Ninjas, Extremely Nervous.

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I got into my jet and went back to the Bounty. Oh crap! What am I gonna tell the guys???? I thought as I turned the jet back into nunchucks.

I ran into the training room, where surely, everyone was.  And everyone was there.

"Where's Brielle?" Cole asked, turning his head. He seemed... concerned.

"Plane.. crash..... Brielle... gone..." I gasped.

"What?" Everyone said.

"We were flying around in our weapon vehicles, hers is a fighter plane, and she crashed. And when I went down to see if she was alright, there was just charred grass and her fans," I put the weapons on the  floor, "I don't know what could've happened!"

"This... this is a dire emergancy. There is  only one explanation." Sensei paused. "The Arachneions have her."



My neck had scabbed up, but I think my arm and ankle were all swollen and gross. Ow. I heard muffled voices outside.

"Come on, this way!" A female voice said. That was the Widowri who was leading the troop of various Arachneions.

"Fine..." A lower voice said. The spider who was carrying the sack with me in it.. a Tarantulai or something.

We turned. Soon, the light outside was gone, and it seemed like a lantern was lit. Where were they taking me? I still couldn't scream, my throat hurt too much.

After a few minutes, I was dumped onto a cold, stone floor. I winced in pain as I landed on it.

"Well well, this is the new Silver Ninja..." a rattly feminine voice cooed.

I slowly turned my head. This woman... or should I even call her that.... was definitely Arachne.

"What do you want with me?" I whispered hoarsely.

"Well, have you reached your full potential yet?" Arachne asked.


"Good. Then we would like to kill you, before you kill me. And the best part is, your already injured! It is now all the easier to kill you!" Arachne cackled.

I groaned. Hopefully the ninja would come! But.. if I healed.. I could get myself out...

"Now, sweetie, how exactly did you get this way?" she asked. Her 6 hands went on her hips, and all 8 of her red eyes stared intently at me, waiting for an answer.

I coughed. "Plane crash..."

"I see... Spinda, escort... um.. dear, what's your name?"

Should I tell her my name? What if she killed me if I didn't, but what if she killed all of my loved ones if I did? I had to act fast, I could lie..."Brielle," I blurted out suddenly. That was not supposed to happen.

"Spinda, escort Brielle to her cell."

A Widowri came over to me. She seemed to be the leader of her clan. She wore a gold chain with a black amulet in the shape of an hour glass on it.  "Come with me, child," She beckoned. Two Camonai henchmen walked behind me. The passages were so narrow, there was no chance of escape from the sides. I was then pushed into a rather large prison cell and left alone, with only a single lantern to keep me company in the dark.

I took the lantern and looked around me. The walls were limestone, the floor was granite. The bars on the one side of the cell were steel. On one side of me, was a torn mattress. on another side, was a bucket and some toilet paper. Gross.

I went to sit on the mattress. As I did, little spiders came out of it, making me jump up. I decided to sit on the cold, hard floor instead. And I thought about things.

What were they going to do to me? Would the guys rescue me in time? Would I recover to be able to escape? I knew I could do it, the lock seemed easy to pick. And I had quite a few bobby pins. But my ankle hurt too badly to make a quick getaway. Go figure.

So all I can do Is sit hear and wait. For my death, for my rescue, who knows.

So I will just sit here, feeling extremely nervous.

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