Ninjas and their Normalities

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I woke up and gazed at my surroundings. Where was I? This didn't look like my bedroom in Ninjago city... and then I remembered. I was a ninja now. 

I gazed across the room. Nya was not in her bed. She must have gotten up already. I gazed at the clock I had placed on my nightstand. 9:30. 


I got up and took a quick shower in the bathroom that I also shared with Nya. I put on a periwinkle turtleneck. I could somehow sense that it was cold today, I had some sort of  an instinct.. maybe it was my ninja powers?) And some jeans. Man was I starving! I pit on some mascara and headed out to the kitchen. 

Everyone was waiting at the table. Even Sensei. 

"Now your up!?" Kai whined. "I'm starving?" 

"Yeah! We are hungry!" Lloyd agreed. 

Hell, they were annoying! "Why don't you make your own breakfast?" I sneered. "Your plenty capable." 

"Brielle, maybe I should've said This earlier. Now that you are living here, you have to earn your keep. Everyone cooks dinner. We have a rotation. Its your day today." Sensei Wu explained. 

I sighed. "Fine." I trudged over to the pantry and got out some pancake mix. I mixed it in the bowl along with the other ingredients. Then, making sure no one was looking, I slipped in some of my secret ingredient. I poured the batter on the griddle and made about 16 large pancakes. I got some syrup from the fridge and plopped it o. The table next to the player of pancakes. I took two and poured syrup all over them. "What are you waiting for?" I asked, "Dig in!" 

And they did. 

"Brielle, whatever did you pug in these pancakes to make them taste so good?" Zane asked. 

"Its a secret. You will have to let your taste buds or, Zane, in your case, sensors, to decide what the secret ingredient is," I smiled. 

"Is it cinnamon?" Kai asked. 

Nope. I shook my head. 

"Bananas?" Lloyd suggested. 

Not even close. 

"Peaches?" Nya added. 

"No..." I said. 

"Pumpkin!" Jay shouted. 

"Ding ding ding! That's it!" I replied. 

"Its delicious!" Cole exclaimed. 

"Very," Sensei agreed. 

"Thank you" I said. 

After breakfast, Cole directed me to the training room. Sensei and Lloyd were already there. 

"Today, Cole and Lloyd will help you harness the power of your weapons and learn how to fully use them. If that does happen, you will gain your true potential in a short amount of time afterwards. Good luck." Sensei left. 


Lloyd handed Brielle her fighting fans. She cautiously took them out and observed them. The silver structure seemed delicate, but was really strong. The paper part of the fans was enforced for maximum strength. The tips of the structure holding up the paper were tipped with sharp edges. Each fan had about 8 blades. The blue diamond on the handle was obviously the main power source of the weapon. 

They were truly beautiful. 

Like her. 

Wait... no. Was I falling in love? No.. no. No. Ninjas cant be in love.. except for Jay.. but its only Nya! And Jay.. is just.. Jay. 

Nya walked in. Speaking of Jay and his girlfriend...

"Sensei said that I would be more help than Cole.. he said that I could teach her how to use the fans." She said. "His words, not mine. Sorry Cole," Nya apologized. She smiled sheepishly. 

"Oh, no, its fine." I said, leaving the room. 

But really, it wasn't. 


Aw, damn you Nya! Now I was gonna miss my training session with Cole... oh wait... Lloyd was here too. Great. 

"So, how do we start this process of me filly understanding the weapon? I dont even know how to use a regular fan!" I exclaimed. 

"That's why I'm here," Nya said, "to teach you. I have some experience with fighting fans." 

I still didn't get... "Why is Lloyd here exactly?' 

"Because, I can help you with harnessing the power of your weapon." Lloyd said. 

"But, wasn't Zane the first to achieve the power of his true potential?' I asked. 

"Yeah but... how did you know that?" 

"Oh Nya told me a lot about you guys..." I said. We had talked a while last night... 

"Oh. Okay." Lloyd said. 

And we began. 


I demonstrated a few techniques for Brielle using my own pair of fans. She copied them exactly. What the... 

"I thought you had never even touched a fan in your life!" I yelled happily. 

"I haven't.. I guess it just came naturally to me." Brielle shrugged. 

"The weapon knows young it was obviously meant for you," Lloyd explained. 

"Cool!" Brielle and I said at the same time. We giggled. 

"Guys!" Kai burst through the door. 

"What?" We all turned, alarmed. 

"Sensei needs you guys in his room," Kai said. "Now."

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