The Battle

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The rest of us charged into battle and fought like no tomorrow. I went into my fiery red Spinjitzu tornado, knocking over and killing a few dozen various Arachneions. Jay and Zane did the same, we were kicking some serious butt. I couldn't see much else from the interior of my cyclone. Red flashed around me, heat on my face. I heard screams, shouts, and the metallic clang of weapon against weapon.

I carefully spun myself away from the pit and stopped. I gazed around at my surroundings. Cole and Brielle were in combat, Jay and Zane defending themselves. Arachne was simply on her platform, watching the battle and bloodshed with a fanged smirk. The other clan leaders stood around her, staying out of battle. Cowards.

Brielle's father still sat in the cage, unconscious. I thought I had seen him move once or twice, but it might have been my imagination. No one seemed to have noticed me yet, alone in this corner, unguarded. I held my golden sword at my side and heaved a deep breath. It was time to fight.


Kai was standing in a corner, I had observed. What was he doing? Oh, never mind. He went back into this chaotic jumble of Spider people and the scattered ninja. I swung my fans at various enemies I met, forcing my way to the crane.

Just a few yards away, I was almost there... slash. I can see the door... cling! Swipe! I panted, sweat formed on my face like dewdrops on grass. I panted as I fought... the blustering heat from the pit was getting to me again. I took a deep breath. No. I was fine.

I decided to go into Spinjitzu to make things go faster.

"Ninja....GO!" I cried out, which formed a stunning silver tornado.

I whirled through the throng of Arachneions, knocking some over, many stumbling into the acidic lava. others were knocked out or killed.

The cool wind from my tornado whipped around my face, cooling me and clearing my mind. I was now rejuvinated, fresh. I could think clearly again, remain focused and on task. Yes, there was the crane, just a few more yards from me. Two heavily armed Camonai were stationed at the door. Easy Peasy.

Once away from the crowd, I got out of my Spinjitzu and strolled over to the entrence. The two guards stared at me evilly with each of their 8, beady, jet blue eyes. They got into a fighting stance, their spears pointed towards me, their steel tips glinting in the firelight.

"You can not enter," One with bronze armor stated.

"Oh, I know. I was just, ya' know.. wandering here randomly.." I replied sarcastically.

"Well, that's quite alright then," the other, with a helmet, said.

"You idiot, that's obviously sarcasm!" scolded bronze armor guy, elbowing helmet in the chest.

"Oh, er... go away, or we will fight you!" helmet called.

"Nah," I shrugged.

"Ugh, just kill her already!" bronze armor guy cried, charging towards me.

But I was too quick. In the blink of an eye, I had already pulled out my fans and swiped them at the Camonai, which cut one of his six arms off. It fell with a sickening thump onto the floor. I gagged as the Camonai's stump of an arm scabbed within seconds, while the severed one on the dirt floor bled severely, green blood. The spider kept on coming, however. I kicked him in the chest, where he landed on the ground. I then jabbed a fan blade into the place where his heart should have been, and he died almost instantly.

The second Camonai cautiously lumbered towards me, spear in the air. He gripped the shaft tightly, so that it quivered the slightest bit. I rolled my eyes and threw a fan at him, but he blocked it with his blade. The silver weapon flew across the room and landed a few feet away. He threw his spear at me but I dodged the attack and ran towards the Arachneion. One fan in hand, I raised in the air. The thing stood there, petrified, glued to the spot. I kicked in and sliced off the spider's fat head. There.


I turned to see how Brielle was- but she wasn't by my side. I glanced over the heads of hundreds of spiders and saw her finish off the two Camonai that were guarding the crane. No other spider seemed to have noticed her yet, thank goodness.

The Arachneions were lessening by the minute. Everyone else was fighting with ease... these creatures weren't too strong. I sliced and swung with my scythe. I was doing well until a dozen or so Widowri crowded around me.

"Greetings, ninja of earth," one hissed.

"Prepare to die," Another stated.

"Not today, Bitch," I muttered under my breath, raising my scythe high.

They all leaped up and attacked with suprising speed and agility. I punched one in the face with huge force, which sent her toppling over into the lava. Swinging my scythe at another, I didn't notice the Spider behind me.

A blinding pain burned from my shoulder, where the Widowri had begin to cut into it with a dagger. I flung her off, and she landed on the ground, my stomach jolted as I heard a crack emit from her skull. I pulled the copper knife out of my shoulder and gazed at the shiny metallic surface, dripping with fresh blood, red as a rose. There were strange markings engraved on it... but no time for that now. I stabbed it into the throat of a Widowri approaching me and finished off the others, ignoring the searing pain in my arm.


I was in. I leapt into the chair and stared at the controls, thinking hard. Then, at last remembering how to use the controls, I maneuvered them to fit my needs. I slowly, carefully, made the crane move the cage hover over land, and lowered it to the ground. I then locked it in place and bolted out the door.

On my way to the prison, I snatched up my other fan and then approached the barred door. I used the handle of a fan to pick the lock, and slowly stepped inside.

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