Chapter 1

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Adnan's POV

I woke up to Fellaini violently shaking me. He's such a goofball sometimes. I groaned and looked at him. He blew a noise maker and threw and handful of colourful, shiny streamers in the air.

"Happy birthday, little bro!"
"Haha, thanks. I was kinda sleeping though..."
"Well, come on. We've got a big day. Remember? We're meeting the boys at that club. Let's get ready, I'm taking you out to Nando's for lunch."

I gave my approval of the plan and he gave me a pat on the back. I got out of bed and threw on a black t-shirt, Nike sweatpants, and I grabbed a black snapback. I emerged from my dark room into the more lit living room. Fellaini stood near the door wearing jeans and his jacket. I picked up my jacked out of the closet.

"Man, you slept in so late."
"Yeah," I laughed.
"How come you were so tired?" He asked as we hopped into his car.
"I don't know..."
"Maybe, texting a girl?" He nudged me and smirked.
"You know I'm not looking for anyone. Girls, they're all the same. So obsessive and clingy. I don't like it."
"It's cause your adorable, Adi!"
"Um... Never call me that again, that sounds weird when you say it."

We laughed and blared the radio. So far, it was great being 20.

Trinity's POV

My sister Savannah barged into my room, unexpectedly.

"Savannah, get out!" I screamed.

She help up two dresses. A short magenta ombré sequin dress in one hand and one strapless black dress in the other. She both looked and them and them gave me a confused look.

"Which one?" She wined.
"I don't know."
"Tell me!"
"Someone's cranky..."
"I am not cranky! Now just shut up and give me and answer!"
"Gladly, I'll shut up for you."
"No! I meant quit saying your stupid comments and tel, me which dress!"
"If you don't like my opinion, then why ask for it?"
"Just stop!"

She walked out of my bedroom and slammed the door behind her. What did she even want with those dresses? She was probably going out with her friends again. It's most likely Lesley. Typical Savannah. She's just like everyone else. All she's concerned about it how she looked. Her hair, makeup, waist, butt, nails, outfit. How narcissistic can she possibly get? The thing that I hated most was her obsessive crush. On Adnan Januzaj. I didn't get what was so great about him. He was probably just as narcissistic as she was. He probably thinks he's better than everyone else just because he's got money and plays for Manchester United. Screw it. I don't care if you're a professional football player. He's not any better than I am. Ugh, I'd never fall for a guy like that.

I got back to reading my book. Soon, I was sucked into the story. I could be a bit of a bookworm at times. It's just me, though.

Savannah's POV

I've literally spent the whole day getting ready. I know Adnan's exact move. I've predicted everything he's going to do today, on his birthday:

1. He'll wake up late
2. Eat lunch at Nando's with Fellaini
3. Get ready for his party
4. Meet the rest of his teammates at the club
5. See me there and instantly fall for me

I knew exactly where he was going. I'd show up to the club, along with Lesley, early. We'd wait until Adnan appears with Fellaini and then we'll fall in love. I loved him so much. The feelings were indescribable. Why is he so amazing? I texted Lesley to see if she was good with the plan. I was almost about ready to leave.

"Hey, Lesley! Are you ready?! Can you believe it?! We're meeting Adnan! The Adnan Januzaj! Omg! I'm freaking out!"
"Me too! I can't wait! Which dress did you go with? I'm wearing a grey long sleeve dress."
"Thanks for asking, I went with the black one."
"Your going to look stunning! I hope he notices us..."
"Same! Come over to my house, then we'll drive to the club!"

I came downstairs and my mom and dad were sitting at the table with Trinity. They were eating dinner. I put on a cute little sweater over my dress, just incase it cooled down a bit. I grabbed my purse and was about to head out the door.

"Savannah," my mom said, stopping me from going anywhere.
"Where are you going?"
"It's Adnan's twentieth, Lesley and I are going out."
"Ok, but take Trinity with you," my dad said.

Trinity's POV

"What?!" I screamed with Savannah.

Seriously, I did not want to go celebrate his birthday with them. I wasn't even finished eating yet. This night was terrible and now, it was just getting even worse. My parents could be so unreasonable at times.

"You're kidding me right?" Savannah said, trying to pull off her best fake smile.
"No, go with her Trinity."
"But dad!"
"There nothing to discuss, go."
"This isn't fair! Ugh!"
"She doesn't even want to go! Leave her here!" Savannah suggested. For once, I agreed with her.
"Enough!" My mom shouted over all of us, "Both of you get there together and come home together."

Lesley's car was parked on the side of the road in front of our house and there was a knock on the door. Savannah bolted out the door and told her about the news of me joining them. She didn't look too pleased either. We all left together with Savannah driving, Lesley beside her, and me being in the back. This was going to be a "fun" night. I assumed we were going to some kind of club. Both of them were dressed up. I didn't even have time. I was wearing skinny jeans, my brown boots that almost went up to my knees, a white shirt, and my brown leather jacket. Not really dressed right... My hair was a mess, too. I quickly braided it this morning, thinking that I wasn't going out anywhere. I'm not really one to care about looks, but I like to dress appropriately for an event.

The drive was annoying. Besides the ear-piercing screams, comments about Adnan Januzaj, and singing to the radio, the ride was ok. But, they did that the whole entire trip to the club. As soon as the car stopped, I ran out and into the club. That was a bad idea. I guess other people had the same idea as Savannah and Lesley and came here, too. I immediately lost myself in the crowd. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. It was only my sister.

"Listen, Trinity. Get out of our way. Stay away from us, you go do whatever you want. It's almost eight o'clock, we'll leave around twelve. Alright see you Tri- Oh my! Paddy McNair is over there!"

The two girls screamed and shoved me out of the way. I nearly fell over while they ran over to him. I walked around and tried to find a less crowded place. I looked back in their direction. I kept looking back to try and spot them, until I felt myself bump into someone. I felt something wet on my shirt and jacket and they had spilled their drink all over me. I felt sticky, so I assumed it was pop or something. What an idiot that person was. I was ready to just punch someone.

Adnan's POV

I was walking with my drink, when Fellaini called my name. Suddenly, I felt someone bump into me and, by accident, I spilled my drink all over them. It was a girl. Great, just what I needed. Some girl to go crazy over me.

She looked up at me and had the most brilliant eyes I've ever seen. They were hazel, no green. I'm not sure. I stared into them and that's when I saw the anger in her eyes. Not the reaction I was expecting from someone who just met a professional football player. She shoved me out of the way and it looked like she was going to the washrooms. I followed.

Ok, so I just wanted to wish the most amazing, sweetest boy in the world a very happy 20th birthday! I love you so much, Adnan, and I wish all this stuff that I write about was true... Hope you have a wonderful day, your no longer a teenager! Wow, time flies...

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