The Help

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I stare at Sensei Wu in shock. Beside me, Nya jumped up, and Lloyd's mouth was wide open.

"We have to do something!" I cried, "Can't we help her?"

Sensei Wu closed his eyes and nodded. "Yes, we can help." He turned to Nya. "You have been teaching Nariah how to fight, correct?"

"Yes, Sensei, and so has Lloyd..." Nya began.

Sensei interrupted her. "Excellent. Then, Nya, you and Nariah will put on these," Sensei explained, handing us black ninja gis, "and Aid Brielle in combat. Be ready in five minutes, we are nearly at the Temple of Spiders."

"Uncle Wu," Lloyd began, "What about-"

"No Lloyd, your destiny is to fight Lord Garmadon. We cant risk you getting hurt over someone else's fate. You're too valuable," Sensei stated. "You will stay here and guard the bounty."

Lloyd huffed, sinking back into his chair. Meanwhile, Nya and I were frantically pulling on the black outfits. Nya was beaming beyond belief, and I was just happy to be able to leave this flying pirate ship. Once we had changed, we headed out to the deck of the ship. Sensei Wu was there, his bamboo staff clutched in one hand, a cup of tea in the other.

"We're ready, Sensei Wu," I called.

"Good. I would like for the two of you to choose a weapon," Sensei said, walking over to a chest. He opened it.

I stepped over to it, to find the chest filled with all sorts of weapons. Katanas, daggers, nunchucks, bows and arrows, sais, anything! Nya peered at the weapons, eyeing each one carefully. She picked up a dagger, but set it down and went for a platinum bo staff instead. She spun it around in her hands, a smile creeping onto her face. She then fastened it to her gi, grabbed a dagger, and went back over to Sensei.

As for me, I couldn't decide. I really didn't know too much about most of these weapons. While the shurikens were pretty wicked, I decided on some katanas with purple woven hilts. I hooked them to the back of my gi and went over with Nya and Sensei. Sensei Wu nodded in approval.

"We have arrived," He declared.

Gazing down at the ground below over the side of the ship, all I saw was trees. Destiny's Bounty swooped lower to the earth, and pretty soon I could make out the ruins of a huge stone cave-temple thing. Holy crap.

"Come on, we will enter from above," Sensei beckoned, throwing a ladder down to it reached the top of the temple. He climbed down it, with Nya and I in tow.

We touched down on the stone surface. Sensei turned to us, handing Nya a rolled up piece of parchment. She opened it, revealing a map of sorts. Sensei Wu told us that is was a map of the Temple of Spiders. It would guide us in our search to find Brielle. One cavern was circled, which Sensei said that that was where he assumed Brielle and the guys most likely were.

Maybe I'd see that red ninja...

After that, Sensei went back to the ship, and Nya and I entered the Temple of Spiders through a conveniently place hole in the stone roof. We slipped through the caves, our black suits blending in with the shadows. 

"Ugh, this map is so complicated," Nya hissed, squinting her dark eyes to try and make out the route to Brielle. 

"Let me see it," I whispered, crouching down next to her. Currently, we were in a small nook in one of the walls, hidden from view. I took the map from her, peering at it. Sensei Wu's handwriting was pure chicken scratch. I wouldn't read, like, any of it.

However, from what I could make out, we were just north of the place where Brielle was. I told this to Nya, and we set off again.

After a while, we reached a trap door while crawling through a tunnel that ran across the top of the caves. Slivers of orange light filtered out of it, along with cheers of what sounded like thousands of people. But I knew better, they were those horrid creatures.


"What's the plan?" I asked Nya.

"Well," she mused, "I suggest we sneak down there, and wait for the right moment, and then jump out to help Brielle with her battle. But, first, we should scope the scene. If possible, we will free the guys so they can help us out. Sound good?"

I nodded, "Perfect."

I cautiously pulled open the trap door, and we slipped inside.


I sat on the ground of our cage, unsure what to do. Brielle and Arachne were still kind of staring each other down, and really no one knew what was going on in the ring. Jay was scratching on the bars of the cell, Kai was attempting to melt it with his fire, but to no avail. 

Zane sat in the corner of our prison, meditating. Ugh, how were we going to get out of this?!

All of a sudden, the one Arachneion holding my scythe and Kai's sword dropped to the ground, unconscious. What the heck? Then, the other one toppled over onto the dirt. What was going on?
Next, two figures dressed in black swooped in and tossed us our weapons. One of them snatched the keys to our cell and unlocked the door. No one was noticing these ninja people. 

"Follow us," One of them whispered.

Carefully, we slipped out of the cage and stealthily climbed up to the rafters of the cavern. "Who are you?" Kai asked.

One of them flipped off its hood to reveal- Nya!

"Nya?!" Jay and Kai exclaimed.

The other one took off its hood to reveal Brielle's roommate, Nariah. "What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"We're here to help Brielle, and to save your butts," Nariah spat.

But, despite her sassiness, I caught Kai goggling at the girl. Oh God.

"Well, what is your plan?" Zane asked Nya.

"Well, we saved you, so we should wait for the right moment to jump in and attack alongside Brielle." Nya strategized.

"Sounds good," I nodded.

So now, all we could do was wait.

And wait... and wait...

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