Ninjas in the City

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Ninjago city was a mess. There were people everywhere, screaming, yelling. Sirens blared as the rain poured down from the black, night sky.

Most people were in their pajamas, crying from their homes. Other had frantically thrown on clothes and were running around the streets, trying to escape from the monsters. Arachneions were everywhere, all clans. Arachne and the clan leaders, however, were no where in sight. They were probably sitting there in their caves, having a good ol' laugh about terrorizing millions.

"Where do we start?" I asked, "There are so many of them!"

"We'll have to split up." Cole stated.

"What, in this chaos?!" Jay cried, "We're so hooped!"

"It doesn't matter. We won't be able to tackle all of them if we go together. Alright, I will go with Brielle to her apartment to see if Nariah is okay, and fight around there. Jay and Kai, you two go to the northeast side. Zane and Lloyd will go Southwest, and Nya, you can take to the skies and fend off as many as possible," Cole explained.

"Got it!" Nya called from her Samurai suit, and took off into the night. I hoped she would be okay by herself. Then again, that Samurai suit was really powerful.

With nods, Zane and Lloyd ran off in spinjitzu tornadoes, as did Jay and I, but in the opposite direction, leaving Brielle and Cole in the downpour.


"Okay, so where is your apartment?" Cole asked.

"Uh... follow me," I beckoned.

Taking off at a run, Cole and I moved in the shadows, me leading the way. I couldn't exactly pinpoint my building's location, but I had come there from the city square enough times that it was near instinct to know where it was.

We were making good progress, though getting soaked, at going along. We had not once come across an Arachneion.

But suddenly, there was murmuring from an alleyway on one of the side streets. I thought it was just some guys drinking back there, so we sped up down the street. But I heard many footsteps following me and Cole. We stopped in our tracks and sunk into the shadows. The wind picked up as my heart beat faster. Cole blended in easily in the dark, but me, with my silver suit, didn't all too much.

"I saw the ninja go over there," a deep, raspy voice said in the distance.

I held my breath and gripped Cole's hand. He squeezed mine in reassurance. I could hear footsteps coming closer as we crouched in the shadows.

I closed my eyes, hoping to wake up, to find that this whole thing was a dream. That there were no spider people, I didn't know the ninja, and I hadn't ever met...

I opened my eyes and stared at the boy clutching my hand.


I gripped his hand tighter, his warm touch calming my nerves. I shivered slightly in the cold, wet air, soaked to the bone.

The footsteps were coming closer. I could hear them coming from in front of us, and on my left. Crap.

Suddenly, I felt something running down my side. Slowly, I turned my head. Eight, beady red eyes and a pearly white smile greeted me, plastered on a red face.

"Hello, my pretty," the Camonai said.

I screamed, jumping up. The Arachneion had become invisible again. Then, before Cole or I could do anything, I felt myself being pushed up against the wall behind me. The Camonai became visible again, he was pinning me to the bricks. In a flash, he went invisible again.

"Brielle, what are you doing?" Cole hissed.

"Co-!" my cry was blocked by an invisible hand.

"Ssh..." the voice said.

I kicked and punched with all my might, trying to scream and break free. I eventually kicked the spider in what I assumed to be the shin, and it suddenly came into  view, howling in pain, but still holding me there.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Cole shouted, finally noticing my dilemma. He got out his scythe and knocked the Arachneion aside, finishing it off with a swing of his weapon.

"Thanks," I gasped, my heart beating rapidly, the wind growing faster still.

"Reveal yourselves, you filthy cowards!" Cole called.

One by one, several Camonai appeared, their red, horrific bodies glistening with rain.


I flew over the city in my Samurai mech, looking for trouble.

There were some Pouncenari ganging up on some random people, I spied.

I flew down, and more shrieks came from the people.

"It's okay," I explained. "I'm here to help."

Then, I turned my robot suit to face the spiders. They looked up at me with scared faces, and I smiled. Taking out the gigantic samurai sword, I stepped toward them and swung. I killed two. Six more to go.

A battle broke out between Arachneion and Samurai. I used all of the mechanisms the suit had, and, eventually, the battle was won. Cheers erupted from the small crowd of citizens.

"Get back home, the ninja will clear this up!" I called to them, shooting back up into the clouds.


The Camonai closed in around us. Brielle and I went out into spinjitzu. We went around, knocking out the visible Arachneions. Some popped in and out of sight, making it challenging. Once completely sure we had finished off all of them, Brielle and I continued onward. We were much quicker this time, hoping not to run into any more Arachneions.

Finally, after a while of occasional battles and saving random people, we made it to the apartment.

Spinjitzu-ing up the many flights of stairs, we reached the floor of Brielle's old apartment.

"Over here," Brielle whispered, walking to the fourth door down, to the right.

Slowly, she turned the doorknob and it opened with a click. The room was silent, but that wasn't the only thing out of place, because everything was.

Brielle stopped in her tracks. "Oh my God..."

The place had been ransacked. Couches ripped apart, tables upside down, chairs on their sides, cracks in the TV screen. Brielle ran inside and down the hallway.

"Nariah! Nariah!" She called, checking in every room and closet. She ran frantically around the apartment, looking for her friend.

I glanced around the room, and noticed something even more peculiar. There, by the door, was  one table that still stood, unbroken. On it was a lamp with shards of glass around it- the lightbulb had exploded. Next to it was a picture of Brielle and Nariah on the beach, and there was one last thing on the table- a white slip of paper with writing scrawled on it.

I picked it up and read it to myself.

"Uh, Brielle?" I called.

She ran into the room, her ninja hood thrown off. "What is it?"

"I don't think Nariah is here..." I handed her the note.

She read it aloud,

"Pesky ninja in which I hope to kill-     

     I have taken this friend of the Silver Ninja's  to our temple. If you come to get her back, you must make a trade. Her for The Silver Ninja. If you do not come within three days, the girl will be Killed. Tick- Tock, ninja, your time is running out. Make your choice... the death of a friend, or the torture of a teammate."

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