Ninjas and the First Part of the Rescue...

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I sat on the floor, making little wind things with my hands. But, without my weapon, my elemental power was pretty much useless, as I haven't earned my true potential yet.

I wondered how long it would take the guys to find me... well... I miraculously was able to leave that little hint. I just pray they found it. I would die if I truly lost my locket. The Camonai Spider had tied me loosely, and I was able to free myself so I could write. And, how lucky am I, there happened to be a paper in my pocket and my lucky pen that I always carried. And oh gee! There was a tiny hole in the bottom of the sack!

How wonderful.

Now I am saying this part sarcastically and part truthfully..... but whatever.

I just hope they had found it.


We slowly crept into the cave. I lit a fat stick and made a torch with my elemental fire, so it would burn bright, but not noticeably bright... if that's even a word.

We went down the winding, damp, narrow passageway in single file. We soon came to an opening. I looked through it.

"What's in there?" Jay asked.

I gazed around. It seemed much like an auditorium. But, where a stage should have been, was a huge abyss with an island of land in the middle. The little island was connected to the mainland by about 5 stone bridges. On the island was a small platform with a podium on it and a table. The wall's of the cavern were covered in runes in a language that I didn't recognize. This must be the Arachneion meeting hall or something. However, It was empty.

"It's like a big meeting hall..." I explained. "It's empty."

The others looked in. "I think we should split up to find Brielle. There are two exits other than this one, on either side of the weird island thing." Jay said.

"Good idea, Jay. I will go with Kai and you will go with Cole." Zane nodded.

"Good, let's go," Cole commanded, "We'll take the path on the right and you guys on the left. If something happens, send off a sort of signal, and if possible, get to the main entrance. We'll meet up there."

"'Kay, let's go" I said.

And we were off.


I had started to scratch drawings on the soft limestone walls with a rock I found on the floor. I was doodling random abstract patterns and stuff, when some Poisoniti Arachneions came in and bound my hands. "Walk," one said roughly. Another put a knife to my back and poked me.

I followed the first spider down a rather wide hallway, the second still had his steel knife pressed against the small of my back. "Where are we going, exactly?" I asked.

"To your certain demise, my pretty," The Poisoniti behind me hissed into my ear venomously, "Your certain demise."



Cole lead me down the right passage. We were running swiftly when we came to a forked tunnel, and heard voices.

"Oh, everything is falling perfectly into place, Spinda!" a rattly, woman's voice said.

"Oh yes," I smoother female voice agreed. "The Silver Ninja is being taken to the room as we speek. Venom just sent two scouts to fetch her."

"Marvelous!" the rattly one cackled.

"Hide!" I hissed. Cole and I dove behind a large rock.

The two people that came out were two spider like beings-- one a Widowri... seeming to be the clan leader... and one... a creature that surely was the spider queen herself. Man, these Arachneions were creepy looking.

"Wait..." Arachne (the rattly voice) paused, "Something is amiss here...."

"Oh, everything is. You were only reborn yesterday! Since our last reign, madame, much has changed. There are new ninja, technologies and advances, so much outside of the caves that you wouldn't recognize Ninjago." Spinda explained. "What sort of thing were you thinking of?"

"I smell... ninja..." Arachne sniffed the air.

Cole and I remained silent.

"It's probably just the Silver Ninja. I think her cell was down this passage," Spinda said.

"Mmm..." Arachne sighed. They walked away.

"C'mon," Cole said. "This way!" He went down the left tunnel.

"What do you think 'the room' could be?" I asked.

"I dunno, but it must be awful. Probably some kind of torture thing... which is why I... I mean we... must save Brielle!" Cole murmured.

"Um, I'm going to save Brielle..." I said. Of course I was. Why would Cole even want to save Brielle anyway?


Um.... what? "Dude, why would you save her? You should be helping to save her. If anyone is going to save her, it'll be me, and she'll be happy it was me, because I'm her..." oh crap.

"What?? You're dating Brielle?" Jay asked.

"Well... erm... no... not really...but.. well.... um...... nevermind..." I blushed.

We both stood there awkwardly. "Um... let's keep going then.."

So we were about to head off in search of 'the room' again when we were stopped by three Pouncenari spiders. "Well, well, well. What do we have here, Ocho?"

"Looks to me like we found a pair 'f ninjas!" Ocho exclaimed.

"Ninja..." I muttered. For some reason, I can get pretty picky when it comes to grammar.

"Hey look, we got a wise-ass here!" The first Pouncenari shouted. "Let's tie 'em up!"

And before we knew it, we were tied up, gagged, and thrown in a dark cell.

What a fail today was.

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