The First Spiders, the First Battle.

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I woke up the next morning. I could feel it in my gut that it was gonna be temperate today. I also knew it was a day for training. So I put on some black sweat shorts and a violet t-shirt with sea green and teal hearts on it. Meh.

I went down for breakfast. Apparently, Zane was cooking today. From everyone's reactions, I could tell that that was a good thing. When I sat down next to Nya, I saw Cole smile at me. What? But then I remembered last night. That wonderful night. Where Cole and I... you know. I smiled back.

"What's with you two?" Nya whispered to me. 

I turned to her. "Oh... um... nothing...."

"Then why did you smile at each other?" She asked.

"Uh... Inside joke?" I said.

"O-kay then," Nya turned to the French toast Zane had made.

He had cut up some cantaloupe melon and grapes for a side dish and distributed the cinnnamon on the French toast so well. The syrup was poured perfectly and the Orange Juice was freshly squeezed. Wow. I could see why the others liked his cooking so much.

But that was just the awesome presentation. How does it taste?

My question was answered as soon as it was in my mouth. Amazing.

"Zane! This is delicious!" I exclaimed.

"Well, you get used to his awesome cooking after a bit," Kai said.

"Uh, thank you," Zane blushed.

"Woah, I whispered to Jay, who was next to me, "Nindroids can blush?"

"Apparently," Jay replied.

"Huh." I said.

And then I finished off the marvelous French Toast.

Apparently, Jay and Zane were training me today. We were going into the woods for somereason.


Today, Jay and I were taking Brielle to train in the woods that were currently below the Destiny's Bounty. I thought it would be good for her when she is actually fighting, because it will most likely not be on a training course.

She arrived in her ninja suit, I am assuming. It was silver with Sky Blue designs on it instead of the gold or silver ones we have. 

Jay was gazing at her in what seemed to be of fondness. "Jay, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Uh... NOTHING!" He said.

"Okay, well, let's get started! I would love to learn spinjitzu! Like ASAP!" Brielle said.

"Well, let me just show you the basic moves. It is just like the training course. If you use the moves that you had used there, Spinjitzu will be a breeze for you!" Jay chuckled.

I did not understand. "What is funny about that?" I asked.

"Nothing, Zane. It's a pun," Brielle explained. 

Ah. I had gotten it now. She is the air, or wind ninja, and Spinjitzu would be a breeze for her, and a breeze is a form of wind. Simple. 

"Well, yes, what Jay has said is true. Would you like to attempt it?" I asked.

"Heck yes!" Brielle said.

And she did try it.


Spinjitzu was most certainly NOT a breeze. I fell on my butt at least five times. In which Jay kind of laughed... asshole much?

But that wasn't the worst of it.

Later on, I heard a rustling in a bush behind me.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Probably just a rabbit," Jay said.

"My scanner says otherwise. Whatever is behind that bush is much bigger than a rabbit." Zane explained.

"A deer then?" I asked hopefully.

"No..." Zane said.

"Then what?" I asked.

"Turn around.." Jay pointed nervously.

I did. Slowly.

I gasped. I front of me was a huge, purple spider with 8 green, beady eyes and huge, pearly white fangs. Well, actually, all its teeth were white, pointy, and razor sharp. But its fangs were biggest. An Arachneion.

I did the only thing I could think to do, being frozen and terrified. The guys weren't doing anything either. So, I screamed.

I screamed so loud, and it must have been VERY loud, because Kai and Cole came whooshing through the trees. Two more spider people came through the bush.

Oh crap.. oh crap... oh CRAP!

"BRIELLE!" Cole called. He tossed me my fans.

"Thanks!" I called back.

Let the battle begin.

Zane and I took on the spider in front of me, he with his  shurikens, and me with my fans, we easily took out the spider. But when I turned, there was another Arachneion on top of Cole, pinning him down. his scythe was not in reaching distance. 

"COLE!" I shrieked.

And, out of determination, for some reason, as I was running, I did the moves of the training course. And Learned Spinjitzu. Take that, Lloyd! (>:D)

I was in the center of a silver tornado, with even more wind than usual whooshing around me. I threw my fans and knocked the purple thing off of Cole.

He got up. "Thanks," He blushed.

I could feel my cheeks getting hot. "Anytime..."

"Look! She truly IS the Silver Ninja! We must alert the Queen!" One spider shouted.

They retreated.

Sensei appeared out of smoke.

"What the crap?" I shouted.

"This, is very bad. Now that Arachne will know about you Brielle, she will keep sending her people out to try and kill you. But of course, we will not let that happen." Sensei explained grimly.

"Well on the bright side, I learned spinjitzu!' I smiled.

"Yes.. I suppose that is a good thing," he sighed.

And we headed back to the bounty.

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