Ninjas are Restored

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Brielle opened the door that would lead us to freedom... not.

Brielle led us into another room... but it was dark. The door slammed behind us, and I heard the click of a lock. We were shut in.

"Uh, Brielle?" Jay called out, "Are you sure we're in the right place?" he sounded nervous.

So was I... it was pitch black in here. I couldn't even see my own hand through the murky darkness. Brielle seemed strange, not the girl that I was in love with. 

"Oh yes, we are definitely in the right room- er- chamber..." Brielle purred from somewhere. 


Torches in sconces on the wall flared to life one by one. This wasn't our way out at all. This was a torture chamber. There were numerous gruesome instruments hanging on the walls, on tables, shelves, and racks. In the corner,  there were four chairs with chains attached, clasped to the walls. In another nook, was a bubbling cauldron, with blue-ish smoke billowing from it. In the center of the terrifying room stood a sort of operating table with cuffs nailed on. It was chained to the ceiling, hovering over the floor, but I assumed that it could open into a pit or something filled with Sensei knows what. 

But what really terrified me was Brielle. She had this sort of evil grin on her face, and her hood was thrown off. Her curly hair was in a stiff bun, she twirled her fan blades in her hand, small gusts of wind coming from her aura every now and then. She leant against the wall, watching intently as we looked around, dazed and horrified. 

"Brielle, what is this place?" I asked her, sweat beading on my forehead.

"The place where you meet your maker," Brielle chuckled.

What the....

"Hello boys."

I whipped around to see Arachne herself step out from behind the couldron, her fangs bared. "Arachne!" Kai shrieked.

"No need to state the obvious, Kai..." Jay mumbled.

"Oh, shut up and sit in your chairs," Brielle ordered, pointing to the chairs that were chained to that one corner of the wall. We didn't obey.

"Ah yes, I see you have met my new apprentice," Arachne cooed. "Brielle is quite the ninja, if I do say so myself." She turned to me. "I know what you see in her, Cole."

My eyes widened. How did she...

"Now," she clapped her six hands, "Chop chop, sit in your seats."

"No," Zane sneered, "Why on Earth would we want to?"

"Because," Brielle hissed, leaping over to him and putting a blade of her fan to his throat, "Your end will come a lot sooner, robot."

We gasped. What had Arachne done to her?

"Now, go on, sit," Arachne said once more.

The others hesitantly obeyed, sitting in those awful chairs. Automatically, the chains encircled them. But I didn't move.

"Sit. Down." Brielle gritted her teeth.

"No, he can stay," Arachne chirped.

Brielle's red tinted eyes widened. "Why? He's not any less of a scumbag as the rest of them."

"Brielle! Language," Arachne tutted, "Now, Cole, I would like you to rest on this table." Automatically, I felt compelled to do so. Could she adopt the powers of all of the Arachneion tribes?

I lay on the cold metal table, the cuffs clasping tightly around my wrists, ankles, and stomach. Then, I snapped out of my trance. Oh my God, what was going to happen to me? To the others? To Ninjago?

Arachne walked over to a crank, turning the table upright, so I could clearly see Brielle, who was playing with her fans once more, bored, and Jay, Kai, and Zane, whom watched me in fear. Suddenly, the floor below me opened, revealing a smaller pit of acidic lava. Oh crap.

The spider queen stepped over to Brielle, with a flask of the blue liquid from the cauldron on the other side of the room. "Brielle, sit in a chair, please."

"Yes master," Brielle said, dazed, and set herself in a prison chair, which chained her. 

Arachne pocketed the flask. She then snapped her fingers, causing Jay, Kai, and Zane to vanish.

"Where did they go?" I asked.

"Oh, only to a dark room below this one, nothing too harsh," Arachne said simply. 

"Master, why am I chained to a prison chair?" Brielle asked.

"Oh, just in case this sparks anything... emotional," Arachne explained.

Brielle raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off.

"Now," Arachne said, walking back to the crank, "You die."

Oh no.


It was strange of the queen to chain me up so intensely. What sort of emotion would flare up from watching a moronic ninja perish? Had this not been my goal? Oh well, at least I can sit back and watch this unfold.

Arachne was ever so slowly turning the crank to plunge the black ninja into the pool of acidic lava. I supposed it was for dramatic effect. The ninja, yes, Cole was his name, looked into my eyes.

"Brielle," he said. "Please help."

I stared at him. "Why?"

"Because you're my girlfriend. We're in love! Don't you remember?" Cole cried out. "Don't you remember anything from the past few weeks? Our date? Not even when we first met?"

"No," I remarked, making a face. This boy wasn't attractive at all.

"Brielle Elizabeth Manders. That's your name. You have a family and friends, and you have a boyfriend. That's me." Cole explained. Arachne was struggling with the crank.

"Doesn't ring a bell," I waved off. Although, somewhere deep down, I felt a twinge of something, but I didn't know what.

"Brielle, I need you to look deep into your heart and remember the fun times we had together. The life you had before Arachne did this to you. You need to remember everything, you need to find the good inside you. Please," Cole explained, tears forming in his dark eyes.

I was silent. But something surged inside of me, something happy and light. It was warm and familiar.

And then everything flooded back as I closed my eyes. My childhood, living with Nariah, meeting the ninja, the beach day when Cole and I first kissed, the Rainy day, our date. Everything.

When I opened my eyes, I knew I had changed. In the glint of the metal table, I saw that they were blue once more. I glanced at Cole, whom was chained to the table, which was ever so slowly  cranking down toward the pool of acidic lava. 


An anger was bubbling inside of me. How dare Arachne manipulate me like this! I struggled to get free, wind whipping around me. I saw Cole's mouth drop open in shock. "Argh!" I complained, struggling to break the chains. And, with one final gust of magical wind, the metal snapped, and I was free.

Jumping up, I whipped out my fans and turned towards Arachne, whom had stopped attempting to lower Cole into the lava, and looked at me in shock, with a faint smile tugging at her lips. The look in her eyes told me she knew something like this was going to happen.

I realized that I was glowing, that I had unlocked my full potential once more, further. Wind swirled around me. 

"Leave. My. Boyfriend. Alone."

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