The Training

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Jay pressed a red button and various machines on the course started moving. Spinning punching bags, bouncing pillars, a stunt-dummy with swords carousel, weird things that looked like trees that were spinning and bouncing, and so much more.

"Holy crap..." I muttered to myself.

"You start at the sword men," Jay said. "Sensei, you ready?"

Sensei Wu was sitting cross legged on a bamboo mat with a stool beside him. On the stool was a cloth napkin, a blue teapot with matching teacup, and a stirrer. "Ready," He said.

"Okay. Ready Brielle?" Jay called.


"Okay, and.... Ninja.... GO!" He yelled.

And It began.

I Jumped onto the platform with the spinning foam men on it and grabbed a wooden sword. I swung at the foam men and jumped off the platform. Then I jumped onto a the tree things and was about to hop onto the last one when... one of the 'branches' hit me and I was flung off of the tree thing. I hit the wooden floorboards of the ship with a thud.

Sensei had finished his tea.


"Again." Sensei said.

"Sensei, are you sure? She seems Hurt..." Jay was concerned.

I rubbed the back of my neck and stood up, wincing. "No, It's fine. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Jay asked.


"Okay, Brielle. Go." Sensei said.

I started again. I used all my might as I swung my 'sword' at the foam men. One of them even fell off of the platform! I glided over the tree things with ease.  Then I jumped onto a platfrom with whirling swords. I blocked each one and hopped off of that platform. Onto the next one when...

Sensei had finished.

"ARGH!" I yelled.

"Patience, Brielle. You are but yet a young grasshopper," Sensei said in a calming voice.

I gritted my teeth. "What. Does that. Even. MEAN?!?!"

"It's just an expression," Jay whispered.

I counted to ten silently. I took a deep breath. "Okay," I sighed. "Let's go."

I, with all my flexibility, speed and agility, jumped onto the first platform and knocked all of the men off of the board. I grazed the tips of the trees with my toes and dodged the swords like I had been doing so all my life. I glanced at Wu, who had just finished pouring his tea. Jay was gaping at me, mouth wide open. I huffed, turned, and went on.

Swift as a puma, I juped onto the bouncing pillars and almost danced.  I was going to do this!  Sensei was about to sip his tea and finish it when I realized that there was no way I could do this without the tea being sipped. I flung my sword and it knocked the cup out of Sensei's hand. He gasped.

I went onto the chopping-axes thing and jumped and ducked each one. Sensei was quickly pouring another glass. I could tell someone had used my technique before. I wondered who. I jumped over the wodden planks that were smashing the ground and jumped under the whirring blades. I leaped onto the finished platform, pressed the button, and sprinted over to Sensei. I took his cup of tea.

"Mmm, nice. Is this Chai?" I smirked.

He turned, wide eyed.

"Could be a bit sweeter though..." I tapped my chin. "Oh! There's the sugar!" I put one into my tea and stirred it... well... Sensei's tea. "That's better," I smiled.

" okay. Now with the fans." Sensei closed his eyes and gave me the silver fighting fans.

"Woah. Brielle! THAT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!" Jay shrieked.

I blushed. "Thanks.." I took the fans from Sensei and did the course again. The fans made me... more powerful.

Sensei made me do the training course over and over until my belly was in absolute pain and my limbs ached. Until the blazing sun dipped low in the now peach colored sky.

"You are dismissed, Brielle. You have done well. We will train again in the morning." Sensei was packing up his tea.

"But.. what about dinner?" Jay whined.

"Yeah, I'm starving," I agreed. My stomach growled just to prove my point.

"Oh! Yes. It's Cole's night to cook. I think there is still some of his chili left in the pot... Jay show Brielle to the kitchen. You know just how good Cole's cooking is!" He winked and in a flash, was gone.

"Um..." I said. Well this was awkward.

"Uh, follow me," Jay said.

He led me into a kitchen. There was still chili in a pot on the stove, but I looked in it and could've sworn I saw an eyeball floating in it. "Do... do we really have to eat this?" I gagged.


I laughed. Brielle was so... so... No. I'm with Nya.I can't be a player. That would be wrong... wrong wrong. "No," I said. "C'mere," I beckoned Brielle to follow me into the pantry.

She took out her ponytail and let her Strawberry-Blonde curls free. She followed me as I led her into a secret door I had discovered back here about a month ago. It was in the floor. I went down the stairs.

"Where are we going?" Brielle asked.

"To get some better food."

Once down there, I opened the mini fridge that I had stored here. I took out some microwave mac-n-cheese and put it in the microwave that was also down here. I split it in half and put it on plates. I gave one to Brielle.

"Wow! I love this kind of Macaroni..." Brielle said, stuffing some in her mouth. She swallowed. "You got any beverages?"

"Yeah, here." I gave her some juice.

"Thanks," She smiled.

We ate in silence.

Then, once it was getting late, I stood. "Well, It's getting late. The other's might be wondering where we are."

"Yeah," Brielle agreed.

We threw out the plates and went back upstairs.

After saying goodnight, we parted ways.

Heading back to our room, I slapped myself. "Darn! Why didn't I..." I shut up as I walked by Sensei's room. I finally came to my room that I shared with Lloyd, Cole, Kai, and Zane. Everyone was already asleep. I quietly got undressed and went to bed.

Dreaming of Brielle... only Brielle...

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