Ninjas Escape

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"Daddy," I breathed, tears blurring my vision.

He looked so frail, lifeless. I wanted to break down, but I couldn't. I had to be strong. I kneeled down next to my father and felt his wrist for a pulse. Yes, there it was, the faint beating under his skin. Tears rolled down my face. Why had I always disliked my father? It really wasn't his fault that mom died.. was it? Sure... he was the one who was driving the night the car crashed, but was it really his fault that the road was icy, that there was a blizzard outside? No. It was just fate, horrible fate. I can't shut out dad anymore.

Salty tears rolled down my cheeks. I could hear the sounds and cries of battle in the background, slowly getting quieter. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up. There, looming over me, was the terribly hideous Arachne.

"So..." she hissed in her raspy voice, "You've come to save your poor daddy from us, hmm?"

I glared at her. "What do you want?"

"You," she stated casually.

"Why? What do you want with me?"

"To torture you, for you to give us answers on the whereabouts of the ninja. To kill you once we have the information we need, as you are the secret to my downfall, as the ancient prophecies have foretold."

I clenched my teeth and gripped my fans, stepping in front of my unconscious, wounded father. "Why did you take my dad?"

"Simply to lure you here, but there would be no harm in killing him as well. He is on the verge of death anyway..." Arachne explained dreamily.

A wave of rage roared through me. No, she was not going to kill my dad for the fun of it. ARGH! This... this monster! I stood up, weapons raised. I became aware that my ninja hood was still pulled over my face, that my leg was cut. The haze of combat around me started to come into focus. There were only a few hundred Arachneions left in the crowd, some were retreating in fear. The Guys were grouped together in the center, working as one. Nobody seemed to notice the Queen of Spiders and the Silver Ninja, standing in a cage over a half dead man.


Ugh! I swung my nunchucks at the nearest Pouncenari. It whacked him in the head, and he simply ran away.

"Coward!" Kai shouted after him, "Come back and fight like a man!"

"Er... spider," Zane corrected.

"Seriously?" Kai yelled.

"Guys, this is not the time," Cole cried.

A ring of Arachneions was closing in on us, their weapons raised. I punched and kicked, swung and spun into my bright blue spinjitzu tornado. It crackled and popped with lighting, shocking any spider who got too close. The others followed my example and parted ways again.


The world around me was mainly white, I had to squint slightly to see clearly through my freezing cyclone. I flung my Shurikiens like boomerangs, they hit their targets and came propelling back to me. I couldn't help but notice Arachne closing in on Brielle. I debated on whether or not to go and assist her.

No, now was not the time. Currently, this was her battle. If she needed help, surely she would ask.


Arachne stood there, staring me down. The situation was a bit awkward, I wasn't sure whether to kill her or wait until she made the first move. My father groaned from where he lay. All eight of Arachne's beedy red eyes glanced over at him, but he did not move. The licked her fangs hungrily.

Was she going to eat him? Arachne made her way towards him. What the hell?

She couldn't eat him! No, not now, not ever. I wouldn't let anything happen to my dad. I loved him. And I forgave him for the accident. For everything. He was just about everything to me. I loved him.

I leaped toward Arachne and kicked her out of the way. She hit the metal bars of the cage and sat there, knocked out. I knelt back down to my dad and hugged him gingerly, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"I love you," I whispered, "You are forgiven."

And then, all of a sudden, there was a blinding flash of silver. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I was no longer on my knees. I was floating in the air, silver stuff swirling all around me. Wind howled in the atmosphere, and the room suddenly went quiet. I was glowing, I could feel the wind and air inside of me, the power of my element pumping through my heart, flowing through my veins.

Everyone was staring at me. I cried out, blowing enormous gusts of wind in every direction, knocking Arachneions over. I lifted my limp father up to me, and carried him.

"Jay!" I called, "Get out your jet! We're getting out of here!"

Jay obeyed, transforming his weapon into the electric jet plane. I, still glowing brightly, knocked out a hole in the cavern ceiling big enough for a whale to fit through. I soared out of it, while Jay followed with the other ninja in his vehicle.

And, in the blink of an eye, we flew out into the sky, far away from the temple of spiders.

The Silver Ninja (A Lego Ninjago fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now