronger her, and she couldn't hold his blade of with her kitana any longer. I darted over to help, but Kai beat me to it.

"Ninja-go!" he cried, and then went into his fiery red Spinjitzu tornado, knocking the Poisoniti over. Nariah smiled, and then went with Kai to fight some more Arachneions.

I rolled my eyes. How sappy...

Continuing on, I encountered more Arachneions and such. I was just about to reach Brielle when she began to swiftly sneak up onto the platform in which Arachne sat. None of the Arachneions seemed to notice her presence, quietly leaping up onto the spot. I guess she was an extremely good ninja. Deciding to follow her, I crept over to her path. Sadly, I wasn't able to reach her position, as one of the Tarantulai guarding their queen spotted me.

"There!" He cried in a gruff voice, pointing a finger at me. Then, his two buddies turned, each equally huge and terrifying as the first one.

Oh crap...


Hopped up on nothing but adrenaline and pure anger, I stealthily climbed up to Arachne's platform. The Tarantulai, thankfully, hadn't noticed me. I really didn't want to waste my energy on them. I hadn't eaten in days. All of my strength needed to be saved for the Queen of Spiders. For some reason, I had a feeling that I was being followed. Slowly, I turned around. No one was there, except for Cole, whom was far behind me, but slinking along, trying not to be seen. However, his efforts were abolished when one of Arachne's spider thugs spotted him. I decided that he'd be alright. Besides, he is the strongest ninja on the team, and, plus, if it were a huge problem, someone would help.

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