Ninjas in Pain

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I lay on the grimy floor of my cage, tears streaming down my face. I had no voice, I had screamed too much, too loud. My back stung and bled where it had been slashed by the whip. My whole body did.

My silver gi was torn now, my hair a loose, curly mess. I was missing a shoe, the spiders had my fans.

I was so stupid. Why did I do this? Why would I sacrifice myself, when we could have easily saved Nariah? To end this, a voice at the back of my thoughts said, To stop the pain.

But I was wrong. This only increased the pain. The internal, mental, and physical pain. This was worse than anything. Now, all hopefulness was escaping my mind. As I lay there, shaking, thoughts of despair consumed me. They aren't coming, a different voice cackled, They're going to leave you here to die. They don't care for you anymore.

But, as much as I tried to push these feelings out of my head, they would just creep back in. I think I was starting to go insane in here, so alone, so trapped.

I couldn't  get up, it hurt too much. All I could do was lie here in wait. In wait for rescue....

Or death.


We had waited until Nya had arrived to take Nariah back to the Bounty. Once she did, we set off, following Nariah's trail of footprints that led back to the Temple of Spiders.

I was running the whole way. We had to save Brielle, we just had to. Because if we didn't... no. I couldn't think about it.

My feet crunched against the leaves that sprinkled the forest floor. Birds sang in the background cheerily. "Shut up," I grumbled to them, knowing perfectly well that they couldn't hear or understand me.

"What?" Jay asked from beside me, obviously hearing my comment.


Jay shrugged and fell behind me as I took off with an extra boost of speed, from determination. Finally, we had reached the Temple.

"This is it...." Kai sighed.

I nodded and flipped my hood up, the rest did the same. Then, we entered the caverns for what had seemed like more than the tenth time in maybe a month and a half or so. So much had happened in so little time, it was shocking. It's odd to think that we had come so far, from going to a gymnastics place to find a simple girl, to going to caverns filled with spider people to save the Silver Ninja.

To save Brielle.



I shot up, and then immediately decided against it, letting out a loud moan as I experienced a sharp pain. I looked around in surprise. Where was I?

I seemed to be in a room... like almost an infirmary. Shelves were filled with medicines and medical supplies, and I was resting on a cot. There was an empty one next to me. The floor was wooden, and over in one corner was a counter with a sink and some drawers and cabinets. There was a single, large window against one wall. It provided a view of a clear blue sky. We seemed to be in motion.

Where was I?

Suddenly, I heard the door to the room click. I quickly lied back down and shut my eyes, wincing slightly.

I heard the door close and some shuffling, and decided to open my eyes- just a little. 

I saw an old, bearded man in a white robe and a rice hat doing something with a cabinet marked Tea. He unlocked it and took out a few different herbs and spices and mixed them in a teapot. Then, he turned, revealing a crinkled face and shining, dark eyes.

"Ah, Nariah," he said, "You are awake."

I shot up again, groaning once more. "Who are you? Where am I?" I asked.

And then noticed something- my clothes. I was in a plush, white bathrobe... and undergarments. Nothing else. What was I wearing? 

I was getting really freaked out. 

"Nariah, my dear, I am Sensei Wu, Brielle's teacher in her ways of a ninja. You were brought here, as you had fainted in front of the other ninja in their search for Brielle. I have been caring for you, I was just going to give you this tea- It helps injury." The man said.

I shook my head. This was insane. "I don't think so."

Getting up, I limped over to the door, as my ankle was in a splint, opened it, and went out into the hallway.

Only to knock into someone, fall over, and shriek.

"Ohmygosh!" came a feminine voice, "Are you okay? Sensei didn't tell us you were up yet... it's very soon!"

I looked up. The owner of the voice was a girl, around 20, who had a straight, black bob of hair with bangs. Her eyes were dark. She wore a red tank top with a golden pattern and jean shorts. The girl helped me up.

"I'm Nya," the girl said as I got up. "One of the ninja's sister." 

Nya smiled, showing dimples.

"Hi..." I said. Maybe this was legit? "Where am I?"

"Destiny's Bounty," a man's voice said. 

I turned to see 'Sensei Wu' standing behind me. This was getting weird. "Destiny's B-what?"

"Destiny's Bounty," Nya explained, "The home and training place of the ninja- its a flying ship."

My jaw dropped. That explained the scene from the window.

"Come now," Sensei Wu said, "You need rest. You have a lot of wounds that still need to be tended to."

Nodding, I followed Sensei back to the infirmary, and sat back on the cot. Nya came with us.


My vision was hazy, I had no control of where I went. I couldn't exactly remember who I was. Where was I? There was a torch lit tunnel- was I in a cave? What the heck? 

Suddenly, there was a sound. The sound of walking, faint whispering voices. Then, three- no- four guys came into view, in what looked to be ninja suits... there was one in red- black- one in white... and a purple one? No... blue. Wait.

All my memory flooded back to me! "Cole!" I cried out, "Cole, I'm here!"

But he ignored me, ran right past. The others followed him.

"Guys, come on, she can't be far now," Cole ordered.

"Cole, can't we take a breather?" Jay whined.

"That would not be wise. Brielle's life is on the line, here," Zane said.

"No!" I gasped. "I'm right here!"

But they kept on going. I tried to follow them, I had to, but my feet were stuck... I couldn't move.

I gasped, awaking. I noticed fresh tears had fallen while I napped. I thought I was out of those- tears I mean.

But that didn't matter. They were here, they were looking for me, and, I was going to get out of here eventually.

The door to my prison room opened, and closed again. I sat up, expecting the ninja. But they weren't there. It was Arachne again, this time with a Camonai.

"Greetings, Brielle. Ready to answer some questions?" Arachne hissed, her white fangs glinting in the firelight as she smiled.

She came closer, looking terrifying as ever. Her red eyes glowed, rubies surrounded by a mass of black.

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