Ninjas in the Morning

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My eyes fluttered open, my vision hazy,  slowly becoming clear. The ground beneath me was cold, rough, hard. There was a throbbing sort of pain coming from my right arm, a blinding one coming from my stomach whenever I attempted to sit up. Where the hell was I? What the hell was I wearing?

I gazed down at myself. I seemed to be in... my pajamas? What the eff? Okay, this meant that I was definately dreaming. But... it seemed so real.. my vision was no longer blurry, like it would be in a typical dream, but crystal clear as day itself, as real life. I seemed to be in a cage of sorts. Around me was a small cave, with stalagmites and stalactites jutting out of the ceiling and floor. The walls glistened with some strange substance. The cave was lit by a few torches that hung on sconces here and there on the walls.

Then, I looked back at myself. Was barefoot- my tan feet had a few scrapes. My pajamas consisted of sweat pants and a tee shirt. Fortunately, I had forgotten to take my bra off before going to bed. So that was okay- if that helped at all... I really don't know. That was kind of a random thought... okay.. anyway.

There was a thick wooden door with a heavy brass handle. From what I could tell, it was locked.

So was my cage.

My cage was like a birdcage almost, but about fifteen times larger. It hung from a large metal beam going across the domed cieling.

Looking back at myself, I saw a red stain in my shirt on the left side of my stomach, and slowly peeled up the shirt. A big gash was there on my skin. It was fresh. I winced and pulled my shirt back over it. I then turned to my right shoulder, pulling down my shirt. There were a lot of bruises and a big welt. I ran my fingers through my chocolate brown hair. It was matted and knotted.

What had happened?

I was sitting up now, leaning against the bars of the cage.

Suddenly, the door flung open, causing me to gasp. There, stood a horrific sight. A woman-- no-- a monster, with feminine features. She had six arms, eyes with red irises, and then six more beady red eyes on her black skin. Raven hair was greasy, atop it a crown of thorns and brambles embedded with 5 spider shaped jewels. One was purple, another brown, blue, red, and black. The creature wore a tattered black and purple dress.

"Hello, Nariah," the monster said in a raspy woman's voice.

My hazel eyes widened with shock. How did this... thing... know my name? "Who are you?" I asked.

"I, my child, am Arachne. Queen of Spiders, future ruler of Ninjago." Arachne explained.

This couldn't be happening! Suddenly, a large spider person came in, carrying what looked like a whip. It smiled, showing hundreds of pearly white fangs.

"W-what do you want with me?" I whispered.

"What are the whereabouts of the ninja?" Arachne hissed.

"I- I don't know..."

"Come now, answer truthfully, child, or you will face the... consequences." Arachne finished.

"I am being truthful! I don't know what they're up to! I haven't seen Brielle in weeks!"

"Ah, so you do know the Silver Ninja," Arachne smiled. "So that means you must know about the other ninja!" Arachne screeched. "TELL THE TRUTH!"

"I DON'T KNOW!" I wailed.

"TELL THE TRUTH!" Arachne screeched.

And, like lightning, the crack of a whip was to be heard, as I felt the weapon graze my back. I wailed in pain. Where were they? Where were the ninja when I needed them most?


I woke early that morning, wanting to escape without notice. I quietly pulled on my ninja gi and put my hair into a ponytail. I ate a quick breakfast and went back to my room. Nya still slept on her bed soundly. I packed a small bag and strapped it to my belt, along with my fans.

Finally ready, I sighed.

This was it, I was going to do this. For Nariah, for everyone.

I quickly scrawled out a note saying where I'd gone, that I would most likely not come back, that I loved Cole and my Dad, that they should not follow me.

With tears in my eyes, I transformed my fans into a plane, and climbed in.

Taking one last look at the bounty and those I loved, I flew off into the clouds.

I set course for the Temple of Spiders.

A few minutes later, I landed outside the entrance. Getting out of the plane, I turned it back into fans and put the fans back into my silver belt. Throwing on my ninja hood, I took my (most likely) last glance at the world above, at the sun.

Birds were singing, a warm breeze wafted its way through the trees. The sky was blue as a sapphire, the grass green as emeralds.

Taking one final breath of forest fresh air, I stepped inside of the temple.

What a beautiful morning to be my last.


-Later that morning-

I had read the note stuck to the cabin door, told everyone on the ship.

Brielle was gone.

I had been crying.

We had decided, that no matter what that note said, that we would go and help her. Whatever it took.

After breakfast, we had all sped to the Temple of Spiders. We had to save Brielle. I had to save Brielle. She couldn't die, she just couldn't.

I loved her. And I couldn't bear to ever see her go.

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