The Middle

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Nariah just socked Arachne in the face. Huh.

The Spider Queen stared at the girl in the plain black ninja gi, dumbstruck. Brielle raised an eyebrow. Nariah flipped off her hood, revealing her face. Kai was staring again- I elbowed him in the stomach.

"Remember me, Arachne?" Nariah sassed.

Arachne wiped away the small trickle of blood that was slowly creeping down from her nose. "You- you're the silver ninja's friend... the one that I let go... YOU DO KNOW THE NINJA!" she spat, her voice getting strangely high pitched towards the end of her statement.

"Yeah, she does," Kai stepped forward. Here we go...

Nariah smiled.

Quick as lightning, Arachne jumped up, and before Brielle could move, Arachne's foot rammed into her stomach, making her gasp and then make an odd squealing sound. I clenched my fists, storming over to the monster woman. 

"Don't you touch my girlf-" I started to storm, when the Mistress of Arachnids used two of her hands to push me to the side, causing me to lose my footing and fall on my butt. 

Arachne stared Nariah in the eye venomously. "I should've killed you when I had the chance, never should've let you go. It would've made the silver ninja way more vulnerable," she seethed through gritted fang-teeth, pulling out her sword. 

But my attention was on Brielle. She lay in the dirt in a crumpled heap, tears streaming down her face. I stepped over to her and crouched down.

"Are you alright?"

"What do you think?" she wheezed, a small smile inching onto her lips. Brielle slowly sat up, and then jumped into a huge hug. I wrapped my arms around her as she buried her face in my shoulder. "Cole, will I win this fight?" she asked softly.

I ran my hand through her frizz of strawberry blonde hair. She had been here for such a long time now, possibly a week. There were bloodstains on her gi, bruises on what I could see of her skin. I could only imagine the injuries that weren't visible right now, all over her arms and legs. The wound on her neck was beginning to stop bleeding, there were small cuts on her shoulders from where Arachne's sharp nails pinned her down. Brielle had endured so much in the last few months, but she had also become extremely powerful and strong.

"Of course," I whispered. "You're the best ninja I've ever met."

Brielle looked up at me, and I wiped the tears off of her cheeks."So I'm officially your girlfriend, huh?" she smirked.

"Well, yeah..." I blushed.

"I love you," Brielle said, wiggling out of my embrace and getting up, with me following. "Now let's kill some spiders."


Er... I might have let my attitude get the best of me on this one. Whoops.

Arachne, the rest of the team, and I were now battling, and, recently, Brielle and Cole strode over to aid in battle.

"ARACHENIONS!" The Spider Queen cried out to her subjects amongst the sounds of battle, "ATTACK!

I watched as one by one, Arachneions poured from the stands into the arena, weapons at ready. There were thousands of them, all of them with eight beady eyes, six arms, two legs, and the weirdest combination of a spidery outer layer and human skin. Oh yes, these were spider people. Arachneions- probably the most terrifying beings on the planet.

Our mini battle subsided, and Brielle had retrieved her fan blades. Arachne smiled, scampering off somewhere. I thought this was supposed to be a final battle between Brielle and Arachneion... and maybe a little help. But the whole of the population of Arachneions? What a douche.

And now, we were smack in the center of this chaos.

"This is really unnecessary," Zane remarked, chucking a shuriken at an approaching Pouncenarai. 

"I agree with that statement!" Nya gasped, whacking some Poisoniti with her bo.

"Who doesn't?!" Jay called from inside a crackling blue spinjitzu tornado. "It's really only supposed to be Arachne and Brielle, and sure, maybe we can help, but not her entire freaking army of freaky spider monsters!"

Kai chuckled at Jay's banter while killing a few Tarantulai. In the midst of fighting, Kai's red hood fell off, revealing his face. Besides his sparking green eyes, he had messy coffee brown hair and a smirk that was pretty hot, to say the least, and pretty defined cheekbones. Wait, Nariah, you have a boyfriend! My self conscious spoke up. No, I broke up with Darren before Arachne captured me. It was actually just hours before. He stormed off into the rain, remember? I huffed in frustration, thrusting my katana into the chest of a Widowri. 

Yeah, I was single... so that means that I could totally date Kai! I smiled broadly, pivoting on my toes and turning to face a Camonai. 

"Why hello there," He said.

"Ugh!" I gasped in disgust, smacking him in the face. "That's for being a pig," I explained, and, killing him off with my blade, "And that's for being a stupid spider!"

I heard Kai laugh in the background. 


I needed to find Arachne. She was a fraidy cat for running away like that. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I knew that if I killed Arachne, I killed all of the Arachneions. I remember, when Arachne turned me evil, that she had either accidentally or on purpose put in what keeps her alive, so I guess I would know what to protect is she was ever in trouble.

Attached to The Spider Queen's heart, is an amulet. Inside it are all of the Arachneion clans' poisons, when combined, which they are, form the ultimate life source for the Arachneions. It gives them their powers and intelligence. If this amulet is broken, so is Arachne- and her heart. The poison mixture will leak out of the amulet and be lost forever, and the Arachneions will all die.

So yes, all I needed to do was find and stab Arachne in the heart. Sounds easy enough, right?

Haha, no.

I made my way through the massive crowd of spider people, stuck in the middle of the mess. Slashing my fans here and there, throwing punches, dodging swords,  and overall not giving a crap about where I was going. Where the biggest Arachneions were, there was Arachne. Because, obviously she needs to be guarded at all times.

There, I had spotted them. Three huge Trantulai stood around a raised platform, armor clad and armed with numerous weapons. Atop the platform stood a very plush throne. And, sitting in that throne was none other than the Queen of Spiders herself.

The damn coward.

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