The Rising

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Zane, Cole, Sensei, and I were waiting for Kai to return with Brielle, Nya, and Lloyd. I was wondering why Sensei Wu had called us here so urgently. 

They burst through the door. 

"What is it?" Lloyd asked. "Is it about my father?" 

"Yes, Zane agreed. "We haven't heard much about Garmadon and his whereabouts lately." 

"Look, forget about my brother for a little bit. He has gone quiet, but we need to focus on why Brielle is here," Sensei cleared his throat, "Arachneions." 

"Right," I huffed.

"Anyway, I have called you all here to tell you that the Arachneions have joined together, and are planning to raise Arachne as we speak." Sensei sighed grimly. 

"So... we have to train," Kai said. 

"Like, now. And, really hard." Cole added. 

No duh. But, how are we going to do anything without our weapons and powers? I asked this to Sensei Wu. I had a feeling the others were thinking the same. 

"Well, I may have been lying when I said Brielle's fans were the only weapon in my cabinet..." Sensei got up and went over to his special cabinet. He opened it and pulled out... our golden weapons!? 

"But... how?" We all asked incredulously. 

"I always have had these. I had a feeling the other ones would get destroyed somehow. I found the second set long ago." He explained. 

"Wait, so even in the very beginning, we didn't have to search for the golden weapons?" I asked. 

He shook his head. 

"And all this time, while we were weapon and powerless, you kept them from us?" Cole added. 

"That doesn't seem fair..." Brielle mumbled. I forgot she was still here. She had been so quiet. 

"Its not," Sensei agreed. "But I knew you could take it. You are now ready to have these." He gave us our weapons. 

"Now, its lunch time! We will talk more then." Sensei called. 

And we went off to the kitchen


(Spinda, leader if the Widowri clan)

"QUIET!!!" I shouted. All of the clans were gathered here- in the temple of Spiders- planning to raise Arachne from the dead. And take over Ninjago. 

No one actually knew how we arose. Who the first clan to wake was, nothing of the sort. When I emerged from the sleeping state, it felt like coming out of an egg. I wondered how long we had been at rest. Ihad not yet seen the above ground. I had looked to the side and saw my amulet on a stalagmite nearby. Each clan had an amulet. Their amulets contained the source of their power, but we just called them the poisons. Each poison was a different color. The Widowri amulet poison was black. 

The spiders hushed. All of them, the scouts, the soldiers, the colonels, and the generals. I was up on a platform with the other clan leaders. 

"We are now going to put drops of our poisons into this single chalice," explained Shooter, the Tarantualai leader, "And pour them in this groove on the tomb if Arachne. The ancient papyrus tell that the sources of power, when mixed, will create a power great enough to revive the all powerful Arachne!" 

"Yes, and we will rule all of ninjago!" Venom, the Poisoniti leader called. 

"'Tis the perfect plan!" Camo, leader of the Camonais agreed. 

"Well lets do it!" Leaper, the Pouncenari leader shouted. 

We opened the poison- containing parts of the amulets and poured some poison in the chalice. They swirled together and became a greenish color. Shooter poured the vile liquid into a spider shaped groove on Arachne's tomb. 

Then, the whole temple began to glow. It started ti shake. The spiders began to go into panic. Fools. Don't they know that it is only a small side affect of the power that is arising our great queen? 

Then, the tomb opened. A figure stood up. She had 6 hands, 2 legs, and raven hair. She had dark makeup on with a black and purple dress. She also wore black heels. She, besides the 4 extra limbs, was really just a beautiful woman. 

With a very, very frightening aura. 

A crown if thorns, brambles, and purple, brown, red, blue, and black spider shaped jewels formed a crown on the top of her head. Her skin was, however, black. Her eyes were red, and I realized that behind her hair, she had six more eyes, just they were very beady. And red as well. 

This was Arachne. 

I bowed. Everyone else followed. 

"Welcome back your majesty," I said to her,"Welcome back."

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