The Bounty

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They had been gone for days again. I guess they really couldn't tell time down in the caves of the Temple of Spiders. I sat in the room I shared with Brielle, wondering where the guys were now. I fingered the bracelet Jay had given to me on our last date- last week, before Brielle was captured. It was a golden charm bracelet, with, so far, three charms. A heart, a lightning bolt, and a Phoenix. I sighed heavily.

"I hope they're back soon," I said to myself, slightly worried.

Just then, I heard the sound of an engine. The engine of a jet. I got up and raced out of the room and out onto the deck. And, sure enough, the blue aircraft was soaring through the air towards the ship. I could just make out the figure in the foggy night sky.

The jet touched down and Kai, Cole, Zane, and Jay stepped out. I beamed and ran into his arms. We embraced. I pulled away, feeling something was missing. Jay turned the jet back into a weapon when I realized that it wasn't a thing that was missing, but a person. A certain silver ninja.

"Where's Brielle?" I asked.

"Oh... she should be... there she is." Cole pointed to the clouds.

I was confused, but I was answered with a blinding silver light. I shielded my face to see clearly. I gasped in awe. Brielle was floating through the night, her silver glow illuminating her face. She looked a bit like an angel without wings. Wind currents whipped around her. She was carrying a man- I assumed it was her father.

Sensei Wu and Lloyd strolled out of the cabin.

"Ah, I see you have returned with Brielle's father," Sensei nodded.

"Uncle, what's up with Brielle?" Lloyd asked.

"Yeah, has she..." Sensei cut Kai off.

"Achieved her true potential?" Sensei finished, "Yes, and remarkably fast. Brielle is most likely the most powerful ninja here."

Lloyd pouted and crossed his arms. He obviously thought he was the most powerful ninja. But, I suppose not.

"But, Sensei, I've only been here for about three weeks! How could I have gained so much in so little time?" Brielle questioned.

"Pure ambition and skill," Sensei said flatly. "Now, please, take your father inside. He needs rest and medical attention. I believe I have a certain tea that can help."


I hefted my unconscious father inside, following Sensei to his room. Sensei motioned for me to lay him down on a cot that was set up with the room. I did so, standing by my dad's side.

"You may go," Sensei stated.

I slowly walked out of his room and shut the door. I soon realized how hungry I was. Stalking into the pantry, I observed my options. I didn't know how we could possibly have so much food. Where did we get the money? I shook my head, deciding to ask about it later. For now, I took out a can of Spaghetti-O's (why we had those, I may never know) and ate them in the game room, switching on the television.

I flipped to one of the kids channels, seeing if there was anything worthwhile on. I found a movie that I used to love, and decided to watch it. I became aware of my ninja gi still on me, slightly bloodstained and sweaty. The gash in my leg had stopped bleeding, but I thought it best to clean and bandage it before infection spread. Sighing, I put my 'dinner' aside and went to the bathroom. I rubbed medicine on the cut and put bandages over-top.

I walked lazily to my room and threw on a tee shirt and shorts. I placed my gi on the pile of laundry I had to do. Satisfied and comfortable, I then went back to the game room to find Cole in there, eating my Spaghetti-O's, watching some cartoon with Jay and Kai.

"Cole!" I shouted.

He looked up and swallowed. "What?"

"Those are mine!" I cried, pulling my hair up into a ponytail.

"Whoops... do you still want them?" he held out the bowl, smiling apologetically.

I smiled, shaking my head. "Nah. You already got your Cole germs on them."

Cole set aside the bowl and whipped a pillow at me. It hit me in the face. "What the... PILLOW FIGHT!" I exclaimed.

Jay jumped up, laughing, and joined in. I don't know when, but Nya and Lloyd eventually walked in and joined the fight. Kai did also. Zane was probably off meditating or something. We laughed and joked while chucking pillows, that I forgot about the world. Everything centered on this battle, nothing else mattered.

But my bliss was ruined by Sensei, who walked in, tutting.

"You should be more quiet!" He scolded. "Brielle's father is trying to rest."

My senses came back to me. "Is he alright?" I asked frantically.

"Yes, the tea is working well. He should be awaking shortly if you want to see him..." Sensei explained.

I dropped the pillow I was holding and rushed to Sensei's room. I ran in just in time to see my father stirring.

Cole trotted in after me and stopped, seeing me. I gazed, transfixed, at my dad.

He opened his eyes and sat up. "Wha? Where am I? Who are you peo.. Brielle?"

"Yes dad," I said softly, walking over to him, "It's me." Tears of joy welled up in my eyes as I hugged him tenderly.

"Brielle, where are we? The last thing I remember was going to sleep and then I was in this cave and there were horrific spider people torturing me, saying something about the silver ninja... what happened?" he asked.

I explained everything. How I became a ninja, about Arachne and her people, About Cole, everything. Dad looked a bit confused.

"So, let me get this straight," He said, "You are the silver ninja, who has the only silver weapon, and you are living here with an old man, five other guys, and another girl, and are destined to fight the queen of spiders?"

"Yes," I replied coolly, "That just about sums it all up."

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